Author Archives: adhiratha

Secretary-General U Thant Last message to Staff – 1971 Dec 17

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | interfaith excerpt or quote | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Secretary-General U Thant Last message to Staff – 1971 Dec 17)
Secretary-General U Thant Last message to Staff – 1971 Dec 17

Staff· Committee BULLETIN                 –               UN/ST/SCB/281 28 December 1971           –         Staff pays farewell tribute to U Thant On Friday, 17 December 1971, members of the staff at Headquarters ‘attended a ceremony in the General Assembly Hall to pay tribute to Secretary-General U Thant, whose term of office ends ·this year. The Chairman of the Staff Committee, … Read more

NY Times: Many Find Message at UN brings Peace. Nov 1971

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NY Times:  Many Find Message at UN brings Peace.  Nov 1971

NY Times Excerpts from 8 November  1971: About 100 men and women, some dressed In costumes of distant homelands, file Into the quiet chapel of the interdenominational Church Center, just across the street from the United Nations … There they meditate with and listen to Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, a spiritual leader from India. who … Read more

Sri Chinmoy conducts Peace Meditation – Photo Church Centre – Sep 1971

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Sri Chinmoy conducts Peace Meditation – Photo Church Centre – Sep 1971

Sri Chinmoy conducts a Peace Meditation for delegates and staff Chapel of the Church Centre for the United Nations. September 1971. Click on image for bigger photo or different resolution.  

A Spiritual Goal for UN: Is It Practical? Aug 1991

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It is not only practical, but also practicable. …it is inevitable. the spiritual Goal for the United Nations is….to become ultimately the saviour of the world’s imperfection, the liberator of the world’s destruction and the fulfiller of the world’s aspiration.
My heart tells me that the United Nations has a divine Ideal. My soul tells me that this ideal is going to be transformed into the supreme Reality. … Read more

Spirituality: The Fount Of World Peace 1971 Jul 01

Posted by adhiratha in Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Spirituality: The Fount Of World Peace 1971 Jul 01)

Spirituality is aspiration. Spirituality is Yoga. When we have learned what we can expect from aspiration and what we can expect from Yoga, world peace will no longer remain a far cry. Aspiration is an aspirant’s conscious longing for the deeper Reality. Yoga is a seeker’s conscious oneness with God. Aspiration leads man to God-Consciousness. … Read more

Peace is our birthright. how can we have it? 1971 May 13

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Peace is our birthright. how can we have it? 1971 May 13

Peace is our birthright. how can we have it?1 [Sri Chinmoy sang:] O Lord, where is the Truth? “Where your Beloved is.” Who is my Beloved, Who? “In Whom your life is peace.” Peace. Peace. Peace. The outer peace and the inner peace. The outer peace is man’s compromise. The inner peace is man’s fulfilment. … Read more

Dag Hammarskjold Quoted – peace for all – 1971

Posted by adhiratha in quotations-collections | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Dag Hammarskjold Quoted – peace for all – 1971)

from Sri Chinmoy’s 1971 talk:
” Dag Hammarskjold, offers us a sublime message: ‘No peace which is not peace for all’ . . ” “In peace, what looms large is eternal, fulfilling rest. He says,’. . .’ no rest until all has been fulfilled.’… “The truth-seeker in Dag Hammarskjöld, on the strength of his own inner conviction said, ‘Somebody placed the shuttle in your hand: somebody who had already arranged the threads.’ “The profound seeker in Dag Hammarskjöld offers an unparalleled prayer for mankind: ‘Before Thee in humility; With Thee in faith; In Thee in Peace.’ Read more

Does Meditation Really Accomplish Anything? 1971 Apr 01

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Does Meditation Really Accomplish Anything? 1971 Apr 01

What is the first and foremost thing we expect from meditation? Peace. Peace and nothing else. Meditation is the embodiment of peace. The present-day world needs only one thing: peace. Read more

Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?.   Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971

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Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?.   Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971

Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?.    .Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971 first in AUM — Vol. 6, No. 9, Apr. 27, 1971, 1971-03-04 087 /gns-11;  /aum-693 Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?.    An unaspiring man thinks that undying pleasure is the only reality. An aspiring man feels that a … Read more

Meditation: Self-Transcendence 12 Feb 1971

Posted by adhiratha in Role of meditation at UN - Practical Guidance - (Comments Off on Meditation: Self-Transcendence 12 Feb 1971)
Meditation: Self-Transcendence 12 Feb 1971

Meditation is self-transcendence. Self-transcendence is the message of the Beyond. The message of the Beyond is God, the eternally evolving Soul, and God, the eternally fulfilling Goal. * * * * * * * *  * * * * * * * * * * * * The animal in man is proud of his … Read more

Meditation Room : Ridiculous to Sublime – Cartoon 17 Jan 1971 & S-G Hammarskjold on “ROOM of QUIET”

Posted by adhiratha in media coverage Text & Photos | Room of Quiet - (Comments Off on Meditation Room : Ridiculous to Sublime – Cartoon 17 Jan 1971 & S-G Hammarskjold on “ROOM of QUIET”)
Meditation Room : Ridiculous to Sublime – Cartoon 17 Jan 1971 & S-G Hammarskjold on “ROOM of QUIET”

