Mixed Media Coverage

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-media coverage
– photos alone – text maybe added later
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  • media coverage Text & Photos

    • 1984 Peace Walk for UN Charter Day June 25 & 26

      1984 Peace Walk for UN Charter Day June 25 & 26

       Some 275 UN staff and delegates from 80 countries in the Peace Walk.   Mr. W. Almoslechner, Austria, receives a copy of the Charter of the United Nations from Ambassador Jacobs, Antigua and Barbuda.   SOME 275 UN staff and delegates from 80 countries joined in the second Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day, … Read more

    • 1984 Seven Minutes of World Peace – Oct 24

      1984 Seven Minutes of World Peace – Oct 24

       To Join Humanity in Peace WHAT IS IT? Seven Minutes of World Peace is a global observance of peace that will join together simultaneously individuals, groups and organizations around the world for seven minutes of silence. This year, Seven Minutes of World Peace will be held from 1:00-1:07 pm Eastern Standard Time on United Nations … Read more

    • Pilgram of Peace – Concerts – report from Bombay India 1986 Jul 23

      Pilgram of Peace – Concerts – report from Bombay India 1986 Jul 23

      Mention of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations as part of inspiration for Peace Concerts around the world: FREE PRESS BULLETIN Bombay, India July 23, 1986 Sri Chinmoy began his pilgrimage of peace 16 years ‘ago, in the United Nations. It has taken him to the far corners of the globe capturing the imagination … Read more

    • In Support of 41st Anniversary on UN Day 1986  – Oct 24

      In Support of 41st Anniversary on UN Day 1986 – Oct 24

      A number of friends and relatives of members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations cooperated with other organizations to support various events around the world to call attention to the Forty First Anniversary of the United Nations on October 24th 1986. UN Day had special importance for many participants this year because 1986 … Read more

    • Cologne Germany Concert for 9000, 1984 mar 24

      Cologne Germany Concert for 9000, 1984 mar 24

      A number of the members of the Peace Meditation at the United nations ere able to travel to Cologne, Germany for a very large Concert of meditative music performed by Sri Chinmoy on 24 March 1984. Below is extract of newspaper coverage of the concert: Cologne , Germany 3/26/84; 9000 to THE COLOGNE S~SPORTHALLE. By … Read more

    • Peace Concert for UN 40th Anniversary in Hiroshima at start International Year of Peace: 1986 Jan 05

      Peace Concert for UN 40th Anniversary in Hiroshima at start International Year of Peace: 1986 Jan 05

      Members of the Peace Meditation at the UN were able to travel to Japan and be part of the Peace activities there at he beginning of the International Year of Peace proclaimed by the United nations for 1986 and in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the U.N. Below is a report from a Japanese  … Read more

    • Inauguration of Peace Meditation at USA Congress 01 Mar 1984

      Inauguration of Peace Meditation at USA Congress 01 Mar 1984

      Some members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were able to travel to Washington for the Inauguration of the Peace Meditation at USA Congress on  01 March 1984. The Washington Post covered the event in an article the next day on the front page of one its sections.  Sponsored by Rep. Joseph P. … Read more

    • NY Times:  Many Find Message at UN brings Peace.  Nov 1971

      NY Times: Many Find Message at UN brings Peace. Nov 1971

      NY Times Excerpts from 8 November  1971: About 100 men and women, some dressed In costumes of distant homelands, file Into the quiet chapel of the interdenominational Church Center, just across the street from the United Nations … There they meditate with and listen to Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, a spiritual leader from India. who … Read more

    • Quiet Quest to Sow Peace – Hartford Courent  covers Concert and Peace -1985-Dec-04

      Quiet Quest to Sow Peace – Hartford Courent covers Concert and Peace -1985-Dec-04

      United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller and Sri Chinmoy appear in main Photo in the “Hartford Courant” newspaper of Connecticut, USA 04 December 1985. The  article has a number of quotations from Sri Chinmoy such as “We accept the world in order to change it.” The main them covers the Upcoming Peace concert in Hartford … Read more

    • Sri Chinmoy on efforts at UN – Excerpt from interview by Le Monde Paris, Sept 1984

      Sri Chinmoy on efforts at UN – Excerpt from interview by Le Monde Paris, Sept 1984

      SRI CHINMOY ON HIS EFFORTS AT THE UNITED NATIONS An Excerpt from an interview by LE MONDE Paris, September 1984 LE MONDE: Since 1970 you have been the leader of a meditation group at the United Nations. What is its purpose? What type of issues do you deal with? What type of people come to see … Read more

