Country-related events

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    • Question: Cooperation Among All Nations is an ancient dream……

      Question: Cooperation Among All Nations is an ancient dream……

      Mr. David Rowe: Cooperation among all nations is an ancient dream. Assuming we are building on the past, how can we assess the outlook now? This is one of eight questions submitted to Sri Chinmoy by Mr. David Rowe, Political Advisor, United States Mission to the United Nations, in the spring of 1977. Read more

    • Moving Meditation for UN Children’s Fund – UNICEF Info. Bulletin Issue 15, 1977

      Moving Meditation for UN Children’s Fund – UNICEF Info. Bulletin Issue 15, 1977

      A service to UNICEF field offices, national committees, volunteer workers, government officials, information centres, teachers, lecturers , editors, newscasters and writers. CONTENTS — Issue Number Fifteen  1977 UNIVERSAL CHILDREN’S DAY CELEBRATED AT UN HEADQUARTERS PROGRESS REPORT ON INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE CHILD THE SPIRIT OF IYC (article by John Grun) NEW PUBLICATIONS AND PHOTO EXHIBIT … Read more

    • Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consiousness 1978 Feb 10 DETAILS

      Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consiousness 1978 Feb 10 DETAILS

      10 February 1978 Conference Room 4 United Nations, New York Opening meditation and musical dedication on the esraj: Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN Song: “All Men Are Created Equal”: The Peace Meditation Group at the UN Choir  Speakers: H.E. Mr. Ovadia Soffer, Ambassador Extraordinary of Israel to the United … Read more

    • International Thanksgiving at UN, 1978 Nov 20 – DETAIL + PHOTOS

      International Thanksgiving at UN, 1978 Nov 20 – DETAIL + PHOTOS

      INTERNATIONAL THANKSGIVING 1978 On 20 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations sponsored the fourth observance of International Thanksgiving at United Nations Headquarters. Guest speakers included: Ambassador Davidson L. Hepburn of the Bahamas;  Ambassador E. Owono Asangono of Equatorial Guinea, Ambassador C. G, Maina of Kenya, Ambassador Harald Rose of the … Read more

    • Meditation Conference “Inner Flames at the United Nations” Mark Open 31st GA ; 20 Sept 1976

      Meditation Conference “Inner Flames at the United Nations” Mark Open 31st GA ; 20 Sept 1976

      In order to bring into sharper focus the living reality of the U.N. and in conjunction with the 31st anniversary of the UN and the opening of the 31st General Assembly the following day, the Peace Meditation Group at the UN  held its second annual International Conference on September 20, 1976 in Conference Room 3. … Read more

    • UN Secretatriat News on Meditation Group 1977 Feb 16: Language; U Thant; & Prayer Service, Wash D.C.

      UN Secretatriat News on Meditation Group 1977 Feb 16: Language; U Thant; & Prayer Service, Wash D.C.

      ON LEARNING ( a language) U Thant Programme  in NY and Assistance  at Prayer Service in Washington D.C. United Nations Headquarters, New York There were two articles in this issue of Secretariat News related to the Meditation Group at the UN and the leader Sri Chinmoy. See excerpt of details below ON LEARNING ( a … Read more

    • Question: What do the delegates and ambassadors who are participating in the General Assembly offer to the United Nations spiritually?

      Question: What do the delegates and ambassadors who are participating in the General Assembly offer to the United Nations spiritually?

      Question: What do the delegates and ambassadors who are participating in the General Assembly offer to the United Nations spiritually? Sri Chinmoy: All the diplomats and delegates have something spiritual to offer. They have come, first of all, to serve their own country. Their country is made up of thousands and millions of people. Since … Read more

    • Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

      Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

      Sri Chinmoy: No, every country should join the United Nations. Countries that do not join the United Nations are doing something spiritually incorrect. Spirituality means not only simplicity, sincerity, purity and humility, but also universality, oneness and unity. World unity is of paramount importance. True, the United Nations is not perfect. But no individual and … Read more

    • Meditation Group participate – Opening Hall of Thanksgiving, Dallas, Texas 1977 Sep 14

      Meditation Group participate – Opening Hall of Thanksgiving, Dallas, Texas 1977 Sep 14

      Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN were invited to participate in the opening of the Hall of Thanksgiving, Dallas, Texas. Robert Mueller of the United Nations Secretariat and Mrs. Muller traveled with Adhiratha Keefe (UNICEF) from NY for the Programme. As part of events during the visit, United Nations Director and Deputy … Read more

    • 1990 Music for Peace at U.N. Dec 6

      1990 Music for Peace at U.N. Dec 6

      “There shall come a time when this world of ours will be flooded with peace. Who is going to bring about this radical change? It will be you: you and your sisters and brothers. You and your oneness-heart will spread peace throughout the length and breadth of the world.” – Sri Chinmoy WELCOME TO THIS  … Read more

    • Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

      Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

      Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations? Sri Chinmoy: No, every country should join the United Nations, which is humanity’s oneness-world-home. From a spiritual point of view, countries that do not join the United Nations are making a deplorable mistake. Spirituality means not only simplicity, sincerity, purity and … Read more

    • Archbishop Desmund Tutu – Lifting Up the World 2004 – Mar 16

      Archbishop Desmund Tutu – Lifting Up the World 2004 – Mar 16

      Some members of the Peace Meditation Group at the U.N. were on hand to greet, Nobel laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. He received the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award from Sri Chinmoy. in a beautiful sunny room of the UN Plaza Hotel (more text photos to be added) from anahata … Read more

    • Draft Proposal for a World Thanksgiving (and gratitude) Day 2007 – 2008

      Draft Proposal for a World Thanksgiving (and gratitude) Day 2007 – 2008

      In 2007 and 2008, there was a proposal put forward for a World Day of Thanksgiving. The Peace Meditation Group at the UN had supported celebrations of International Day’s of Thanksgiving (since 1975)  and also World Gratitude Days (since 1977) and was requested  to provide information on those earlier programs and comments on the new … Read more

    • “Lifting Up the World …” programme honouring Presidents of UN General Assembly

      “Lifting Up the World …” programme honouring Presidents of UN General Assembly

      May 15th 2001, there was a programme at Aspiration Ground in Queens to honor Presidents of the UN General Assembly. Presidents of UNGA present at event included (L to R): H.E. Dr. Humayun Rasheed Choudhury (41st session); (Bangladesh) H.E. Dr. Jorge Illueca (38th session)  (Panama)   – with Daughter Dr. Marta Illueca  (second row right … Read more

    • UN delegates & staff at Jharna-Kala Art Gallery in Manhattan: 1992 May 07

      UN delegates & staff at Jharna-Kala Art Gallery in Manhattan: 1992 May 07

      7 May 1992, Reception for UN delegates and staff at the Jharna-Kala Art Gallery in Manhattan displaying Sri Chinmoy’s “Paintings for Peace,” with UN Ambassadors and Representatives including: H.E. Ambassador Mulugeta Eteffa, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia; H.E. Ambassador Lamuel Stanislaus, Permanent Representative of Grenada (spoke); H.E. Ambassador Noumou Diakite, Permanent Representative of Mali; H.E. Ambassador … Read more

    • UN General Assembly Delegates Entrance – Peace and Harmony Art Exhibit 2012 Oct 15 – 25

      UN General Assembly Delegates Entrance – Peace and Harmony Art Exhibit 2012 Oct 15 – 25

      Paintings for Peace and World Harmony – Opening of Exhibit – Speakers Archbishop Desmund Tutu (preview visit) H.E. Ambassador Abulkalam Abdul Momen, Permanent Representative of the Mission of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the United Nations H.E. Ambassador Davidson Hepburn, President (2009 – 2011) of the General Conference of Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization … Read more

    • Eleventh Anniversary of Peace Meditations at the United Nations, 1981 Apr 14

      Eleventh Anniversary of Peace Meditations at the United Nations, 1981 Apr 14

      Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the U.N. marked its 11th year of existence at the United Nations in a programme held 14 April 1981 in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Toward the  end of the Programme Sri Chinmoy made the following remarks about the members of the Peace Meditation … Read more

    • Photos of “Oneness-Home” torch  relay Interfaith visits and events 1994 – 2012

      Photos of “Oneness-Home” torch relay Interfaith visits and events 1994 – 2012

      On many occasions members of the Peace Meditation group at the United Nations have assisted with coordination of Peace and Harmony Run activities and some have traveled to various countries on their vacation time to participate. (art from the final program in Kazakhstan, Astana, East meets WEST  25 July 2012)  Sample Photos of  Interfaith visits … Read more

    • Interfaith Prayer Service, 2006 Sep 12 – Honouring 61st UN General Assembly

      Interfaith Prayer Service, 2006 Sep 12 – Honouring 61st UN General Assembly

      Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations attended the Interfaith Prayer Service Honoring the Opening of the 61 st United Nations General Assembly, September 12th, 2006. St. Batholomew’s Church. The founder of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN, Sri Chinmoy, led a Silent Prayer during the observance.       Photos or … Read more

    • Interfaith service at Islamic Cultural Center of N.Y, Sep 12 or 21, 1993 for open of UN General Assembly.

