Author Archives: adhiratha

The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share

Posted by adhiratha in Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share)
The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share

There are a number of things that the United Nations can teach us how to share, but I would like to mention four principal things: the message of trust, the message of concern, the message of unity in diversity and, finally, the message of universal peace. Each nation is unique in its own way….. Read more

What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity?

Posted by adhiratha in Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity?)
What Is The United Nations Really Doing For Humanity?

This is a most challenging question. Each person is competent to answer this lofty question according to his soul’s light. First, I wish to tell you what the United Nations is, according to my own inner light. The United Nations is humanity’s colossal hope. The United Nations is Divinity’s lofty promise. Hope needs assurance from … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 05; 27 May 1974, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 05; 27 May 1974, Bulletin

Content Highlights: May 1974 report on events  The United Nations As an Instrument of Human Unification (Dag Hammarskjold Lecture) 10 Invitation to Meditate . . . . . 18 Tuesday Meditations 20 Mayoral Presentation Honours Sri Chinmoy:  Bristol, Connecticut. . . . . 22 Gratitude (Poem by Mahalakshmi) 35 Question and Answer . . . … Read more

The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification

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The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification

I wish to speak about.. not what I have learned from books or news media, but rather what I feel from within. What I feel in the inmost recesses of my heart as solid experience is what I wish to share with the seekers present here. …The United Nations is an instrument, a significant instrument, an unprecedented instrument of God for His searching, aspiring and loving humanity. …The United Nations embodies both Heaven’s Vision and earth’s reality… Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 04; 27 April 1974, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 04; 27 April 1974, Bulletin

Content Highlights: April 1974 report on events  The Goal Is Won. . . .p. 11 Goal-Transcendence . by Kusumita (Priscilla Pedersen) *.p. 1 1 Guru’s Poetic Triumph: Some Impressions .. . .p. 17 U.N. Meditation Group Honours Sri Chinmoy ‘s Poetic Achievement  p.22 Selections from “The Goal Is Won H.  p.25 United Nations Meditation Group … Read more

4th Anniversary Meditation at UN 1974 Apr 14

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4th Anniversary Meditation at UN 1974 Apr 14

      from Anahata Nada April 27 1974. Vol 1, No V (text needs spell check from cut and paste) FOUR YEARS AT THE U.N. A historic marriage between the hectic world of United Nations politics and the meditative calm of Indian mysticism celebrated its fourth anniversary this month. It was on ~April 14, … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 03; 27 Mar 1974, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 03; 27 Mar 1974, Bulletin

Content Highlights: March 1974 report on events  Why Do I Have to Become Spiritual?  (Dag Hammarskjold Lecture) p.7 A Living Shrine . . . . . . . . . . . .p. 15 “…We are the most fortunate people on earth, for God has chosen us to be His instruments to serve Him in … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 02; 27 Feb 1974, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 02; 27 Feb 1974, Bulletin

Content Highlights: February 1974 report on events  The Voice of Silence (Dag Hammarskjold Lecture) 9 Tuesday Meditations 15 Mayoral Presentations Honour Sri Chinmoy: Waterbury, Connecticut 17 Danbury, Connecticut. . . . . . . . 19 Poetry Milestone Surpassed. . . . . . . . 24 Poem by Pramoda . . .. . .. … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 01; 27 Jan 1974, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 02, No 01; 27 Jan 1974, Bulletin

Content Highlights: January 1974 report on events  A New Year Dawns . …. 9 New Year’s Message for 1974 12 Mayoral Presentations Honour Sri Chinmoy: Key to the City, San Juan, Puerto Rico. 13 Guest of Honour, Ponce, Puerto Rico .. 15 Honorary Guest, Stamford, Connecticut. 17 Tuesday Meditations ……… 21 Questions and Answers ….. … Read more

1973 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1973 Activities Listings – Meditation Group)

Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 12; 27 Dec 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 12; 27 Dec 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: December report on events  The Year Is Ending . . . . . . . . 8 Selections on the Christ and Christmas 10 Tuesday Meditations 17 Tribute to Margaret Wilson 18 Questions and Answers 23 University Lecture : The World Within and the World Without . . . . . . . … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 11; 27 Nov 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 11; 27 Nov 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: November  report on events Tribute to Two Great Leaders:  Kennedy-Nehru 9 Poetry Milestone. . 11 Tuesday Meditations 16 Monthly Lecture of the Dag Hammarskjold Series: “Beyond the World of Reason ” 18 Questions and Answers 23 The Life of Sri Chinmoy, Chapter III (second half). . . . . . . . . … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 10; 27 Oct 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 10; 27 Oct 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: October  report on events Television – November Schedule of Morning and Evening Prayers by Sri Chinmoy on Channel 5 (WNEW-TV) 10 Photograph of Sri Chinmoy Conducting a Meditation in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. 11 Tribute to Mahatma Gandhi 12 Birthday Blessing. . 23 Tuesday Meditations 24 Monthly … Read more

Sri Chinmoy’s quotations appear in UNICEF’s 1975 Engagement Calendar, 1973 Sep 28

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Sri Chinmoy’s quotations appear in UNICEF’s 1975 Engagement Calendar, 1973 Sep 28

UNICEF Three of Sri Chinmoy’s aphorisms appeared in the 1975 edition of UNICEF’s Engagement Calendar, which is distributed worldwide. Below is UNICEF letter requesting permission to use the quotations: UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND . FONDS DES NATIONS UNIES POUR L’ENFANCE UNITED NATIONS •. NEW YORK September 28, 1973 Dear Mr. Sri Chinmoy, We are writing … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 09; 27 Sep 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 09; 27 Sep 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: Radio – Daily Two-Minute Meditation by Sri Chinmoy on WNEW-FM . . . . 10 Television – October Schedule of Morning and Evening Prayers by Sri Chinmoy on Channel 5 (WNEW-TV) . . . 10 Sri Chinmoy’s Birthday Celebrated by the Meditation Group . . . . . . 11 Birthday Tribute from … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 08; 27 Aug 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 08; 27 Aug 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: August  report on events   Channel 5 (WNEW-TV) Invites Sri Chinmoy To Offer Its Morning and Evening Prayers . . . . . . . . . 8 Sri Chinmoy Visits the Grave of Dag Hammarskjold . . . 10. Monthly Lecture of the Dag Hammarskjold Series: “You or I?” . . 12 … Read more

You Or I?

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You Or I?

O God, are You responsible for all the suffering, darkness and ignorance in the world, or am I? “Son, I am responsible. I am responsible for everything; I am responsible for everyone; I am responsible for My entire creation. It is I who reside in everything as inspiration and as aspiration. It is I who … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 07; 27 Jul 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 07; 27 Jul 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: July report on events Sri Chinmoy’s Visit to Europe. p.11 Sri Chinmoy interview with the President of Ireland, Mr. Eamon de Valera, on June 15, 1973, at Phoenix Park, Dublin. Audience with the Pope. – On June 27, 1973, Sri Chinmoy was received by Pope Paul VI in the Vatican. Letter from Vatican … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 06; 27 Jun 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 06; 27 Jun 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: JUNE  report on events Friday Meetings, June 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 Meditation and Reading of Spiritual Writings 1 Tuesday Meditation, June 5, 1973 Meditation for the Day Tuesday Meditation, June 12, 1973 Meditation for the Day . . . . Tuesday Medita tion, June 19, 1973 Meditation for the Day . . … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 05; 27 May 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 05; 27 May 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: ______ report on events March 1, 1973 Sri Chinmoy’s Invitation to Friday Meetings MAY Tuesday Meditation, May 1, 1973 Meditation for the Day Dag Hammarskjold Lecture, May 3, 1973 Each Nation in its Place Is Great Question and Answer . . Friday Meeting, May 4, 1973 Meditation and Reading of Spiritual Writings . … Read more

Perform “Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha” for U Thant 25 May 1973