    • VIDEO  Prayer-Breakfast – 3rd Draft Script,  31 July 1989

      VIDEO Prayer-Breakfast – 3rd Draft Script, 31 July 1989

      Possible use as idea or background for future project: This text would required some insert of references to prayers mentioned or quoted for the different faiths if to be adapted or used in various media or contexts: Better to use “A” Prayer for Peace than “The” Prayer for peace in each of the faiths represented… … Read more

    • 1983 J. Illueca, Pres, UN General Assembly,  U Thant Peace Award, Dec 03 SUMMARY NY Daily News

      1983 J. Illueca, Pres, UN General Assembly, U Thant Peace Award, Dec 03 SUMMARY NY Daily News

          When Dr Illueca  received the U Thant Peace Award,  his many friends and admirers were thrilled to see his smile captured in the NY Daily News, Sunday, December 18, 1983 . (excerpt below) “The president of the United Nations General Assembly, Jorge lllueca of Panama. received the U Thant Puce Award from Sri … Read more

    • 2000′s brochure: Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the UN

      2000′s brochure: Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the UN

      Not certain of exact date first issued – possibly towards end of 1990′s begin 2000′s Download PDF: 2000-12-dec-27-brochure-sc-peace-med-at-un 2000-12-dec-27-brochure-sc-peace-med-at-un-ocr Click on image below for larger or different resolution photo – Image:

    • 1990′s brochure: Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the UN

      1990′s brochure: Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the UN

      Not certain of exact date first issued – possibly towards end of 1980’s begin 1990’s Download PDF: 1990-12-dec-27-brochure-sc-peace-med-at-un-ocr 1990-12-dec-27-brochure-sc-peace-med-at-un Click on image below for larger or different resolution photo – Image:

    • Meeting with Pope John Paul II in Vatican 1987 Oct 14

      Meeting with Pope John Paul II in Vatican 1987 Oct 14

      On the 13th of October 1987, Sri Chinmoy opened and closed the 5 p.m. mass at St. Peter’s Basilica with a performance on the Vatican organ. On the 14th he met with Pope John Paul II, presenting the Pontiff with a book of songs he had composed. “God bless you and your divine activities,” the … Read more

    • “Meditation at the UN” – Article in CENTERPOINT NOW Magazine 2014

      “Meditation at the UN” – Article in CENTERPOINT NOW Magazine 2014

      This article published by the World Council of Peoples for the United Nations quotes or refers to : Jan Eliasson, Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations since June 2012, Dag Hammarskj, second UN Secretary-General, …. U Thant. who succeeded Dag Hammarskjold as Secretary-General in 1961 Professor Kusumita P. Pedersen, PhD. Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) Leader of … Read more

    • Seven Minutes of World Peace – Summary 2014 Jan

      Seven Minutes of World Peace – Summary 2014 Jan

      Draft under construction – for edit consolidation and links to related Seven Minutes of World Peace is a global observance of peace that will join together simultaneously individuals, groups and organizations around the world for seven minutes of silence. This year, Seven Minutes of World Peace will be held from 1:00-1:07 pm Eastern Standard Time … Read more

    • Peace Run 1989 announced – UN SG quote included in Thailand Dec 1988

      Peace Run 1989 announced – UN SG quote included in Thailand Dec 1988

      Some members of  Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at he United Nations were in Thailand at the end of 1988. On Dec 24th “The Nation” discussed the very successful Peace run in 1987 and the plans for 1989. It included mention of the Secretary General Javier Perez de Cuellar and his message of support: “Your … Read more

    • Cartoon – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” early 1980’s?

      Cartoon – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” early 1980’s?

      This cartoon was on a staff members wall for many years with the caption written in – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” It was said to be put up in response to the fact that many of those who attended the twice weekly Peace Meditation at the UN, led by Sri Chinmoy would often … Read more

    • Channel Swim 10 Sep 1985 – for UN 40th: New York Daily News and other coverage

      Channel Swim 10 Sep 1985 – for UN 40th: New York Daily News and other coverage

      A member of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations successfully swam across the channel between England and France in honour of the 40th anniversary of the United Nations on 10th September of 1985 in 14 hours and 51 Minutes. Adhiratha Keefe is a 38 year old Staff Member of the United Nations Children’s … Read more

    • World Interfaith Harmony: Vital for Peace and Development Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014

      World Interfaith Harmony: Vital for Peace and Development Wednesday, 12 Feb 2014

      10 am – 1 pm Trusteeship Chamber, United Nations, New York Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations Choir has performed for many years at the UN, and other venues around the world, songs composed by Sri Chinmoy. On 12 February they provided the midday musical interlude in the Trusteeship Council. In 1970, … Read more