      Interfaith service at Islamic Cultural Center of N.Y, Sep 12 or 21, 1993 for open of UN General Assembly.

      Sri Chinmoy was invited to take part in the interfaith service at the Islamic Cultural Center of New York on September 12 or 21, 1993 for the opening of the UN General Assembly.     list of peace med had as: Sri Chinmoy offered the opening prayer at an interfaith service held at the Islamic … Read more

    • Channel Swim 10 Sep 1985 – UN 40th Anniv. Interview in “Oneness-World Harbingers” Australian Pub

      Channel Swim 10 Sep 1985 – UN 40th Anniv. Interview in “Oneness-World Harbingers” Australian Pub

      Impossibility Challenger Excerpt from the Adelaide, Australia Publication: Runners: Oneness World Harbingers, Jun – Jul 1986  Interview with Adhiratha Keefe a UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF ) Staff member and regular participant in the  Peace Meditations at the United Nations. Adhiratha. Chief of Records Management for UNICEF, crossed the Channel between England and France in 14 … Read more

    • 1987 Global Peace Run Opening Ceremony a Big Success! 27 April

      1987 Global Peace Run Opening Ceremony a Big Success! 27 April

      After months of preparation, The Peace Run was officially launched on April 27 with live coverage by NBC’s TODAY SHOW. Many Members of the Peace Meditation at he United Nations were present for the festive occassion… The torch was lit by Sri Chinmoy at 8 am at Battery Park. The torch was passed and then … Read more

    • WORLD HUNGER Programme at UN 1988 Jul 22

      WORLD HUNGER Programme at UN 1988 Jul 22

       A presentation by Peter Mann, Project Co-coordinator for World Hunger Year, will focus on: • a new vision of development • what gives us hope • what gives power to our work for development and release from poverty Friday, 22 July 1988 • 1:00 p.m. Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium World Hunger Year-founded in 1975 by late … Read more

    • Farewell: Dr. Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Ambassador of India to U.S.A., 1996 Feb

      Farewell: Dr. Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Ambassador of India to U.S.A., 1996 Feb

      13 February 1996, A number of members so the Peace Meditation Group at the UN. Participated in the Farewell reception for H.E. Dr. Siddhartha Shankar Ray, Ambassador of India to the United States , attended by Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky, Ambassador Karel Kovanda of the Czech Republic to the UN, and  others  –     13 February … Read more

    • Interfaith Celebration, 1998 Sep 16 – Commitment to Work of UN

      Interfaith Celebration, 1998 Sep 16 – Commitment to Work of UN

      Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations attended an Interfaith Celebration of Commitment to the Work of the United Nations, St. Batholomew’s Church Park Avenue at 51 st Street New York City Wednesday, 16 September 1998 The founder of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN, Sri Chinmoy, led a Silent Prayer … Read more

    • Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy, remarks by Mr. C. V. Narasimhan 1993 Dec 6

      Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy, remarks by Mr. C. V. Narasimhan 1993 Dec 6

      Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy, with remarks by Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, former UN Under-Secretary-General and Chef de Cabinet to three Secretaries-General; with special guests H.E. Ambassador Karel Kovanda, Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the UN, and his wife, Noemi – 6 December C V. NARASIMHAN United Nations, 6 December 1993 Sri  Chinmoy … Read more

    • 1993 Parliament of Religions in Chicago, USA , August 28 -29

      1993 Parliament of Religions in Chicago, USA , August 28 -29

      A number of members of the Peace Meditation group at the United Nations were able to attend the 1993 Parliament of Religions in Chicago. In the Previous century the 1883 Parliament of Religions in Chicago has been said to mark the beginning of the modern interfaith movement. It is often linked with the name of … Read more

    • Concert Luncheon honour women in international affairs 34th Gen Assembly -1979 Oct 19

      Concert Luncheon honour women in international affairs 34th Gen Assembly -1979 Oct 19

      Women Working in International Affairs Honoured: Representatives from thirty-seven Missions joined Secretariat staff at a programme honouring women working in international affairs during the thirty-fourth General Assembly, held on 19 October 1979 in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Mrs. Esther Coopersmith, United States Representative to the United Nations, spoke of the recent meeting she arranged between … Read more

    • Jharna Kala Gallery Presents a festival of UNICEF Films August 16, 1975

      Jharna Kala Gallery Presents a festival of UNICEF Films August 16, 1975

      Meditation Group at the UN members  co-originated with U.N. Children’s’ Fund (UNICEF)  staff and the JHARNA KALA GALLERY for a   Free Film Festival showing UNICEF theme related films . During the opening weekend of the JK Gallery, on Saturday 16 August 1975, films were shown at 12 noon, 3:00p, 6:00 and 9:00 pm. The … Read more

    • Meet with President of India, Giani Zail Singh and Song Oct 1982

      Meet with President of India, Giani Zail Singh and Song Oct 1982

      30 October 1982 The Peace Meditation Choir at the UN performed a song for the  President of India, Giani Zail Singh during his meeting with Sri Chinmoy.   MEDITATION HELD WITH PRESIDENT OF INDIA NEW YORK- The President of India, Giani Zail Singh, met with Sri Chinmoy on October 30 for a brief session of … Read more

    • Swim 32, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for UN’s Year of Peace, 1987 Jan 07

      Swim 32, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil for UN’s Year of Peace, 1987 Jan 07

      During 1986, four members of the Peace Meditation group, staff members of the United Nations Secretariat and UNICEF, undertook a number of “Swims for Peace” to draw attention to the United Nations International Year of Peace…. (Swimmers supporting Year of Peace,Copa Cabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)   Swimmers with Sri Chinmoy (right) before an … Read more

    • Quiet Quest to Sow Peace – Hartford Courent  covers Concert and Peace -1985-Dec-04

      Quiet Quest to Sow Peace – Hartford Courent covers Concert and Peace -1985-Dec-04

      United Nations Assistant Secretary-General Robert Muller and Sri Chinmoy appear in main Photo in the “Hartford Courant” newspaper of Connecticut, USA 04 December 1985. The  article has a number of quotations from Sri Chinmoy such as “We accept the world in order to change it.” The main them covers the Upcoming Peace concert in Hartford … Read more

    • 1976 – 1986 Activities for Peace, Harmony and UN Lofty Goals

      1976 – 1986 Activities for Peace, Harmony and UN Lofty Goals

      Prologue 1976 – 1986 Activities for Peace, Harmony and the International Community’s Highest Goals History Continuity – early national and regional runs: Since the mid 1970’s Sri Chinmoy encouraged national and regional runs in support of the highest ideals of the international community. It was at the UN that the first big Global Relay Run … Read more

    • Sharing Happiness – Queens Museum of Art – Honour of IDH 2013 Mar 17

      Sharing Happiness – Queens Museum of Art – Honour of IDH 2013 Mar 17

      Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN were happy to attend and show their support for: Sharing Happiness A programme in honour of the United Nations INTERNATIONAL DAY OF HAPPINESS The Queens Museum of Art;                                     17 March 2013 1:00-2:30 p.m. GUEST SPEAKERS: Cathy Oerter Jim Sherlock Mei-mei Berssenbrugge Ram Fishman Ashrita Furman Presented … Read more

    • Farewell tribute to Mr. Üner Kirdar  1997 Jul 11

      Farewell tribute to Mr. Üner Kirdar 1997 Jul 11

      1997 Jul 11:  Farewell tribute to Mr. Üner Kirdar, Senior Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations in Queens at Annam Brahma or at UN? (Photos of Mr. Kirdar with Sri Chinmoyat AB below to confirm match this date) A special welcome: Sharing Stories, SHARING Photos, singing, video, cake   Click on image below … Read more

    • Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, 1998 Sep 10 – for Opening 53rd UN General Assembly

      Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, 1998 Sep 10 – for Opening 53rd UN General Assembly

      SRI CHINMOY: THE PEACE MEDITATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS INTERFAITH PRAYER BREAKFAST FOR THE OPENING OF THE 53RD SESSION OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY 10 September 1998 Programme Musical Invocation:                      Premik Russell Tubbs Master of Ceremonies:                  Dr. Kusumita … Read more

    • Harmony and Peace Art Exhibit with Desmund Tutu – Delegates Entrance UN GA Building 2012 Oct 14

      Harmony and Peace Art Exhibit with Desmund Tutu – Delegates Entrance UN GA Building 2012 Oct 14

      Scheduled for between 15 and 26 October 2012 at the United Nations, there was an exhibition of Paintings for World-Harmony and World Peace by artist Sri Chinmoy dedicated to a Culture of Peace, as expressed through the arts. (More on official opening on 15 October>)  See also: more photos at gallery visit by Ambassador … Read more

    • Kazakhstan, Astana, East meets WEST  25 July 2012

      Kazakhstan, Astana, East meets WEST 25 July 2012

      Some members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were able to travel to Kazakhstan in 2012 to be on hand for a number of events in the Capital, Astana including: Welcoming the: “World Harmony and Peace Run. An International Torch Relay Run from Europe  meeting up in Astana with the team from Asia- … Read more

    • International Mother Language Day, 23 Feb 2010 – Society of Foreign Consuls in NY.

