Z – Admin and Web Site background

peace meditation group admin or web site background and details

  • administrative history

    administrative history of the meditation group and related issues, questions or ideas

    • Meditation Group name Confirmed with UN Legal Counsel 1983 May 06

      Meditation Group name Confirmed with UN Legal Counsel 1983 May 06

      FYI Download a text readable PDF: 1983-05-may-06-peace-med-name-legal-confirmation-etc-ocr

    • Sri Chinmoy: Centre; Peace Meditation at UN; Marathon Team – Affiliates Explanation 1985

      Sri Chinmoy: Centre; Peace Meditation at UN; Marathon Team – Affiliates Explanation 1985

      THE SRI CHINMOY CENTRE, SRI CHINMOY: THE PEACE MEDITATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS, AND THE SRI CHINMOY MARATHON TEAM Sri Chinmoy is a noted author. composer. musician, sportsman, lecturer, peace-lover and teacher of meditation. His work has inspired thousands of individuals around the world. Sri Chinmoy has allowed his name to be used in several … Read more

    • David Rowe to UN S-G Javier Perez de Cuellar – “inspirational benefit” – 1989 Apr 02

      David Rowe to UN S-G Javier Perez de Cuellar – “inspirational benefit” – 1989 Apr 02

      David Rowe 2 April 1989 Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar Secretary-General United Nations , New York 10017 Dear Mr. Secretary General, I write. to express my strong support for the important work done by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations. As the former Executive-Secretary and Special Assistant to Ambassadors Moynihan and Young, … Read more

    • 22 Country Representatives at the U.N. support Peace efforts 1987 Oct 12

      22 Country Representatives at the U.N. support Peace efforts 1987 Oct 12

      A letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, dated 12 October 1987 was co-signed by representatives of Twenty Two countries .: 12 October 1987 Dear Mr. Secretary-General, We have the honour to extend to you our appreciation for your tireless efforts toward peace and to commend you on the success of the International Year … Read more

    • Members discuss encouraging Inspiration and Aspiration  1988 Oct 05

      Members discuss encouraging Inspiration and Aspiration 1988 Oct 05

      Members of the Peace Meditation at the UN discuss how to encourage inspiration and Aspiration in the U.N. Community. draft AGENDA 5 October 1988  What is our role: encouraging inspiration / aspiration? – what others are coming forward to do this.? – Why approach diplomats and countries:J – How to approach members of wider community … Read more

    • Country Mission Support, Draft partial list highlight 1978 – 1989

      Country Mission Support, Draft partial list highlight 1978 – 1989

      Attached is a Draft doc which highlights support or participation of various country missions between 1978 and 1989 . would need to be confirmed and bought up to date.  but may give indication of some dates background information to be checked and / or details to be added to site. Download a PDF. 1989-12-dec-31-draft-list-country-and-peace-med-1978-1989-ocr See … Read more

    • 1987 International Day of Peace Background 15 Sept

      1987 International Day of Peace Background 15 Sept

      The members of the Peace meditation a the UN were involved with a number of peace related activities in 1987 (see below). This post concerns background on Opening Day of General Assembly in 1987 and Day of Peace for other 1987 Peace activities See Also: :    GLOBAL PEACE RUN ENDS NEW YORK – 1987 … Read more

    • Moment of Silence Background and proposal – Open General Assembly 1987 Sep 15

      Moment of Silence Background and proposal – Open General Assembly 1987 Sep 15

      this post covers some background on the opening of the session of the General Assembly with a moment of Silence for prayer or Meditation  and a separate proposal for 1987 see also: Open UN General Assem: Invite Prayer or Meditation (Rule 62 – of Procedures) 22 Oct 1949 Download PDF: 1987-09-sep-15-international-day-of-peace-background-pres-note-4622 1987-09-sep-15-open-min-silence-background 1987-09-sep-15-open-min-silence-proposal-to-pres-ga 1987-09-sep-15-open-min-silence-to-pres-ga-anx-1-draft-wording UN-Gen-Assembly-Rules-of-Procedure-Minute-of-Silent-Prayer-or-Meditation-rule-62 … Read more

    • Excerpts from Universal Declaration of Human Rights  1989 Jul 16

      Excerpts from Universal Declaration of Human Rights 1989 Jul 16

      With special Attention to -Freedom of Association, Religion and Belief. Articles with special relevance for future reference: A Perspective – Human Rights and You “On 10 December 1948, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted and proclaimed the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. . . . .. Following this historic act, the Assembly called … Read more