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Spiritual figure and plays | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Perform “Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha” for U Thant 25 May 1973)
Perform “Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha” for U Thant 25 May 1973

Old Mill Farm, Harrison, N. Y.; May 25.1973 On the evening of May 25, 1973,  former Secretary-General U Thant attended the first performance of Siddhartha Becomes the Buddha, a seies of one-act plays based on incidents in the life of the Lord Buddha,. It was written by Sri Chinmoy and performed by his disciples on … Read more

Each Nation In Its Place Is Great, 1973 May 03

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Each Nation In Its Place Is Great, 1973 May 03

A nation is a limb of the universal body. Each limb is necessary, essential and indispensable. Each nation represents humanity’s hope, humanity’s promise and humanity’s progress. Hope was our yesterday’s treasure. Promise is our today’s treasure. Progress shall be our tomorrow’s treasure. Each nation can be great by virtue of a few divine qualities. A … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 04; 27 Apr 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 04; 27 Apr 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: April report on events (and one from 30 Mar) Friday Meeting, March 30, 1973 You. . . . . . . . 1 Questions and Answers . . . 5 Tuesday Meditation, April 3, 1973 Meditation for the Day 10 Birthday Blessing . . . . . . . 11 Dag Hammarskjold Lecture, … Read more

No Nation Is Unwanted

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No Nation Is Unwanted

No nation is unwanted. Every nation is wanted. Every nation is needed. Every nation is indispensable. Each nation is great. The greatness of each nation lies in its deep love for other nations and in its self-giving to other nations. Why does an individual love others? An individual loves others because he knows that if … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 03; 27 Mar 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 03; 27 Mar 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: March report on events Dag Hammarskjöld Lecture, March 1, 1973 The Heart-Peace of the United Nations Questions and Answers . . Friday Meeting, March 2, 1973 Question and Answers . . Tuesday Meditation, March 6, 1973 Meditation for the Day Friday Meeting, March 9, 1973 Questions and Answers Tuesday Meditation, March 13, 1973 … Read more

The Heart-Peace of The UN 03 March 1973

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The Heart-Peace of The UN 03 March 1973

The Heart-Peace Of The United Nations The heart says to peace, “Peace, I need you.” Peace says to the heart, “Heart, I need you.” Both the heart and peace need each other. Without peace, the heart is fruitless. Without the heart, peace is homeless. The inner heart of the United Nations is flooded with peace. … Read more

Invitation to Friday meetings 01 Mar 1973

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Invitation to Friday meetings 01 Mar 1973

Sri Chinmoy’s Invitations to Friday Meetings Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium  March 1, 1973 (after the monthly lecture) (below is from scanned printed version – it can be improved using word , eg. remove extra line breaks) Every Friday we hold a most special and sublime meditation in a conference room of the Secretariat Building, for those … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 02; 27 Feb 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 02; 27 Feb 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: February report on event Dag Hammarskjold Lecture, Feb.1, 1973 The Soul-Love of the United Nations 1  Questions and Answers 4 Friday Meeting, Feb.2, 1973 Freedom .. … . 8  Questions and Answers 10 Tuesday Meditation, Feb.6, 1973  Meditation for the Day 13 Friday Meeting, Feb.9, 1973 The Divine Mission . . 14 Questions … Read more

Question: In practical terms, how can we give the world love and concern?

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Question: In practical terms, how can we give the world love and concern?

Question: In practical terms, how can we give the world love and concern? Sri Chinmoy: A practical thing is something that comes spontaneously from within and not from without. When you get up in the morning, if the thought comes to your mind to show love or concern for the world, that is a practical … Read more

The Divine Mission…a love-offering and a self-giving.