      International Mother Language Day, 23 Feb 2010 – Society of Foreign Consuls in NY.

      Meditation Group members have participated in various efforts to support International Mother Language day, a day dedicated to promoting linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.. This Page contains information and related links for  Mother Language Day programme 2010 In celebration of 2010 International Mother Language Day (IMLD), Members of the Meditation Group at the UN, … Read more

    • Question: How do you view the problems of the world and how do you think these problems can be solved?

      Question: How do you view the problems of the world and how do you think these problems can be solved?

      Question: How do you view the problems of the world and how do you think these problems can be solved? Sri Chinmoy: The problems of the world are nothing but teeming clouds in the sky. It is only a matter of time before the sun disperses the clouds. We use the term ‘God’s Hour.’ God’s … Read more

    • International Year (2000) of Thanksgiving: Related Documents from 1975 – 2007

      International Year (2000) of Thanksgiving: Related Documents from 1975 – 2007

      In 2007 members of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations  were involved with collecting the documents and links to other information from the past two decades which had some relation to the ” Year 2000: International Year of Thanksgiving.” this included proposals, sponsors, resolutions links to un-sites and related years.. such as: Year … Read more



      The Meditation Group at the U.N. sponsored its second programme of Gratitude on an International Day of Thanksgiving. Mr. Waldo Stewart of the Thanksgiving Square Foundation in Dallas, Texas  introduced a Film about the Foundation’s inter-Faith, international place of Gratitude. Haruna Kimura performed a dance of Invocation and Thanksgiving called “Shima no Senzai” in the … Read more

    • Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, 2000 Sep 26 – Honouring Millennium UN General Assembly

      Interfaith Prayer Breakfast, 2000 Sep 26 – Honouring Millennium UN General Assembly

      SRI CHINMOY: THE PEACE MEDITATION AT THE UNITED NATIONS INTERFAITH PRAYER BREAKFAST COMMEMORATING THE UNITED NATIONS MILLENNIUM GENERAL ASSEMBLY 26 September 2000 Programme Musical Invocation:      Premik Russell Tubbs Master of Ceremonies:  Dr. Kusumita P. Pedersen Silent Meditation:         All present Song for Peace:                The Singers of The Peace Meditation Welcome:                      … Read more

    • UNICEF 30th Anniv. – Rights of Child – Australian Benifit Concert 12 Dec 1976

      UNICEF 30th Anniv. – Rights of Child – Australian Benifit Concert 12 Dec 1976

      Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations assisted  with the Rights of the Child, Australian  Benefit Concert for UNICEF on  12 December 1976 in the UN General Assembly Hall. A very gracious and appreciative letter of gratitude was received from UNICEF expressing thanks for the members of the meditation group participation and … Read more

    • Global Peace Run Concludes New York – 1989 Aug 07

      Global Peace Run Concludes New York – 1989 Aug 07

      New York Mayor-elect David Dinkins greets Sri Chinmoy at the concluding ceremony for the Peace Run. The Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run concluded Aug. 7 at a gala ceremony in Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. Among the speakers was Manhattan Borough President David Dinkins, now New York’s Mayor-elect, who told the participants: “You are in the forefront … Read more

    • Millennium Peace Concert and U Thant Award at UN, Amb. Chowdhury 1999 Nov 23

      Millennium Peace Concert and U Thant Award at UN, Amb. Chowdhury 1999 Nov 23

      U Thant Peace Award presented to H.E. Ambassador Anwarul Karim Chowdhury, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN, at a Millennium Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy   –   23 November Millennium Peace Concert HONOURING H.E. AMBASSADOR ANWARUL KARIM CHOWDHURY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF BANGLADESH TO THE UNITED NATIONS for his untiring work for peace and especially … Read more

    • Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004.

      Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004.

      A number of members of the Peace Meditation group at the United Nations were able to accompany Sri Chinmoy to Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004. Sri Chinmoy was officially invited to hold the opening meditation at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004. After … Read more

    • 2001 Peace Walk for U.N.Charter Day, 26 Jun

      2001 Peace Walk for U.N.Charter Day, 26 Jun

      Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day – Tuesday,26 June 2001 Since 1983 United Nations delegates and staff have taken a moment from their busy schedules to express their hopes for world peace by participating in the Peace Walks. During the ceremony, the Preamble to the United Nations Charter is carried in a silent, nation … Read more

    • PEACE RUN  to UN Geneva and NY,  NEWS 2001 jun 30

      PEACE RUN to UN Geneva and NY, NEWS 2001 jun 30

      PEACE RUN NEWSLETTER OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE SRI CHINMOY ONENESS HOME PEACE RUN        >    ISSUE 1 • JUNE 2001 this issue has some photos or mention of : UN: Geneva and New York and a sampling of events from many countries including: England, Hungary, Canada, USA, Ukraine, Netherlands, Russia, Finland, Slovakia, Germany, Norway, Australia, New … Read more

    • Countries’ Thanksgiving Harvest Celebrations, Gratitude Customs : International Year Thanksgiving 2000 Dec 31

      Countries’ Thanksgiving Harvest Celebrations, Gratitude Customs : International Year Thanksgiving 2000 Dec 31

      The Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations under Sri Chinmoy’s leadership has participated in many Thanksgiving and Gratitude Programmes beginning in the 1970’s For examples click here: Thanksgiving – Gratitude The members were happy to receive early drafts of this document for circulation. THANKSGIVING HARVEST CELEBRATIONS AND DAILY GRATITUDE CUSTOMS IN THE NATIONS OF … Read more

    • africa

      • NELSON MANDELA 1918-2013 remembrance Dec 06-07

        NELSON MANDELA 1918-2013 remembrance Dec 06-07

        Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations participated in remembrance of Nelson Mandela in December 2013. “President Mandela’s heart is like a huge, spreading tree protecting all his brothers and sisters. President Mandela’s heart embraces each and every human life.” Selected Tributes by Sri Chinmoy President Mandela and Sri Chinmoy at the … Read more

      • “Liberia Day” Celebration 1978 ARTICLE : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

        “Liberia Day” Celebration 1978 ARTICLE : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

        On 3 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of Liberia on the anniversary of its joining the United Nations on 2 November 1945. The “Liberia Day” celebration featured guest speaker Ambassador David M. Thomas of Liberia and a short film about a human settlement project … Read more

      • Harmony and Peace Art Exhibit with Desmund Tutu – Delegates Entrance UN GA Building 2012 Oct 14

        Harmony and Peace Art Exhibit with Desmund Tutu – Delegates Entrance UN GA Building 2012 Oct 14

        Scheduled for between 15 and 26 October 2012 at the United Nations, there was an exhibition of Paintings for World-Harmony and World Peace by artist Sri Chinmoy dedicated to a Culture of Peace, as expressed through the arts. (More on official opening on 15 October>)  See also: more photos at gallery visit by Ambassador … Read more

      • Ibrahim Gambari: UN Man of Hour Programme: 2002 Mar 04

        Ibrahim Gambari: UN Man of Hour Programme: 2002 Mar 04

        An event Honouring Professor Ibrahim Gambari, Under-Secretary-General took place on 04 March 2002. Songs composed by Sri Chinmoy were performed. The Peace Meditation Group Choir also recited together a quotation form Professor Gambari. Some  songs contained quotations of Professor Gambari set to Music by Sri Chinmoy.   See Music score of more songs in photo … Read more

      • 2013 Aug 22 Concert for 68th GA Session Opening. Hosted by Mali

        2013 Aug 22 Concert for 68th GA Session Opening. Hosted by Mali

        H.E. Ambassador Oumar Daou, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Mali to the UN and Mrs. Amalle Baba Lamine Keita Daou request the honour of your presence at a Concert on the occasion of the opening of Sixty-eighth Session of the General Assembly BY THE SRI CHINMOY BHAJAN SINGERS an international vocal and instrumental ensemble … Read more

      • New York Magazine – Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela at U.N.  1990 July 16

        New York Magazine – Sri Chinmoy and Nelson Mandela at U.N. 1990 July 16

        New York Magazine on 16 July 1990, highlighted the meeting of Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations with Nelson Mandela after his speech to the U.N. General Assembly.   Download PDF 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-photo 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-text 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-text-2 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet 1990-07-jul-16-New-York-Magazine-CKG-Mandalla-meet-crp Click on image below for larger or different resolution Photo – Image:

      • Archbishop Desmund Tutu – Lifting Up the World 2004 – Mar 16

        Archbishop Desmund Tutu – Lifting Up the World 2004 – Mar 16

        Some members of the Peace Meditation Group at the U.N. were on hand to greet, Nobel laureate, Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. He received the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award from Sri Chinmoy. in a beautiful sunny room of the UN Plaza Hotel (more text photos to be added) from anahata … Read more

      • A Tribute to Sudan 1980 Oct 31

        A Tribute to Sudan 1980 Oct 31

        On 31 October 1980 H.E. Mr. Abdel-Rahman Abdalla, Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations, joined members of the meditation group and delegates and staff for a tribute marking the twenty fourth anniversary of Sudan ‘s joining the United Nations. Following are excerpts from the programme, which included traditional music of Sudan. H.E. Mr. … Read more

      • Sri Chinmoy with Meditation Group: Agadir, Morocco 1985 Jan 04

        Sri Chinmoy with Meditation Group: Agadir, Morocco 1985 Jan 04

        AGADIR GOVERNOR MOVED BY INDIAN MASTER OF PEACE AGADIR, Morocco-The Governor of the province of Agadir met with Sri Chinmoy three times during the Master’s visit here, saying that he had never been as “happy and moved” before in his life. Some members from the Peace Meditation Group at the UN were present on the … Read more

      • Namibia Honoured and International Elephant Effort 1990- April 27

        Namibia Honoured and International Elephant Effort 1990- April 27

        Sri Chinmoy meditates with Namibia Foreign Minister Ben Gurirab at U.N. Church Centre programme. OPENS AFRICAN PROGRAMME NEW YORK-Sri Chinmoy gave the opening meditation at a programme April 27 commemorating Namibia’s entry into the United Nations. During the programme, he met with Foreign Minister Ben Gurirab of Namibia, as well as the ambassadors of Thailand … Read more

      • U Thant Peace Award to UN Under-Secretary-General Ibrahim Gambari,  UN Penthouse 3 July 2007.