    • 1989-Peace Walks, Run and Prayer Breakfast estimated year expense Dec 27

      1989-Peace Walks, Run and Prayer Breakfast estimated year expense Dec 27

      To below document gives some indication of finances required for expenses associated with: 3 annual Peace Walks at UN HQ : (Sep – open GA; Oct 24- UN Day; June 26 – UN Charter Signing Day) Peace Run from Lake Success to Manhattan and the Interfaith Prayer Breakfast for opening of GA and international Day … Read more

    • Sri Chinmoy: Centre; Peace Meditation at UN; Marathon Team – Affiliates Explanation 1988

      Sri Chinmoy: Centre; Peace Meditation at UN; Marathon Team – Affiliates Explanation 1988

      Sri Chinmoy has allowed his name to be used in several contexts to denote the high standards that have come to be associated with his work and to show his support for the efforts being undertaken. The most visible organisations are: Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, the Sri Chinmoy Centre and … Read more

    • 1989 Ambassadors to Secretary-General – support for Peace Meditation Programes at U.N. Jul 13

      1989 Ambassadors to Secretary-General – support for Peace Meditation Programes at U.N. Jul 13

      13 July 1989 Dear Mr. Secretary-General, We are writing to you to express our Strong support for “Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations” and the type of meaningful programes which over the years this group has come to represent. The silent meetings and inspirational programmes highlight the ideals of the United Nations … Read more

    • In Support of Peace: Programmes, Lectures and Meetings 1970 -1987

      In Support of Peace: Programmes, Lectures and Meetings 1970 -1987

      The following list is presented to show the  scope of the activities-at United Nations headquarters and around the world of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition  to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations download list in PDF format: 1987-10-oct-19-support-peace-events-1970-to-Oct-1987-ocr or click on gallery for more page images Peace … Read more

    • Response to anonymous study of Peace Meditation 1987 Oct 14

      Response to anonymous study of Peace Meditation 1987 Oct 14

          Download PDF: 1987-10-oct-16-response-to-anonymous-study-of-peace-med-un See also annexes: Support of Peace: Programmes, Lectures and Meetings 1970 to Oct 1987 https://www.srichinmoypeacemeditationatun.org/1987/10/19/support-of-peace-programmes-lectures-and-meetings-1970-to-oct-1987/

    • z- admin or site questions

      used to note questions to be resolved by site admin team, and for possible instruction note for revision

      • work list and possible priority : SCPMAUN site

        Some things to work on re content: Quick list beginning content 1. Celebration of CKG life – till al comfortable – first some separate parts with images – later more text where useful   2. – 1978 + 1978 reports move to separate posts for main items – like what done for Anniv of meditation … Read more

      • scanned photos-need date

        scanned photos-need date

          Pope with Sri Chinmoy – date? SG- Waldheim with Sri Chinmoy – Date? Sri Chinmoy sits for a Moment with Surinam? Delegate after meditation in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium   Click on thumb nail image below to see larger photo    

      • Anahata Nada 1974 to 2007 for historical reference

        The leader the Peace Meditation at the UN Sri Chinmoy’s activities were many times reported in Anahata Nada publication.   download PDF fr checking A-Nad-Vol1 1974-1984      37.4 mb A-Nad-Vol2 1984-1989     18.9 mb A-Nad-Vol3 1990-2004     31 .9 mb A-Nad-Vol3 1990-2004-reduced-fs     12.5 mb A-Nad-Vol4-2004-2007    16.2 mb        

      • 5 types of WordPress users: -Roles: Subscribers, Contributors, Authors, Editors, Administrators:

        Subscribers  (some times called follower for public and viewer for private site*): Contributors:— Authors: Editors: Administrators: here are 5 types of WordPress users and permissions: Subscribers: basic account type assigned to all website visitors who signed up on your website. They do not have any special privileges. A logged in subscriber can only edit her/his … Read more

      • copy text PDF to site – replace Pargraph Mark + spaces

        copy text PDF to site – replace Pargraph Mark + spaces

        sometimes when copying pdf text to site.. the result is formatted as single word to a line to quickly adjust: 1- copy text to word document – in edit “select all” 2   replace all paragraph marks with a space  (Can can select “paragraph mark” from bottom of screen drop down  “special” it displays as “^p” … Read more