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The Divine Mission is not a self-imposition or a world-proposition. The Divine Mission is at once a love-offering and a self-giving. The world needs attention. The Divine Mission is always willing to offer its one-pointed attention to the world. The world needs concern. The Divine Mission is always ready to offer its soulful, meaningful and … Read more

The Soul-Love Of The United Nations

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The soul-love of the United Nations is life-examination, life-improvement and life-perfection. Life-examination makes our life on earth meaningful. Life-improvement makes our rest in Heaven blissful. Life-perfection makes our rest in Heaven and on earth fruitful. The soul-love of the United Nations has the fragrance of Divinity’s rose on the physical plane and the benediction of … Read more

Idea And Ideal; The Real And The Eternal – Talk at UN Jan 1973

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Idea is man’s preparation. Ideal is man’s progression. The Real is man’s illumination. The Eternal is man’s realisation. Idea is in the mind. Ideal is in the central being. The Real is in the life of existence. The Eternal is in the Soul. Idea imagines the Truth. Ideal gets a glimpse of the Truth. The … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 01; 27 Jan 1973, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN  – Vo 01, No 01; 27 Jan 1973, Bulletin

Content Highlights: About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy. REGULAR WEEKLY SCHEDULE TUESDAY(weekly) – HOUR OF SILENT  MEDITATION  , THURSDAY (monthly) – DAG HAMMARSKJOLD LECTURE SERIES , FRIDAY (weekly)- SHORT MEDITATION, TALK, QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS FEBRUARY 1973 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations January report on events TUESDAY – HOUR or SILENT … Read more

Problems do not indicate man’s incapacity … Talk at UN 1973

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Problems do not indicate man’s incapacity. Problems do not indicate man’s inadequacy. Problems do not indicate man’s insufficiency. Problems indicate man’s conscious need for self-transcendence in the inner world, and his conscious need for self-perfection in the outer world. You have a problem. He has a problem. She has a problem. Your problem is that … Read more

Silence, Silence …the soul’s preparation… – Talk at UN Jan 12, 1973

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Silence, Silence. Silence is the soul’s preparation. Silence is the heart’s perfection. Silence is the mind’s illumination. Silence is the vital’s determination. Silence is the body’s inspiration. Silence, Silence. When we are in silence, we grow. We grow into our Divinity. When we are of silence, we flow. We flow into Infinity. When we are … Read more

Salvation, Liberation And Realisation – Talk at UN Jan 1973

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I wish to give a very short talk on salvation, liberation and realisation. Salvation is God-discovery. Liberation is God-achievement. Realisation is God-fulfilment. A man with salvation, a man with liberation, a man with realisation: what they are and what they are not. What they are is Reality’s smile: what they are not is unreality’s cry. … Read more

The Inner Message Of The United Nations

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The Inner Message Of The United Nations

The outer message of the United Nations is Peace. The inner message of the United Nations is Love. The inmost message of the United Nations is Oneness. Peace we feel. Love we become. Oneness we manifest. The United Nations has a mind, a heart and a soul. Its mind tries to offer flowing Peace. Its … Read more

1972 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

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Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

We Believe – Motto of Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in interfaith excerpt or quote | quotations-collections | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on We Believe – Motto of Meditation Group)
We Believe – Motto of Meditation Group

“…the potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth. …will not remain imperfect forever.” …”When the hour strikes, each individual soul listens to the inner dictates …” Read more

Introduction – Garland of Nation-Souls

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Introduction – Garland of Nation-Souls

Introduction All times may legitimately lay claim to call themselves extreme, for in all times human beings respond by extreme means to the brutal or brutish lives of their contemporaries. In our own world extreme forms are not wanting; and in the spiritual life, no less than in the political, we are subjected to conflicting … Read more

EXCERPTS From Conversation: Jesse Owens and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Nov 04

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EXCERPTS From Conversation: Jesse Owens and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Nov 04

EXCERPTS FROM A CONVERSATION BETWEEN JESSE OWENS AND SRI CHINMOY (See also refereed to in Programme 22 April 1980 in the UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium Trbute to Jesse Owens: tribute-to-olympic-and-human-rights-champion-jesse-owens-1980-apr-22/ On 4 November 1972, Sri Chinmoy met with former Olympic champion Jesse Owens, whom he has admired since his youth. Their interview took place in … Read more

Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Oct 6

Posted by adhiratha in americas | europe | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Oct 6)
Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy 1972 Oct 6