        U Thant Peace Award to UN Under-Secretary-General Ibrahim Gambari, UN Penthouse 3 July 2007.

        Sri Chinmoy presents the U Thant Peace Award to UN Under-Secretary-General Ibrahim Gambari, in a ceremony held in the UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Penthouse on 3 July 2007.   More text to be added gallery:

      • President Nelson Mandela and First Lady Graça Machel,  visit to New York  –   20 September 1998

        President Nelson Mandela and First Lady Graça Machel, visit to New York –   20 September 1998

        Meeting with South African President Nelson Mandela and First Lady Graça Machel, during the President’s visit to New York to address the UN General Assembly  –   20 September 1998 President Nelson Mandela and First Lady Graça Machel meet with Sri Chinmoy on 20 September 1998 in New York. On 10 July 2000, President Mandela … Read more

      • “Liberia Day” Celebration SUMMARY : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

        “Liberia Day” Celebration SUMMARY : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

        On 3 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of Liberia on the anniversary of its joining the United Nations on 2 November 1945. The “Liberia Day” celebration featured guest speaker Ambassador David M. Thomas of Liberia and a short film about a human settlement project in Liberia … Read more

      • americas

        • asia-oceana

          • U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, 28 June 2007

            U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, 28 June 2007

            On 28 June 2007, Sri Chinmoy had the honour of presenting the U Thant Peace Award to Daw Aye Aye Thant, U Thant’s daughter, at Aspiration-Ground meditation garden in Jamaica Hills, New York. Accompanying her was her husband, Tyn Myint-U. Following are excerpts from Aye Aye’s remarks after the presentation: “It was such a moving, … Read more

          • Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN members visit U Thant Mausoleum – 1980’s?

            Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN members visit U Thant Mausoleum – 1980’s?

            Date to be confirmed and additional text and photos added as available/   Check Anahata Nada etc   Gallery 1: See also Many Years later visit for U Thant’s 103rd Birth Anniversary events in Yangon 2012 Jan 12

          • Celebration of Sri Lanka’s National Day   1981 Feb 04

            Celebration of Sri Lanka’s National Day 1981 Feb 04

             Sri Lanka’s national day was celebrated 4 February 1981 by the meditation group, with H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict Fonseka, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, serving as guest speaker. An excellent film on Ananda Coomaraswamy, an authority on the art of Sri Lanka and India, was also shown. Following are excerpts from Ambassador Fonseka’s talk. H.E. … Read more

          • Meet Foreign Minister India, Narasimha Rao 1980 Oct 03

            Meet Foreign Minister India, Narasimha Rao 1980 Oct 03

            MEETING WITH INDIAN FOREIGN MINISTER NARASIMHA RAO On 3 October 1980, India’s Foreign Minister Mr. Narasimha Rao addressed the General Assembly on the subject of world peace. Immediately after- wards, the Foreign Minister left the General Assembly and went to the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, where Sri Chinmoy was conducting a meditation group meeting. It was … Read more

          • Meet Foreign Minister India, Mr. S. N. Mishra, during visit U.N. 1979 Oct 11

            Meet Foreign Minister India, Mr. S. N. Mishra, during visit U.N. 1979 Oct 11

            MEETING WITH THE FOREIGN MINISTER OF INDIA On 11 October 1979 Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation Group met privately with Indian Foreign Minister, Mr. S. N. Mishra, during his visit to the United Nations. Following are a few excerpts from their conversation. Sri Chinmoy: We are extremely grateful to you for granting … Read more

          • Honour Australia’s Day, 27 Jan 1978: DETAILS

            Honour Australia’s Day, 27 Jan 1978: DETAILS

            On 27 January 1978 the Meditation Group hosted a programme marking the anniversary of Australia’s admission to the United Nations, which also coincided with Australia’s National Day. Ambassador Ralph L. Harry of Australia spoke, and members of the Group performed traditional Australian folk songs as well as Aboriginal music. For summary of progrramme and excerpt … Read more

          • Programme in Honour of Australia’s Foundation Day, 27 Jan 1978: Details

            Programme in Honour of Australia’s Foundation Day, 27 Jan 1978: Details

            see full description at Check – these photos may be duplicates – eventualy consolidate   Gallery 1:

          • Concert Highlighting India’s Music, 1978 Jan 25: DETAILS

            Concert Highlighting India’s Music, 1978 Jan 25: DETAILS

            Text pdf: bu-scpmaun-1978-01-27-vol-06-n-01-jan-pp-22-33-india CONCERTS HIGHLIGHTING NATIONAL MUSIC As part of a series of programmes highlighting the national music of individual countries, in January the Peace Meditation Group was pleased to offer two concerts coinciding with the official National Days of India and Australia. Both programmes included guest speakers and were followed by light refreshments. The … Read more

          • Indian  esraj and  traditional  Bengali  songs  11 Oct 1977

            Indian esraj and traditional Bengali songs 11 Oct 1977

            The Meditation Group gave several concerts during the month of October at the United Nations and in the New York area.   On 11 October the Group hosted a concert-reception for the Indians in the U.N. community, entertaining guests with   music played on the Indian esraj by Sri Chinmoy, original and traditional Bengali songs … Read more

          • India Embassy in Nepal Souvenir – 3rd International Yoga Day 2017 Jun 21

            India Embassy in Nepal Souvenir – 3rd International Yoga Day 2017 Jun 21

            The India Embassy in Nepal prepared a bilingual souvenir for the 3rd International Day of Yoga. Sri Chinmoy’s Thoughts on “Who is Fit for Yoga? were included along with his comments on “What is Yoga?” and Various kinds of Yoga: Karma Yoga, the path of action; Bhakti Yoga, the path of love and devotion; and … Read more

          • Dr. Hepburn visit Cambodia 18 to 31 Jan 2018

            Dr. Hepburn visit Cambodia 18 to 31 Jan 2018

            See also the pdf highlights of Dr. Hepburn’s visit to Cambodia from 18 to 31 January 2018 2018-01Jan-20-31-davidson-hepburn-in-cambodia Dr. Davidson Hepburn was the President of the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 35th Governing Council (2009 -2011). During that time he encouraged many to visit World Heritage sites around world. He explained why … Read more

          • Celebrate Anniversary of Japan’s founding at UN Event: 1984 Feb 10

            Celebrate Anniversary of Japan’s founding at UN Event: 1984 Feb 10

            1984- February -Programme to celebrate the anniversary of Japan’s founding In Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium at UN   Text to be added   Gallery:

          • NY Consul General Nazareth of India with Sri Chinmoy in Queens 1989 Jun

            NY Consul General Nazareth of India with Sri Chinmoy in Queens 1989 Jun

            15 June 1989 Many members of the peace meditation at the UN join in a special function in honour of for New York’s Indian Consul General Pascal Alan Nazareth held at P.S. 86 in Queens NY. Afterwards there was a dinner at Annam Brahma Restaurant with Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group. Ambassador … Read more

          • L.L. Mehrotra, Ambassador of India to Argentina 1984 May 16

            L.L. Mehrotra, Ambassador of India to Argentina 1984 May 16

            In a meeting on 16 May 1984, L. L. Mehrotra, the Ambassador of India to Argentina, greets Sri Chinmoy. Ambassador Mehrotra had lold Sri Chinmoy: “I am most thankful that you are still here in the United States performing a magnificent role in the service of Mother India and the whole mankind.” Sri Chinmoy presents … Read more

          • Millennium Peace Concert and U Thant Award at UN, Amb. Chowdhury 1999 Nov 23

            Millennium Peace Concert and U Thant Award at UN, Amb. Chowdhury 1999 Nov 23

            U Thant Peace Award presented to H.E. Ambassador Anwarul Karim Chowdhury, Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the UN, at a Millennium Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy   –   23 November Millennium Peace Concert HONOURING H.E. AMBASSADOR ANWARUL KARIM CHOWDHURY PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF BANGLADESH TO THE UNITED NATIONS for his untiring work for peace and especially … Read more