    • The Nation, Thailand : Indian Ambassador part of Oneness Heart Lift 1988 Dec 25

      The Nation, Thailand : Indian Ambassador part of Oneness Heart Lift 1988 Dec 25

      Sri Chinmoy the leader of the Peace Meditation Group  at the UN in New York was traveling in Thailand with some others from the group and others from various locations around the world. This article featured a photo and story related to the Indian Ambassador to Thailand, H.E. Vinay Verma, being lifted by Sri Chinmoy in … Read more

    • Interview by Father Tom Hartman with Sri Chinmoy about Mother Teresa Sep 1997

      Interview by Father Tom Hartman with Sri Chinmoy about Mother Teresa Sep 1997

      add photos and text as appropriate” Mother Teresa had received the U Thant Peace award and Father Tom had attended a number of the Meetings of the Peace Meditation at the UN Sri Chinmoy  first met Mother Teresa at an Interfaith Event a the UN in 1976.   Gallery :    

    • Peace Meditation at UN -Sample Brochures 1970s to 1990s

      Peace Meditation at UN -Sample Brochures 1970s to 1990s

      Could  be organized differently: eg. by year  latest first? or latest last? or by format: “2 UP” =scanned with two pages facing up “3Fold” = scanned both sides. the one page, 2 sided  sheet was then folded in thirds. or special years “1995-25-an” = 25th Anniversary of Peace Meditation at the UN and 50th Anniversary … Read more

    • Quietest Room in UN : Newsday 1985 Dec 17
    • Sample Media mention of Peace Meditation 1975 -1995

      Sample Media mention of Peace Meditation 1975 -1995

      Below are some samples of various expressed interest in the peace meditations at  the UN and the related activities the members. Most related to support for goals of UN as well as peace walks and runs at various locations – many in support of UN day, Charter Day;  opening of the UNGA, or interfaith events.. … Read more

    • BVB World Music Festival – For UN’s 50th 1995 Aug 25

      BVB World Music Festival – For UN’s 50th 1995 Aug 25

      Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan – World Music Festival – For UN’s 50th 1995 Aug 25 Sri Chinmoy opened the World Music Festival with his prayer song. Many members of the Peace Meditation group at he UN  along with their family and friends attended these performances in tribute the United Nations. A number of the Peace Meditation … Read more

    • Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan JOURNAL – For UN’s 50th  1995 Aug 31

      Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan JOURNAL – For UN’s 50th 1995 Aug 31

      Front cover and many articles related to the United Nations  and spiritual values highlighted the  BHAVAN’S JOURNAL VOI. :42 NO :2  AUGUST 31 , 1995 Our Cover : United Nations – 50th Anniversary In additon to articles on the UN principals  and goals , there is a discussion of the work of Sri Chinmoy for … Read more

    • Yoga and the UN Culture of Peace at NYHQ 2016-Oct-28

      Yoga and the UN Culture of Peace at NYHQ 2016-Oct-28

      Members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations attended and participated in the event on 28 Oct 2016 described below: Report Excerpted from: http://www.srichinmoybio.co.uk/news/united-nations/yoga-and-the-un-culture-of-peace/ The Sri Chinmoy Choir had the honour of performing arrangements of Sri Chinmoy’s songs dedicated to the UN and peace at a programme entitled “Yoga and the UN Culture of Peace.” … Read more

    • Peace Meditation leader at UN, “in Context” examples & photos

      Peace Meditation leader at UN, “in Context” examples & photos

      In response to queries regarding some photos of Sri Chinmoy at various events in the United Nations Community we created this draft page to be updated with links to related programmes added as time and resources allow…Enjoy,,,,   Concert in the GA lobby (wide shot)> Sri Chinmoy offered a peace concert Dec. 8 in the … Read more

    • Sri Chinmoy, Dreamer of World-Oneness – Summary sheet of some activities

      Sri Chinmoy, Dreamer of World-Oneness – Summary sheet of some activities

      After his passing in 2007, A short 2 page summary with some photos was produced that showed the wide breath of Sri Chinmoys activites beyond his leadership of the Peace Meditation  at the UN. Highlights included: Literature and Lectures Music and Concerts Jharna-Kala Artist Service to the United Nations Weightlifter, Runner and Athlete Humanitarian Service … Read more