At a Programme for World Gratitude at the United Nations on 12 September 1977, Mr. Robert Muller, then U.N. Deputy Under-Secretary- General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination: quoted from a meeting between  Don Pablo Casals and Sri Chinmoy of October 1972: “When I think of gratitude, the image of Pablo Casals comes forthwith to my … Read more

Tribute to Birthday of Pope Paul VI, 03 Oct 1972

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Tribute to Birthday of Pope Paul VI, 03 Oct 1972

Tuesday, 3 October 1972 In tribute to the blessed birthday of His Holiness, Pope Paul VI. Pope Paul VI receiving Sri Chinmoy in a private audience at the Vatican, 15 March 1972. “A leader of humanity is a ladder of divinity.” The Significance of a Birthday The soul comes down. Mother·Earth smiles. Father-Heaven smiles. Father … Read more

Why Is It Easier To Disbelieve Than To Believe, 01 Jun 1972 Pre-Print

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Why Is It Easier To Disbelieve Than To Believe, 01 Jun 1972 Pre-Print

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium United Nations Secretariat  Meditation and talk given by Sri Chinmoy –  – to the members of the Meditation at the United Nations Group.  01 Jun 1972. This is early copy before the regular Publication “Meditation at the United Nations ” began in 1973. Most of the Talks and themes for Meditation were … Read more

Meditation Group 2nd anniv – Excerpts – Sri Chinmoy’s lectures at UN 1970-1972

Posted by adhiratha in Talks about the UN Heart-Home | Talks and Meditation themes | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Meditation Group 2nd anniv – Excerpts – Sri Chinmoy’s lectures at UN 1970-1972)
Meditation Group 2nd anniv – Excerpts – Sri Chinmoy’s lectures at UN 1970-1972

DEDICATED TO THE SECRETARY-GENERAL, U THANT Meditation Group 2nd Anniversary Excerpts from Sri Chinmoy’s lectures delivered at the United Nations, 1970-1972 Cover photo: Sri Chinmoy, Spiritual leader of the Meditation Group at the UN, meeting Secretary-General U Thant, February 29, 1972.  (Photo by Agni – Mr. Jose Casanova) The Garland  of Nation Souls … A … Read more

God’s Compassion And UNs’ Dedication,1972 Mar 02

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Unlimited and unconditional is God’s Compassion. Thoughtful and fruitful is the dedication of the United Nations. God’s Compassion is ignored by humanity. The dedication of the United Nations is quite often misunderstood and at times suspected by humanity. Why does this happen? It happens precisely because ignorance still lords it over us. God’s Compassion is … Read more

Interview between SG U Thant and Sri Chinmoy 1972-feb-29

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Interview between SG U Thant and Sri Chinmoy 1972-feb-29

[The Secretary-General and Sri Chinmoy greeted each other with folded hands at the door of the room where the interview was to take place, and then U Thant invited Sri Chinmoy to come in.] U Thant: Sri Chinmoy, please come in. I have been hearing about you from many, many people. Whoever speaks to me … Read more

God: The Supreme Actor. World: The Divine Audience 1972 Feb-03 pre-print

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God: The Supreme Actor. World: The Divine Audience 1972 Feb-03 pre-print

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium United Nations Secretariat  Meditation and talk given by Sri Chinmoy –  – to the members of the Meditation at the United Nations Group.  feb 1972. This is early copy before the regular Publication “Meditation at the United Nations ” began in 1973. Most of the Talks and themes for Meditation were also … Read more

Court of Divine Justice. 6 Jan 1972 NO: 11/4 Pre-print

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Court of Divine Justice. 6 Jan 1972 NO: 11/4 Pre-print

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium United Nations Secretariat  Meditation and talk given by Sri Chinmoy –  – to the members of the Meditation at the United Nations Group.  06 Jan 1972. This is early copy before the regular Publication “Meditation at the United Nations ” began in 1973. Most of the Talks and themes for Meditation were … Read more

1971 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1971 Activities Listings – Meditation Group)

Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more