          • Bangladesh 40th Anniversary celebrated at the UN 2014 Sep 26

            Bangladesh 40th Anniversary celebrated at the UN 2014 Sep 26

            Members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were present for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of Bangladesh joining the UN. The programme was  hosted by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, 26 September, in a packed Conference Room 3 at the UN headquarters.. The Bhajan singers (which included some of the Meditation Group members and lead … Read more

          • Ravi Shankar Memorial  2012 Dec 20

            Ravi Shankar Memorial 2012 Dec 20

            Members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations attended the Memorial for Ravi Shankar on 20 December 2012. It was held at the Self-Realization Fellowship in Encinitas, California. More text and photos to be added as available. Sri Chinmoy the leader of the Peace Meditation at the UN  and Ravi Shankar had met on … Read more

          • U Thant Peace Award to Mr. C.V. Narasimhan, UN – Sep 1996

            U Thant Peace Award to Mr. C.V. Narasimhan, UN – Sep 1996

            10 September 1996  U Thant Peace Award presented to Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations (1956-78) and Chef de Cabinet to three Secretaries-General   –   The U Thant Peace Award is presented to C. V. Narashnhan Illustrious son of Mother India Vision-heart and mission-life-embodiment of the United Nations from its highest … Read more

          • Tribute to Bangladesh – A.K. Chowdhury – Speaker 1986 jun 03

            Tribute to Bangladesh – A.K. Chowdhury – Speaker 1986 jun 03

            You are cordially invited to a special programme in soulful tri6ute to BANGLADESH Guest speaker: Mr. Anwarul Karim Chowdhury Deputy Permanent Representative of Bangladesh to the United Nations Musical performances Tuesday 3 June 1986 1:00 p.m. Dag Hammarskjold!d Auditorium United Nations Light refreshments wi{{ be served. Sponsored by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the … Read more

          • Swim 01, Hiroshima Japan for UN’s Year of Peace 1986 – Jan 01

            Swim 01, Hiroshima Japan for UN’s Year of Peace 1986 – Jan 01

            During 1986, four members of the Peace Meditation group, staff members of the United Nations Secretariat and UNICEF, undertook a number of “Swims for Peace” to draw attention to the United Nations International Year of Peace. for More information and links to  other swims see:  31 locations for UN IYP 1986 Their first swim was … Read more

          • Musical Tribute to India; P.A. Nazareth, Consul General, 1987 Mar 13

            Musical Tribute to India; P.A. Nazareth, Consul General, 1987 Mar 13

            THE CONSUL GENERAL OF INDIA AT THE SRI CHINMOY PEACE MEDITATION On 13 March 1987, Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations offered a musical tribute to India at United Nations Headquarters in New York, with the Honourable P.A. Nazareth, Consul General of India, as special guest.   The programme of instrumental and … Read more

          • AmbassadorToshiya Hoshino ofJapan remarks at Poetry Festival 23 Aug 2019

            AmbassadorToshiya Hoshino ofJapan remarks at Poetry Festival 23 Aug 2019

            2019-08-23aug-Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino-Japan-Poetry Festival Ambassador Toshiya Hoshino, Deputy Permanent Representative of Japan to the United Nations, offers remarks at the Sri Chinmoy Poetry Festival on 23 August 2019 at Aspiration-Ground meditation garden in Queens.   Text and more Photos to be added.  

          • Reception and luncheon Jharna-Kala Gallery Aug 1996

            Reception and luncheon Jharna-Kala Gallery Aug 1996

            29 August 1996 Reception and luncheon at the Jharna-Kala Gallery hosted by H.E. Ambassador Herman Leonard de Silva, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN . More text and Photos to be added when available Gallery 1: Gallery 2:

          • 15 June 1994 Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy, hosted by H.E. Ambassador Stanley Kalpage, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations More text and photos to be added when available.   Gallery 1  

          • Peace Concerts in the South Pacific

            Peace Concerts in the South Pacific

            Some Members of the Peace Meditation at the UN in New  York were able to travel to the South Pacific on their annual leave and be present for one or more of the five Peace Concerts given in the Region featuring the music of Sri Chinmoy. In some locations local UN or Agency staff were … Read more

          • Peace Concert & Sri Lankan Pres. Premadasa; remembered May 1993

            Peace Concert & Sri Lankan Pres. Premadasa; remembered May 1993

            11 May 1993 Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy in honour of the 23rd anniversary of the Peace Meditation at the UN ; dedicated to the memory of Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa; followed by a meeting with Ambassador Stanley Kalpage of Sri Lanka    –  pdf: 1993-05-11 Peace concert President Premadasa-reduced-size Gallery of 12 page booklet … Read more

          • Song-Waves international choir Hiroshima-Nagasaki Cantata Sep 1983

            Song-Waves international choir Hiroshima-Nagasaki Cantata Sep 1983

            13 September 1983 -Performance by the Song-Waves international choir of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Cantata, a work by French composer Haridas Greif based on Sri Chinmoy’s music. check A Moments Peace or Anahata  Nada to see if more text.   After the Concert Sri Chinmoy spoke with Mrs. Rossides, the Spouse of the Permanent Representative of Cyprus … Read more

          • Peace Concert in honour Golden Jubilee of India Independence 1996 Nov

            Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy offered at the UN, the second in a series of 50 concerts held worldwide in celebration of the Golden Jubilee Year of India’s Independence,  with remarks by Mr. Üner Kirdar, Senior Advisor to the Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme  (UNDP)  –    25 November Gallery  

          • Meet with General Director Tokyo Symphony before UN Day Concert Oct 1991

            Meet with General Director Tokyo Symphony before UN Day Concert Oct 1991

            21 October 1991, before the United Nations Day Concert at New York headquarters, the General Director of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Shigeto Kanayama, spoke with Sri Chinmoy about his orchestra’s work and the role of music in creating peace in the world. “You have been working toward world peace through meditation,” Mr. Kanayama told … Read more

          • Visit to Bangladesh, Language History Sites Jan 2009, IMLD Background

            Visit to Bangladesh, Language History Sites Jan 2009, IMLD Background

            12 to 20 January 2009 Several participants from World Harmony and Peace Runs in other countries and members of the Peace Meditation at the UN visited Bangladesh The founder of the Torch Reay Runs, Sri Chinmoy, was born in the area that is now part of Bangladesh During the visit, experiences were shared with various … Read more

          • Peace Run ceremony at Federation Square, Melbourne, on 21 May 2008.

            Peace Run ceremony at Federation Square, Melbourne, on 21 May 2008.

            Ideas central to the creation and strengthening of the United Nations were expressed by many speakers in Australia on 21 May 2008.   Reverend Helen Summers, Founder of the Interfaith Centre of Melbourne, addresses the Peace Run ceremony at Federation Square, Melbourne, on 21 May 2008. The Torch was  presented to the Rev’d Helen Summers, … Read more

          • Ambassador Alan Nazareth of India  U Thant Peace Award 9 Oct 2007

            Ambassador Alan Nazareth of India U Thant Peace Award 9 Oct 2007

            Sri Chinmoy presents Ambassador Alan Nazareth of India (retired) and author and lecturer on Mahatma Gandhi, with the U Thant Peace Award on 9 October 2007 at Aspiration-Ground meditation garden in Queens. More Text and photos to be added.

          • Pilgram of Peace – Concerts – report from Bombay India 1986 Jul 23

            Pilgram of Peace – Concerts – report from Bombay India 1986 Jul 23

            Mention of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations as part of inspiration for Peace Concerts around the world: FREE PRESS BULLETIN Bombay, India July 23, 1986 Sri Chinmoy began his pilgrimage of peace 16 years ‘ago, in the United Nations. It has taken him to the far corners of the globe capturing the imagination … Read more

          • B.J. Habibie, President of the Republic of Indonesia, holds the Peace Torch Jakarta, on 25 January 1999,

            B.J. Habibie, President of the Republic of Indonesia, holds the Peace Torch Jakarta, on 25 January 1999,

            B.J. Habibie, President of the Republic of Indonesia, holds the Peace Torch with Sri Chinmoy at Merdeka Palace, Jakarta, on 25 January 1999, at an official state function attended by members of the Peace Meditation Group. Gallery:

          • Friends of the Peace Meditation at Jharna Kala Gallery 05 May 1991

            Friends of the Peace Meditation at Jharna Kala Gallery 05 May 1991

                At a reception on 5 May 1991 for an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s paintings in New York City, the artist greets special guests (from right to left) S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary and Director-General, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; P. Jayaraman, Executive Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA; and C. Subramaniam, President, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Worldwide. Additional … Read more

          • Programme honour Australia UN anniversary 30 Jan 1979

            Programme honour Australia UN anniversary 30 Jan 1979

              OMMEMORATE AUSTRALIA’S 34TH YEAR  AS  MEMBER OF THE UNITED NATIONS On 30 January 1979, the anniversary of Australia joining the United Nations on January 1945 was observed for the second time by Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations with a programme in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. TEXT below from cut and paste of … Read more