    • The Nation, Thailand covers lift of Indian Ambassador 1988 Dec 25

      The Nation, Thailand covers lift of Indian Ambassador 1988 Dec 25

      Sri Chinmoy the leader of the Peace Meditation Group  at the UN in New York was traveling in Thailand with some members from the peace meditation group and others from various locations around the world. This article featured a photo and story related to the Indian Ambassador of Thailand being lifted by Sri Chinmoy. Download … Read more

    • Interview with United Press International, 15 Jun 1977

      Sri Chinmoy was interviewed at the United Nations by a reporter from the worldwide news service, United Press International, 15 June 1977 Following are excerpts from that interview: UPI: You said once that honesty and frankness are the birthright of the West, humility and devotion are the birthright of the East, and the combination of … Read more

    • Houston Chronicle: Coretta Scott King and Sri Chinmoy share Harmony Award  1994 Oct 30

      Houston Chronicle: Coretta Scott King and Sri Chinmoy share Harmony Award 1994 Oct 30

      “Newsmakers – Tribute to peace” photo of Coretta Scott King and Sri Chinmoy at award ceremony. Tribute to peace Civil rights activist Coretta  Scott King, left, and New York resident Sri Chinmoy share a moment · together after they received the Gandhi Universal Harmony Award Friday night in New York. The award is presented by … Read more

    • Time Magazine: Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev 1990 Jun 18

      Time Magazine: Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev 1990 Jun 18

      Time Magazine  included a mention of the meeting between President Gorbachev and Sri Chinmoy the leader of the  Peace Meditations Group at the United Nations in  their “Grapevine” section on June 18, 1990       Download PDF 1990-06-jun-18-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-text-01 1990-06-jun-18-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-text-02 1990-06-jun-18-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-masthead-crp 1990-06-jun-18-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image:

    • Macleans – Two Compassionate Hearts: Pres. Gorbachev,Sri Chinmoy 1990 Jun 18

      Macleans – Two Compassionate Hearts: Pres. Gorbachev,Sri Chinmoy 1990 Jun 18

      Canada News magazine covers what it called a “Peaceful meeting” between Mikhail Gorbachev and Sri Chinmoy . Download PDF 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-masthead-crp 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-masthead-date 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-open-title 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-photo 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-photo-cap 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-text 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev 1990-06-jun-18-macleans-ckg-gorbachev-masthead Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image

    • New York Magazine – Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela at U.N.  1990 July 16

      New York Magazine – Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela at U.N. 1990 July 16

      New York Magazine on 16 July 1990, highlighted the meeting of Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations with Nelson Mandela after his speech to the U.N. General Assembly.   Download PDF 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-photo 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-text 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-text-2 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-crp Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image:

    • Sports Illustrated : Mandela Lifted by Sri Chinmoy, 1999 Apr 05

      Sports Illustrated : Mandela Lifted by Sri Chinmoy, 1999 Apr 05

      Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditation at the United nations was featured in the USA Magazine: Sports Illustrated of 05 April 1999. It included a photo of South African President, Nelson Mandela, being lifted by the meditation teacher. Download PDF: 1999-04-apr-05-Sports-Illustrated-ckg-lifts-mandela-issue-cover 1999-04-apr-05-Sports-Illustrated-ckg-lifts-mandela 1999-04-apr-05-Sports-Illustrated-ckg-lifts-mandela-photo-story Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – … Read more

    • People Magazine on Sri Chinmoy – Hope of Path to Paradise 1976 Jan 18

      People Magazine on Sri Chinmoy – Hope of Path to Paradise 1976 Jan 18

      …Writes, Paints and holds out a hope of path to Paradise…. Download PDF: 1976-01-jan-18-people-magazine-sri-chinmoy-text 1976-01-jan-18-people-magazine-sri-chinmoy Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Images

    • N.Y. Times: Angels Church Meditation with Sr Chinmoy 1976 Feb 01

      N.Y. Times: Angels Church Meditation with Sr Chinmoy 1976 Feb 01

      The New York Times mentioned the peace Meditation at the United Nations and the Dag Hammarskjold Lectures in it article of 01 February 1976 concerning meditation at All angles Church in Manhattan.   Download a PDF: 1976-02-feb-01-ny-times-ckg-angles-church-meditation-photo 1976-02-feb-01-ny-times-ckg-angles-church-meditation-text 1976-02-feb-01-ny-times-ckg-angles-church-meditation-top Click on image below for a larger or different resolution Photo – Image:

    • Time magazine of Meditation Group leader and Pres. Gorbachev 1991 Jul 20

      Time magazine of Meditation Group leader and Pres. Gorbachev 1991 Jul 20

      The 1991 July 20 Issue of USA’s Time Magazine had mention of Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev meeting Download PDF: 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-clip-spiritual-aid-photo 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-clip-spiritual-aid-txt 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-cover-ckg-gorbachev 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev Click image below for larger or different format Photo-Image

