Other programmes

  • Culture of Peace: Recipe for Tomorrow’s World – at Oneness Fountain Heart 2009 Apr 28

    Culture of Peace: Recipe for Tomorrow’s World – at Oneness Fountain Heart 2009 Apr 28

    Special Event! Tuesday, April 28 • 7:30pm iThe Culture of Peace: Recipe for Tomorrow’s World” Mr. Anwarul K. Chowdhury Ambassador, Former United Nations Undersecretary-General You are invited to join us for an illumining and inspiring evening with an outstanding personality of our times, a man who has dedicated his life to the servi ce of … Read more

  • Meditation Group & Sri Chinmoy Students Support UNICEF Gala Benifit 1977 11 Dec

    Meditation Group & Sri Chinmoy Students Support UNICEF Gala Benifit 1977 11 Dec

    There was a Gala Performance of The NUTCRACKER for the Benefit of UNICEF at the New York State Theatre, Lincoln Center New York City 11 Dec 1977 Members of the meditation Group at the UN joined with meditation teacher Sri Chinmoy’s other students from the Tri-State Area to provided some entertainment in support of  event … Read more

  • WORLD HUNGER Programme at UN 1988 Jul 22

    WORLD HUNGER Programme at UN 1988 Jul 22

     A presentation by Peter Mann, Project Co-coordinator for World Hunger Year, will focus on: • a new vision of development • what gives us hope • what gives power to our work for development and release from poverty Friday, 22 July 1988 • 1:00 p.m. Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium World Hunger Year-founded in 1975 by late … Read more

  • NY Consul General Nazareth of India with Sri Chinmoy in Queens 1989 Jun

    NY Consul General Nazareth of India with Sri Chinmoy in Queens 1989 Jun

    15 June 1989 Many members of the peace meditation at the UN join in a special function in honour of for New York’s Indian Consul General Pascal Alan Nazareth held at P.S. 86 in Queens NY. Afterwards there was a dinner at Annam Brahma Restaurant with Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group. Ambassador … Read more

  • High Level Forum on Culture of Peace 09 Sep 2014

    High Level Forum on Culture of Peace 09 Sep 2014

    Members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations attended the United Nations High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace, 9  September 2014, Trusteeship Council/ECOSOC Chamber; United Nations, New York The Forum has become an annual UN event, a day-long opportunity for the UN member states, UN officials, experts, inter-governmental, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), civil … Read more

  • Play About Abe Lincoln at UN 02 Jul 1976

    Play About Abe Lincoln at UN 02 Jul 1976

    “At Home with the Lincolns” was hosted by the meditation group as A Special Bicentennial Benefit Play for UNICEF Stan and Ishani Frankle. who researched and wrote the play, entertain us as Abraham  Lincoln and his wife, Mary Todd. Using Lincoln’s witty sayings, his colorful stories and personal  reminiscences, they give a remarkable portrayal of … Read more

  • Model U.N. at Gannon College – 1977 Nov 11-12

    Model U.N. at Gannon College – 1977 Nov 11-12

    Peace Meditation Group members Kevin (Adhiratha) Keefe and Bernard (Sanatan) Curchack were guest speakers at the Twenty-fifth , Gannon College model United Nations programme in Erie, Pennsylvania held on 11 and 12 November 1977 . Gannon College holds the distinction of being the first college to develop a mock General Assembly for high school students. … Read more

  • Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of Diplomatic Community

    Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of Diplomatic Community

    On 13 July 1982 women of the diplomatic community enjoyed an afternoon of music and meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. The programme included an introduction to meditation by members of the meditation group, a short inspirational film which had previously been used on television and a vegetarian luncheon. As a result … Read more

  • A forum for original poetry, with Ambassador Rossides as honourary host Oct 1972
  • A Visit to the United Nations Gift Center, 11 Feb 1977

    A Visit to the United Nations Gift Center, 11 Feb 1977

    On 11 February 1977 Sri Chinmoy visited the United Nations Gift Center, managed by a member of the Meditation Group. Sri Chinmoy meditated with the staff of the shop before their working day began and then gave a short talk . An excerpt from his talk follows. U.N. Gift Center staff listen to Sri Chinmoy … Read more

  • Receptions for U.N. Officials  and International Women’s Day 1977

    Receptions for U.N. Officials and International Women’s Day 1977

    The Meditation Group sponsored several banquets early in the year for United Nations delegates and staff members.   Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant , and her husband, Dr. Tin Myint-U, were among the guests of honour at one of these dinners, held at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens on … Read more

  • Model United Nations and Youth, 21 Oct 1977

    Model United Nations and Youth, 21 Oct 1977

    On 21 October 1977 the Meditation Group heard speakers on the subject of the Model United Nations and the involvement of youth with the United Nations. After the opening meditation by Sri Chinmoy, guest speakers were Mr. William D. Angel, Associate Officer, Planning and Evaluation, U.N. Centre for Social Development and Humanitarian Affairs (ESA-CSDHA); and … Read more