          • Sri Lanka Day 4 Feb 1979

            Sri Lanka Day 4 Feb 1979

            On 4 February 1979) the thirty-second anniver-sary of Sri Lanka’s independence) H.E. Mr. Nadarajah Balasubramaniam, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka to the United Nations) spoke about his country’s history and its role in the United Nations. He then treated the audience to an extremely beautiful and sensitive film produced … Read more

          • Philippines 34th UN Anniversary  23 Oct 1979

            Philippines 34th UN Anniversary 23 Oct 1979

            23 October -Tribute to the Philippines on its 34th anniversary of joining the U.N. The Philippines celebrated it’s thirty-Fourth anniversary of joining the United Nations on 23 October 1979. Guest speaker for the programme was H .E. Mr. Alejandro D. Yango, Permanent Representative of the Philippines to the United Nations. Excerpts from his talk follow. … Read more

          • Sri Lanka Day Celebrated 04 Feb 1981

            Sri Lanka Day Celebrated 04 Feb 1981

            SRI LANKA DAY CELEBRATED Sri Lanka’s national day was celebrated 4 February 1981 by the meditation group, with H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict Fonseka, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, serving as guest speaker. An excellent film on Ananda Coomaraswamy, an authority on the art of Sri Lanka and India, was also shown. Following are excerpts from … Read more

          • Japanese Pianist Performance Mar 1991

            Japanese Pianist Performance Mar 1991

            19 March 1991 Japanese Pianist, Masanobu Ikemiya performed at musical event   see “Japanese pianist Mr. Masanobu Ikemiya, hailed as an ambassador for American music abroad, performed for United Nations staff during a meeting of the Peace Meditation on 19 March 1991.” – Meditation at the UN-1992-01-jan-mar_Page_19 Photo from a previous evening event in Queens … Read more

          • International Security and Third World – Amb. Kasemsri, Thailand,  1983 Feb 25

            International Security and Third World – Amb. Kasemsri, Thailand, 1983 Feb 25

            Excerpts from an address to the Meditation Group by H.E. Mr. Birbhongse Kasemsri, Permanent Representative of ‘Thailand, on 25 February 1983: “Whatever the perceptions of the major powers happen to be regarding the United Nations, and such perceptions have changed from time to time, the small countries or smaller nations look at the united Nations … Read more

          • Tribute to Japan May 1982

            Tribute to Japan May 1982

             3 May 1982 A special programme was sponsored by the meditation group  to honour Japan on the occasion of Emperor Hirohito’s eighty first birthday} which occurred 29 April.   Mr. Shigo Iwaz~ coordinator of the Japanese Staff Members’ Committee} Mr. Ron Richard from the Japan Society} and Ms. Eiko Yokota from the Nippon Club were … Read more

          • Art Show and “Lifting Up the World” for UN Community  – SUMMARY -1988 Sept

            Art Show and “Lifting Up the World” for UN Community – SUMMARY -1988 Sept

            The New Yorker Magazine and Classical Keyboard Instruments jointly sponsored an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings on Sept. 15 at Buchman Hall on the upper East Side of Manhattan.. Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy went to a nearby gym and lifted with one arm several of the dignitaries who had come to the reception, including C. … Read more

          • President of G.A. Humayun Rasheed Choudhury, Honoured 1986 Nov 04:

            President of G.A. Humayun Rasheed Choudhury, Honoured 1986 Nov 04:

            U.N. PROGRAMME HONOURS GENERAL ASSEMBLY PRESIDENT UNITED NATIONS- The Peace Meditations held a special programme to honour Humayun Rasheed Choudhury, Foreign Minister of Bangladesh and the President of the U.N. General Assembly. “I am deeply touched and overwhelmed,” said Choudhury. During the programme the U.N. singers sang a song honouring the Bengali leader, and Choudhury … Read more

          • Peace Concert for UN 40th Anniversary in Hiroshima at start International Year of Peace: 1986 Jan 05

            Peace Concert for UN 40th Anniversary in Hiroshima at start International Year of Peace: 1986 Jan 05

            Members of the Peace Meditation at the UN were able to travel to Japan and be part of the Peace activities there at he beginning of the International Year of Peace proclaimed by the United nations for 1986 and in celebration of the 40th anniversary of the U.N. Below is a report from a Japanese  … Read more

          • 1984 Memorial tribute to Indira Gandhi , Nov 02

            1984 Memorial tribute to Indira Gandhi , Nov 02

             A Programme was organized by Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations In the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium at the United Nations on Nov 02, 1984   More photo and texts to be added as available:         A excerpt from the Statement of the Secretary-General to the General Assembly was read … Read more

          • Observe Rabindranath Tagore 118th Birthday, 07 May 1979

            Observe Rabindranath Tagore 118th Birthday, 07 May 1979

            Dedication to Rabindranath Tagore On 7 May 1979 the Meditation Group observed Nobel Prize winner Rabindranath Tagore’s birthday- 5 May 1861-with a ceremony held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Sri Chinmoy offered selections in Bengali from Tagore’s poetry and music and also performed his own original song about the poet. Other passages from Tagore’s works … Read more

          • Meditation Group Members at Philippine Peace Events, 1993 Jan

            Meditation Group Members at Philippine Peace Events, 1993 Jan

            Some members of the Meditation Group at the UN joined with students and friends of Sri Chinmoy for Peace related events in the Philippines during their visits to a number of cities there in January of 1993.   Below is a report of events in the publication Ananahata Nada “the soundless sound” published by the … Read more

          • 1993 U Thant Peace Award presented to Shri C. Subramaniam – Sep 12

            1993 U Thant Peace Award presented to Shri C. Subramaniam – Sep 12

            BHAVAN PRESIDENT GETS U THANT AWARD JAMAICA, N.Y.  –   12 September 1993 Shri  C. Subramaniam, President of Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, the worldwide Indian cultural association, received the U Thant Peace Award Sept. 12 from Sri Chinmoy. Dignitaries attending the awards luncheon at Annam Brahma Restaurant included S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary of the Bhavan, and … Read more

          • Bajan Singers Concert – 63rd GA, PR Bangladesh Invite -26 Aug 2008

            Bajan Singers Concert – 63rd GA, PR Bangladesh Invite -26 Aug 2008


          • europe

            • Peace Meditation Group Members in Madrid, Spain 1984 Dec 21

              Peace Meditation Group Members in Madrid, Spain 1984 Dec 21

              MAYOR OF MADRID HOSTS RECEPTION Mayor Enrique Tierno Galvan of Madrid on Dec 21, hosted a reception at his headquarters for Sri Chinmoy and his students which included members of the Peace Meditation group at the UN. The Mayor was  rewarded with a song in his honour. . “We have great admiration for your work,” … Read more

            • Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” 1992 Feb 4: V. Petrovsky + A. Razvin

              Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” 1992 Feb 4: V. Petrovsky + A. Razvin

              Friends and members of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN were part of Programme honoring Men and Woman of inspiration Dedication: ” Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” confirm dates -with Photos – 1992 Feb 4, and /or – 2002 Oct 2, From Mediation Group – list for Programmes 1992 Feb 04: Lifting … Read more

            • 1989 Peace Meditation Group Choir sings at Swedish Mission for National Day 06

              1989 Peace Meditation Group Choir sings at Swedish Mission for National Day 06

               Deputy Permanent Rep Amb Stromholm and other officers and support staff were at meeting. Framed Song dedicated to Sweden was presented and performed  Candy /Card and Flowers were also presented in honour of Ocassion Savita Shivaji and Saroja Douglas (who is national of Sweden) were contacts from Peace Meditation Group to the mission  Permanent Rep. … Read more

            • Uner Kirdar on 30th Anniversary Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at UN 2000 Apr 18

              Uner Kirdar on 30th Anniversary Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at UN 2000 Apr 18

              The was  Message from Mr. Uner Kirdar Scholar, Diplomat, International Civil Servant Former Senior Official of the United Nations and the United Nations Development Programme (18 Apr 2000 for 30th Anniversary of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.)        Heartfelt congratulations, Brother Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation Group at the UN … Read more

            • Guri Lie Zeckendorf. Daughter of 1st SG speaks of early experiences 1990 Mar 09

              Guri Lie Zeckendorf. Daughter of 1st SG speaks of early experiences 1990 Mar 09

               “UNITED NATIONS: THE EARLY DAYS” ~ Personal reminiscences offered by Gurl Lle Zeckendorf. Sponsored by United Nations Staff Recreation Council. Cine Video Club, in co-operation with • Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations 9 March 1990   Nordstjernan-Svea Norway Times Front Page Lead in: Trygve Lie’s first years at the U.N. “‘It … Read more

            • Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004.

              Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004.