The New Yorker Magazine of 16 January 1971 included a cartoon depicting the United Nations Delegates Lounge. Below Quote of one delegate saying to a frowning, pensive or discouraged looking fellow: “Dame it all, man, we have a Meditation Room for that sort of thing!” It was favorite of some members of the Meditation Group … Read more

1970 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

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Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

U Thant quoted on privilage of working at UN

Posted by adhiratha in quotations-collections | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on U Thant quoted on privilage of working at UN)
U Thant quoted on privilage of working at UN

“I can think of no worthier task for a man or a woman to be engaged in. . ..” “Our work at the United Nations gives us the privilege of contributing actively from day to day in the ardent process of building peace.” – Secretary General U Thant Read more

The Garland Of Nation-Souls – UN World Youth Congress 1970 Jul

Posted by adhiratha in quotations-collections | Significant events & meetings | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on The Garland Of Nation-Souls – UN World Youth Congress 1970 Jul)
The Garland Of Nation-Souls – UN World Youth Congress 1970 Jul

Each nation has five members in its family: Inspiration, aspiration, realisation, revelation and manifestation. The body needs inspiration. The vital needs aspiration. The mind needs realisation. The heart needs revelation. The soul needs manifestation. …Man invents war. Man discovers peace. Man invents war from without. Man discovers peace from within. – Talk at time of The World Youth Assembly. Read more

Meditation and talks 1970 April – June, Sample

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Meditation and talks 1970 April – June,  Sample

Meditations and talks given by Sri Chinmoy –  – to the members of the Meditation at the United Nations Group. April – June 1970. This is early copy before the regular Publication “Meditation at the United Nations ” began in 1973. Most of the Talks and themes for Meditation were also published in “The Garland … Read more

The Need for Regular Meditation 26 May 1970

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The Need for Regular Meditation 26 May 1970

Sri Chinmoy gave the following talk in the Peace Room of the Church Center for the United Nations on May 26, 1970. All of you kindly try to meditate twice a day for at least ten minutes in the morning and evening. If you meditate twice a day, you will feel abundant peace, light, and … Read more

Inauguration Meditation – April 1970

Posted by adhiratha in quotations-collections | Significant events & meetings | Talks about the UN Heart-Home | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Inauguration Meditation – April 1970)
Inauguration Meditation –  April 1970

April 14, 1970 Today’s United Nations was yesterday’s perfecting Vision. Tomorrow’s United Nations is today’s fulfilling Realisation. Unity is not oneness. A bud is not a flower. Unity is the temple. Oneness is the shrine. The absence of unity is imminent confusion. The absence of oneness is the ultimate destruction. The presence of unity is … Read more

Song Universal – First Talk for the UN Community: 1968 Nov 26

Posted by adhiratha in interfaith excerpt or quote | quotations-collections | Significant events & meetings - (Comments Off on Song Universal – First Talk for the UN Community: 1968 Nov 26)
Song Universal – First Talk for the UN Community: 1968 Nov 26

The Song Universal is freedom. …from limitations, imperfections and ignorance…Inner realisation and outer action must run abreast….Love, harmony, peace and oneness…are …divine ideals. …Inner mounting flame, aspiration, ..can easily, … manifest these ideals. … Only one religion,..inmost cry for God-Realisation.. …Each religion …a flower…make a garland of these divine flowers … Read more

Sample Photos of Secreteray-General U Thant 1963 -1967

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Sample Photos of Secreteray-General U Thant  1963 -1967

This is a small sample of Photos of U  Thant available from the UN website . Some also have the caption Page with full title, date, photographer Some of these may appear in books about the Secretary-General or others mentioned

1958 Message of Jorge Illueca of Panama to UN on “realization of the ideal” of UN Charter

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1958 Message of Jorge Illueca of Panama to UN on “realization of the ideal” of UN Charter

UNITED NATIONS DAY MESSAGE FROM JORGE ILLUECA. Chairman of the delegation of Panama to the UN General Assembly. Press Release UND/592, 27 Oct 1958. (Dag Hammarskjold was then Secretary General) ( Discovered by the Peace Meditation Group at the UN when researching a programme on Pablo Casals) ”This new anniversary of the United. Nations is … Read more

Open UN General Assem:.Invite Prayer or Meditation (Rule 62 – of Procedures) 22 Oct 1949

Posted by adhiratha in Role of meditation at UN - Practical Guidance - (Comments Off on Open UN General Assem:.Invite Prayer or Meditation (Rule 62 – of Procedures) 22 Oct 1949)
Open UN General Assem:.Invite Prayer or Meditation (Rule 62 – of Procedures) 22 Oct 1949

Since the earliest days, the United Nations General Assembly (1949 – new Rule)  has opened and closed with an invitation to all delegates  to observe one minute of silence dedicated to prayer or meditation Minute of silent prayer or meditation Rule 62 of the rules of procedure provides that, immediately after the opening of the … Read more