    • Draft with links -Media coverage relate to Meditation Group & Sri Chinmoy, SUMMARY  2014

      Draft with links -Media coverage relate to Meditation Group & Sri Chinmoy, SUMMARY 2014

      here are links to some NYT and other media mention of Sri Chinmoy related activities. links usually have excerpts and scanned original.  -sometimes the excerpt seems the best to Highlight what most important or interesting….. To be reformatted, consider add thumbnail small photo for entry and — links to be hot AAA-   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx https://www.srichinmoypeacemeditationatun.org/1975/07/24/interfaith-observance-of-national-day-of-prayer-by-united-nations-and-ny-community/ Interfaith … Read more

    • Prayers for Peace- Washington Post – 1984 March 02 – USA Congress

      Prayers for Peace- Washington Post – 1984 March 02 – USA Congress

      “Mystic Sri Chinmoy’s Congressional Meditation” Link to PDF –grey scale scan from photocopy Variation of format for different editions layout of print version located:

    • Martin Luther King: Humanity’s Aspiration-Hero – PHOTOS 1977 Nov 29

      Martin Luther King: Humanity’s Aspiration-Hero – PHOTOS 1977 Nov 29

      On 29 November 1977, Mrs. Coretta Scott King joined diplomats and staff in a meditation and tribute at U.N. Headquarters honouring her husband, the late Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The Meditation Group Choir sang three songs composed by Group Leader Sri Chinmoy- one song in Dr. King ‘s honour and two using Dr. King’s … Read more

    • Meditation Group member statement in GA Hall includes “Bud is not a Flower” 1990 Mar 27

      Meditation Group member statement in GA Hall includes “Bud is not a Flower” 1990 Mar 27

      A member of the Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations spoke in a meeting of  UN, UNICEF and UNDP community held in the UN General Assembly Hall in March of 1990. During his remarks Adhiratha Keefe quoted a line ” A Bud is not a flower” . This phrase  is from … Read more

    • 1985 Peace Walk for UN Charter Day, Jun 25 – 26

      1985 Peace Walk for UN Charter Day, Jun 25 – 26

      Excerpt from Report of: The New York Times NEW YORK, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1985 NEW YORK Day by Day Walking for Peace Some talked, in  New York  they walked . The Secretary General and other diplomats marked the -10th anniversary of the United Nations Charter with speeches in San Francisco yesterday. Here, diplomats and staff … Read more

    • 1990 Peace Walk for U.N.Charter Day, Jun 25 – 26

      1990 Peace Walk for U.N.Charter Day, Jun 25 – 26

      Since 1983 United Nations delegates and staff have taken a moment from their busy schedules to express their hopes for world peace by participating in the Peace Walks From the NY Daily News: “REPRESENTATIVES of Egypt and Fiji carry copy of preamble to United Nations charter during eighth annual Peace Walk In UN rose garden … Read more

    • Sri Chnmoy’s Followers at UNICEF – Staff News, Aug-Sep 1983

      Sri Chnmoy’s Followers at UNICEF – Staff News, Aug-Sep 1983

      Some forty odd people gathered in Conference Room B at the UN. Among them were women, conspicuous in pale flowered-print sarees and men, practically indistinguishable from the others, but whose faces are probably more earnest and whose hair is closer-cropped. Other guests settled themselves in the chairs ranged round the room while a young woman … Read more

    • 1986 Seven Minutes of World Peace – UN Day – Associated Press – 24 Oct: 25 countries participate

      1986 Seven Minutes of World Peace – UN Day – Associated Press – 24 Oct: 25 countries participate

      See Associated Press article toward end of post below   Some Highlights of AP Article: Secretary-General Message, The General Assembly Delegations observed the day by [passing 2 resolutions: : Continue efforts beyond year of Peace (1986); +  other delegations : “right of People to peace” Meanwhile  a group of about 100 U.N. staff and delegates … Read more

    • Community appreciates (Meditation Group member): muggers’ Nemesis, NY Daily News, 1981 Dec 27

      Community appreciates (Meditation Group member): muggers’ Nemesis, NY Daily News, 1981 Dec 27

       FACES & PLACES Gentle giant becomes a nemesis of muggers Below find   article in the NY daily news and the remarks by recipient of commendation from local community association.   link to pdf – Grey scale scan of photocopy Adhiratha Kevin Keefe, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) staff member, member of the Peace Meditation … Read more