              A number of members of the Peace Meditation group at the United Nations were able to accompany Sri Chinmoy to Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004. Sri Chinmoy was officially invited to hold the opening meditation at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Barcelona on July 7th, 2004. After … Read more

            • Art Show and “Lifting Up the World” for UN Community  – SUMMARY -1988 Sept

              Art Show and “Lifting Up the World” for UN Community – SUMMARY -1988 Sept

              The New Yorker Magazine and Classical Keyboard Instruments jointly sponsored an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s Jharna-Kala paintings on Sept. 15 at Buchman Hall on the upper East Side of Manhattan.. Afterwards, Sri Chinmoy went to a nearby gym and lifted with one arm several of the dignitaries who had come to the reception, including C. … Read more

            • Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Oct 6

              Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Oct 6

              At a Programme for World Gratitude at the United Nations on 12 September 1977, Mr. Robert Muller, then U.N. Deputy Under-Secretary- General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination: quoted from a meeting between  Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy of October 1972: “When I think of gratitude, the image of Pablo Casals comes forthwith to my … Read more

            • Malta events with members of Peace Meditation

              Malta events with members of Peace Meditation

              under construction Malta 15 January: Valletta  -Meeting the Deputy Prime Minister Malta 14 January: Sliema Dedicating a statue of Sri Chinmoy Today a statue of Sri Chinmoy, founder of the Peace Run, entitled “Dreamer of World Peace”, was inaugurated by Hon. Chris Agius MP, Parliamentary Secreatry for Research, Innovation, Youth and Sport, in … Read more

            • Federal Rep. Germany, UN Anniversary 16 Oct 1979

              Federal Rep. Germany, UN Anniversary 16 Oct 1979

              THE FEDERAL REPUBLIC OF GERMANY HONOURED On 16 October 1979 the Federal Republic of Germany celebrated the anniversary of its entrance into the United Nations. Following are excerpts from the remarks of Dr. Frank Stollberg, international lecturer and Second Secretary of the Federal Republic of Germany to the United Nations, as well as a song … Read more

            • Spirit of Greece at UN 24 Mar 1980

              Spirit of Greece at UN 24 Mar 1980

              THE SPIRIT OF GREECE AT THE UNITED NATIONS On 24 March 1980. H.E. Mr. Nicolas Katapodis, Permanent Representative of Greece to the United Nations, highlighted the classical spirit of Greek history and culture in a lecture and film presentation celebrating the Independence Day of Greece, in honour of its thirty fifth year as a member … Read more

            • Spain Honoured at UN -1979 Sep 28

              Spain Honoured at UN -1979 Sep 28

              Sr. Don Jose Xifra, Deputy Permanent Representative of Spain to the United Nations, entertained members of the Mission and Secretariat with a  brilliant and fascinating account of Spanish history and culture. (Listed in some accounts as 28 Oct – but photo-from sign at event reads 28 Sep 1979 – see bottom of sign in gallery … Read more

            • Cologne Germany Concert for 9000, 1984 mar 24

              Cologne Germany Concert for 9000, 1984 mar 24

              A number of the members of the Peace Meditation at the United nations ere able to travel to Cologne, Germany for a very large Concert of meditative music performed by Sri Chinmoy on 24 March 1984. Below is extract of newspaper coverage of the concert: Cologne , Germany 3/26/84; 9000 to THE COLOGNE S~SPORTHALLE. By … Read more

            • Ireland President Erskine Childers meet with Sri Chinmoy 1974 jul-01

              Ireland President Erskine Childers meet with Sri Chinmoy 1974 jul-01

              Meeting Between President Erskine Childers of Ireland and Sri Chinmoy: ERSKINE CHILDERS   – PRESIDENT OF IRELAND (1974-1975) On his second visit to Ireland, Sri Chinmoy was received by the new President, Erskine Childers, at the President’s House in Dublin on July 1. The President told Sri Chinmoy, “I have been reading your book, “The Garland … Read more

            • 1995 Peace Walk Events, Sample Moscow with Cosmonaut: Sep, to check date

              1995 Peace Walk Events, Sample Moscow with Cosmonaut: Sep, to check date

              In connection with Peace walks at UN Headquarters and International Day of Peace, Walks and various other events were held around the world. For example a 2 mile race was held in various locations, finishing times were compared  and the overall men and woman winners were announced. 6,500 RUNNERS  JOIN PEACE RACE -Report in Anahata … Read more

            • Turkey Speaker at Western European and Other States Event 10 Jul 1981

              Turkey Speaker at Western European and Other States Event 10 Jul 1981

              The second in the series of regional programmes (featuring the Western European and other States regional group) was held on 10 Jul 1981*. The guest speaker was H.E. Mr. Talat S. Halman, Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations. *Note some print reports note 10 Jun for this event, However the first in … Read more

            • International Red Cross Committee ICRC .Geneva 16 Jun 1980

              International Red Cross Committee ICRC .Geneva 16 Jun 1980

              During a European lecture and concert tour last spring, Sri Chinmoy met privately with several world figures. An account of his meeting in the Vatican with Pope John Paul II appeared in the July 1980 bulletin. Sri Chinmoy also met with several dignitaries while in Geneva on 16 June. Following is brief excerpt from his … Read more

            • Tribute to Amb. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1990 Mar 23

              Tribute to Amb. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1990 Mar 23

              A great Friend and supporter of Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus Life was celebrated 23 March 1990.  Welcome to this meeting in Tribute to our dear friend. To begin the meeting we have the requested the peace meditation choir to perform a song Sri Chinmoy … Read more

            • Ambassador Srgjan  Kerim, (now  North Macedonia) to UN, “Lifting Up World”  Award 28 July 2001

              Ambassador Srgjan Kerim, (now North Macedonia) to UN, “Lifting Up World” Award 28 July 2001

              Ambassador Srgjan Kerim, Permanent Representative of the Republic [NS1] of Macedonia (now North Macedonia) to the UN, receives the “Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” Award at Aspiration-Ground meditation garden in Queens on 28 July 2001. Later he served as the President of the 62nd Session of the UN General  Assembly Gallery:

            • Paintings for World Peace and Harmony, UN Geneva, 06-16 June 2017

              Paintings for World Peace and Harmony, UN Geneva, 06-16 June 2017

              Below is back up       see main site   the other pictures below are pointing to main site. some also in gallery below Several hundred of Sri Chinmoy’s Paintings for World Peace and Harmony were on exhibit from 6 to 16 June 2017 at the Palais des Nations, the United Nations Office … Read more

            • Pope Francis Holds the Peace Torch -2016 Oct 12

              Pope Francis Holds the Peace Torch -2016 Oct 12

              Pope Francis blesses the Peace Torch held by the Executive Director of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, Salil Wilson, as part of the audience in St. Peter’s Square on 12 October 2016. Pope Francis blessed and held aloft the Peace Torch from the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run during his weekly audience in St. … Read more

            • International Trorch relay at German Federal Parliament, Berlin  4 July 2014

              International Trorch relay at German Federal Parliament, Berlin 4 July 2014

              Prof. h. c. Dr. Lamers, Member of the German Federal Parliament, receives the international team of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run in front of the German Federal Parliament building in Berlin on 4 July 2014   An old friend of the Peace Run, Dr. Karl A. Lamers, member of the German “Bundestag”, Deputy Chairman … Read more

            • “Lifting up World with Oneness Heart” Award for Mary Robinson of Ireland and UN, 2004 Oct 30

              “Lifting up World with Oneness Heart” Award for Mary Robinson of Ireland and UN, 2004 Oct 30

              IRISH LEADER GOES UP AND AWAY Sri Chinmoy lifted Mary Robinson, the former President of Ireland, on Oct. 30 at Aspiration-Ground. Robinson, who recently served as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, said she was “very humbled and indeed very uplifted by this very thoughtful ceremony … .I’m afraid I was almost overcome by … Read more

            • Peace Concert 50th UN, Wembley Conference Centre, UK May 1995

              Peace Concert 50th UN, Wembley Conference Centre, UK May 1995

              13 May 1995, Peace Concert by Sri Chinmoy and reception dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the UN held at the Wembley Conference Centre, hosted by H.E. Dr. Laxmi Mall Singhvi, High Commissioner for India to the United Kingdom  –  More Text and Photos to be added as available. Gallery:  

            • Celebration of Life of Vladimir Petrovsky (1933 – 2014) :  2014-Mar 05 New York

              Celebration of Life of Vladimir Petrovsky (1933 – 2014) : 2014-Mar 05 New York

              A  Special programme was held on 5 March 2014 by the Sri Chinmoy Centre and Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations Aspiration-Ground, New York A Celebration of the Life of Vladimir Petrovsky (29 April 1933 – 21 February 2014) Download a Text readable pdf from scan of paper copy: 2014-03-mar-05-vladimir-petrovsky-life-prog-ocr-redu or from … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations

              Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Songs in Recipients and Malta Honor and from Professor de Marco’s words After the presentation, singers sang a song composed by Sri Chinmoy in Professor de Marco’s honour, as well as songs composed by Sri Chinmoy to Professor de … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (a) Sept 28 – Overview Prof. de Marco

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (a) Sept 28 – Overview Prof. de Marco

              Contents Background on U Thant, Island and Award: U THANT PEACE AWARD TO PROFESSOR GUIDO DE MARCO Summary Overview: Welcome and  highlights of Professor de Marco’s life and contributions The recent 45th session of the General Assembly Education , National and International service Support for rights, multicultural and international understanding About the Award: Some previous … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (f)  Response Mr. de Marco – Recipient

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (f) Response Mr. de Marco – Recipient

              Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Award Recipient Response: Professor de Marco: Sri Chinmoy and dear, dear friends, little would I have thought when just a year ago or so I took over the Presidency of the General Assembly, that this year would be such … Read more