UN Charter Signing 26 Jun 1945

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UN Charter Signing 26 Jun 1945

25 April – 26 June 1945: The San Francisco Conference,  results in signing of UN Charter by representatives from 49 countries.   Gallery: note: Virginia Crocheron Gildersleeve (October 3, 1877 – July 7, 1965)  Dean of Barnard College, co-founder International Federation of University Women, (a signer of UN Charter) and sole female USA delegate to  … Read more

5 types of WordPress users: -Roles: Subscribers, Contributors, Authors, Editors, Administrators:

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Subscribers  (some times called follower for public and viewer for private site*): Contributors:— Authors: Editors: Administrators: here are 5 types of WordPress users and permissions: Subscribers: basic account type assigned to all website visitors who signed up on your website. They do not have any special privileges. A logged in subscriber can only edit her/his … Read more

Possible photos Sanatan test 31 dec 1900

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Possible photos Sanatan test 31 dec 1900)

links: Highlight Art Exhibits or related Programmes England to France Channel Swim for 40th Anniversary of UN 1985    

Possible Rapuntar involvement 1900 dec 31

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Fred Lebow – A celebration of his life (b) Programme and Statements Fred Lebow – A celebration of his life (a) Contents and Introduction 1994 Participation in the New York City Marathon – 1978 gallery:       Gallery:  

photo select draft space

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photo select draft space

test photo illueca

Heart-Home of the World-Body Logos banner

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copy text PDF to site – replace Pargraph Mark + spaces

Posted by adhiratha in z- admin or site questions - (Comments Off on copy text PDF to site – replace Pargraph Mark + spaces)
copy text PDF to site – replace Pargraph Mark + spaces

sometimes when copying pdf text to site.. the result is formatted as single word to a line to quickly adjust: 1- copy text to word document – in edit “select all” 2   replace all paragraph marks with a space  (Can can select “paragraph mark” from bottom of screen drop down  “special” it displays as “^p” … Read more

Photos from – UN-General Assembly Moment of silence

Posted by adhiratha in photo - alone | Prayer or silence day - event - (Comments Off on Photos from – UN-General Assembly Moment of silence)

early years to present samples especially pf the moment of silence. some just not necessarily of moment of silence.

Excerpt of Official Records at UN Archives, SG 1946-2016

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on Excerpt of Official Records at UN Archives, SG 1946-2016)
Excerpt of Official Records at UN Archives, SG 1946-2016

1946-1953 -SG-T-Lie-AG-013 1953-1961- SG-D-Hammarskjold-AG-001 1961-1971-SG-U-Thant-AG-05 1972-1981-SG-K-Waldheim-AG-06 1982-1991-SG-J-Perez-de-Cuellar-AG-019 1992-1996-SG-B-Ghali-AG-28 1997-2006- SG-K-Annan-AG-029 2007-2016–SG-Ban-Ki-moon-AG-069 Short summary: The records are organized by Archive record Group, and Secretary General dates in office.  1946-1953 -SG-T-Lie-AG-013 – some background on GA minute of silence and Meditation Room  1953-1961- SG-D-Hammarskjold-AG-001 – nothing came up initially 1961-1971-SG-U-Thant-AG-05 – a few things of potential interest … Read more

Bulletin “meditation at UN” -list, + Aum Mag, Anahata Nada +

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on Bulletin “meditation at UN” -list, + Aum Mag, Anahata Nada +)

Date: July 28, 2021, 6:25 p.m. In response to questions, below is info / links about publications which have, or may have information about the peace meditation at the UN: . Note: Other people may have more complete sets of physical or digital versions. If you notice something missing. Send a scan and we will … Read more

Possible design using UN: Heart-Home of World-Body

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Possible design using UN: Heart-Home of World-Body

Sri Chinmoy poetically referred to the United Nations as the Heart-Home of the World-Body. how to illustrate?            

pramoda photos test

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pramoda photos test

test photos of Promoda on site and Inspiration Sun article form 2011? page 5 – 11 below   see first Pramoda France Vacher, Serve UN 40 yrs 1987 May 12 or 13th? 13 May -Classical recital by Meditation Group member Pramoda France Vacher, as a farewell to the U.N. after 40 years of service to … Read more

1977 Marathon Runners Reception at UN – Oct – DETAILS + PHOTOS

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | Peace walk/run for UN | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on 1977 Marathon Runners Reception at UN – Oct – DETAILS + PHOTOS)
1977 Marathon Runners Reception at UN – Oct – DETAILS + PHOTOS

UNITED NATIONS RECEPTION FOR INTERNATIONAL MARATHON RUNNERS Thirty-five members of the U.N. Meditation Group, including eight women, ran with nearly 5,000 other runners in the New York City Marathon on 23 October. On the evening preceding the race, the U. N . Association of the United States and the New York Road Runners Club hosted … Read more

Meditation at UN – Photos from 1977 May 13

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Meditation at UN – Photos from 1977 May 13

Below are some photos from May 13 1977. they show: leading meditations, More information or Photos to be added as available… Click on image below for photo images in larger sizes or different resolution.