            • Lakhan L. Mehrotra, receives the U Thant Peace Award, 1991 Sep 22

              Lakhan L. Mehrotra, receives the U Thant Peace Award, 1991 Sep 22

              A special programme was held in New York City, Queens at the Aspiration-Ground Meditation Garden on September 22. Many members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were present. The occasion was to honour the author and Indian diplomat Lakhan L. Mehrotra, who has served in many countries representing the Government of India. (also … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (g) Informal Remarks Prof. de Marco

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (g) Informal Remarks Prof. de Marco

              Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: INFORMAL REMARKS After the award presentation, a short video was shown of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, a biennial international torch relay, and Professor de Marco and Sri Chinmoy spoke informally. Excerpts from their conversation follow: Professor de … Read more

            • Bajan Singers – Spring Concert – PR Iceland Invite – 11 Apr 2008

              Bajan Singers – Spring Concert – PR Iceland Invite – 11 Apr 2008

              H.E. Ambassador Hjalmar W. Hannesson PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF ICELAND TO THE UNITED NATIONS requests the honour of your presence at a SPRING CONCERT BY THE SRI CHINMOY BHAJAN SINGERS An international vocal and instrumental ensemble FRIDAY, 11 APRIL 2008 ~ 1- 2 P.M. DAG HAMMARSKJOLD AUDITORIUM, UNITED NATIONS Light refreshments will be offered following the … Read more

            • Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov in Concert: UN Conf. Room 4, 2007, Aug 29

              Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov in Concert: UN Conf. Room 4, 2007, Aug 29

              Boris Purushottama Grebenshikov, singer, musician, songwriter and “Grandfather of Russian Rock”, after offering a concert in Sri Chinmoy’s honour at the UN on 29 August 2007 in Conference Room 4. He and his wife, Irina Bhuvaneshwari, and daughter, Samragi, are all smiles, along with Sri Chinmoy, as the audience gives a standing ovation More text … Read more

            • Peace-Mile ceremony near the wall in East Berlin. 1990 Feb 23

              Peace-Mile ceremony near the wall in East Berlin. 1990 Feb 23

              PEACE TOUR LINKS EAST AND WEST GERMANY Members of the Peace Meditation Group were able to accompany Sri Chinmoy, as he embarked on  a major peace tour of East and West Germany during February 1990. Concerts were held in Nuremberg on the 18th and in Hannover on the 20th. On the 21st Sri Chimoy offered … Read more

            • In Memoriam: Vladimir Petrovsky  2014  Feb 21

              In Memoriam: Vladimir Petrovsky 2014 Feb 21

              Mr. Vladimir Petrovsky was a very good Friend and Supporter of Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations. He was also very encouraging of the “Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home: World Harmony and Peace Runs” that have taken place in over 150 Countries around the world since 1987. See also : Celebration of … Read more

            • Visit Ambassador & Mrs. Zennon Rossides of Cyprus 15 December 1978 at their NY home

              Visit Ambassador & Mrs. Zennon Rossides of Cyprus 15 December 1978 at their NY home

              The evening of 15 December 1978 the members of  Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations visited with Ambassador and Mrs. Zenon Rossides of Cyprus in their home in Manhattan. The group sang two songs that Sri Chinmoy had composed to poems by the Ambassador, as well as a song of gratitude that Sri Chinmoy … Read more

            • U.N. DAY RUN FOR UNICEF – 1976 Oct 24 Edinburgh to London

              U.N. DAY RUN FOR UNICEF – 1976 Oct 24 Edinburgh to London

              Sixteen young men ran a 450-mile relay from Edinburgh to London to raise money for UNICEF and promote the ideals of the United Nations in conjunction with U.N. Day on 24 October. The runners were all students of spiritual Master Sri Chinmoy, who is Leader of the Meditation Group at the United Nations. They ranged … Read more

            • Uner Kirdar: Oneness-Pathfinder on: Human Dimension of Development, 1989 Feb 07

              Uner Kirdar: Oneness-Pathfinder on: Human Dimension of Development, 1989 Feb 07

              A Programe was held where Mr. Uner Kirdar of UNDP addressed the members of the Peace Meditation Group on the Human Dimensions of Development. The Group Honoured Mr Kidarwith song that Sri Chinmoy had composed in his honour. Below in addition to excerpt from the introduction to the Programe there is : The music score … Read more

            • POPE JOHN PAUL II AND SRI CHINMOY MEET  1980 jun 18

              POPE JOHN PAUL II AND SRI CHINMOY MEET 1980 jun 18

              On 18 June 1980, while in Europe on a lecture and concert tour, Sri Chinmoy visited the Vatican for a private meeting with Pope John Paul 11. He was warmly received by the Holy Father, who noted his work at the United Nations and said: “Special blessings to you. Special greetings to your members. We … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (h) Media Coverage: Malta & USA

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (h) Media Coverage: Malta & USA

              Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Media Coverage Excerpts from: THE TIMES of Malta   – FRIDAY October 4 , 1991 DeMarco receives U Thant Peace award – By a Staff Reporter The Foreign Minister, Prof. Guido de Marco, was presented in New York with the … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award presented to Mother Teresa,  1994  Oct 01

              U Thant Peace Award presented to Mother Teresa, 1994 Oct 01

              U Thant Peace Award presented to Mother Teresa, Nobel Peace Laureate, 1979     (Rome, 1 October 1994) Sri Chinmoy meets with Mother Teresa on October 1 st, 1994 in Rome at her Missionaries of Charity House adjoining the San Gregorio Church. Members of the Meditation Group at the United Nations and some of Sri Chinmoy’s students … Read more

            • Peace Concert – Nobel Peace Center – Oslo Norway 2007 Apr 30

              Peace Concert – Nobel Peace Center – Oslo Norway 2007 Apr 30

              Some Members of the Peace Meditation Group at the The United Nations were able to travel to Oslo, Norway for a Peace Concert given by Sri Chinmoy on 30 April 2007. Previously many members were on hand in Aker Brygge, Oslo when The Eternal Peace Flame was Dedicated by Sri Chinmoy, June 9th, 2001   … Read more

            • A Musical Exchange with the “Little Singers of Tokyo”

              A Musical Exchange with the “Little Singers of Tokyo”

              On 3 August 1991, the day after their concert at the United Nations which was part of a world tour, the “Little Singers of Tokyo” gave a special performance for Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group . The Japanese children and their conductor, Mrs. Hasegawa, were in turn serenaded by the Peace … Read more

            • Meeting with Pope John Paul II in Vatican 1987 Oct 14

              Meeting with Pope John Paul II in Vatican 1987 Oct 14

              On the 13th of October 1987, Sri Chinmoy opened and closed the 5 p.m. mass at St. Peter’s Basilica with a performance on the Vatican organ. On the 14th he met with Pope John Paul II, presenting the Pontiff with a book of songs he had composed. “God bless you and your divine activities,” the … Read more

            • U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions

              U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions

              U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview Details on: Welcome and highlights of Professor de Marco’s life and contributions Mr. Adhiratha Keefe, Master of Ceremonies: Last year was a remarkable one for the United Nations and the world community; it was one of failures and victories, of war and peace. Throughout this remarkable … Read more

            • UN Director General Appreciates efforts towards peace 1989 Aug 17

              UN Director General Appreciates efforts towards peace 1989 Aug 17

              Leader of the Peace Meditations Group at the United Nations, Sri Chinmoy received appreciation for “continuing efforts towards the attainment of peace,” from the Director General Of the UN Geneva Office, Mr. Jan Martenson. See below” OFFICE DES NATIONS UNIES       –        UNITED NATIONS OFFICE  A GENEVE                                                    AT GENEVA                  LE DIRECTEUR GENERAL                   … Read more

            • Japan and Italy Honoured 1978 Dec 05

              Japan and Italy Honoured 1978 Dec 05

              On 5 December 1978 a programme honouring the anniversaries of Italy and Japan joining the United Nations on 14 December 1955 and 18 December 1956 respectively, was sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Guest speakers were Ambassador Piero Vinci of Italy and Ambassador Isao Abe of Japan. … Read more

            • Happy Anniversary, Austria; Happy Birthday, Secretary-General, 1978 Dec 15

              Happy Anniversary, Austria; Happy Birthday, Secretary-General, 1978 Dec 15

              On 15 December 1978 a programme in honour of the anniversary of Austria’s joining the United Nations on 14 December 1955 was sponsored by Sri Chinmoy : the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. The programme included several songs performed by the Meditation Group singers, one of which was a song about Austria composed specially … Read more

            • Finland: Champion of Independence -Music Tradition Celebrate UN Anniversary 15 Dec 1977

              Finland: Champion of Independence -Music Tradition Celebrate UN Anniversary 15 Dec 1977

              On 15 December 1977 the Meditation Group at the United Nations  sponsored a programme highlighting the musical tradition of Finland, in recognition of Finland’s sixtieth year of independence and in celebration of the twenty-second anniversary of Finland ‘s admittance to the United Nations. The programme included a slide show, performances of Finnish folk music, works … Read more