Author Archives: adhiratha

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 06; 27 Jun 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 06; 27 Jun 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: June 1977 report on events A Salute to the Security and Safety Service ……… 6 The Inner Vision: Love of God; The Outer Mission: Service of Humanity .- questions submitted by Mr. David Rowe …… 32 United Nations Meditation-Flowers ..Instruction in meditation . ……. …… 40 Song by Sri Chinmoy … ….. ….. …….. … Read more

Meditation Group Members Sing at public concert 18 Jun 1977

Posted by adhiratha in americas | MG Members in other events | Music and Songs | photo - alone - (Comments Off on Meditation Group Members Sing at public concert 18 Jun 1977)
Meditation Group Members Sing at public concert 18 Jun 1977

sometime members of the Peace Meditation group would join with other students of Sri Chinmoy nd perform music at a public event.(not sure if June or Jul 18) possibly confirm with anahata nada report from same time frame)     More text to be added from sample of Jun 1977 : Gallery Sample;    

A Circus Presentation at United Nations International School. UNIS

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A Circus Presentation at United Nations International School. UNIS

On 15 June 1977, members of the Meditation Group gave a performance of Madal Circus for the children of the United Nations International School.    A fantastic fire eater and skilled gymnasts, along with other performers from the Meditation Group, entertain UNIS children.  *** The Group received a letter of appreciation from the special Representative … Read more

Interview with United Press International, 15 Jun 1977

Posted by adhiratha in media coverage Text & Photos | Questions and Answers (Q&A) - (Comments Off on Interview with United Press International, 15 Jun 1977)

Sri Chinmoy was interviewed at the United Nations by a reporter from the worldwide news service, United Press International, 15 June 1977 Following are excerpts from that interview: UPI: You said once that honesty and frankness are the birthright of the West, humility and devotion are the birthright of the East, and the combination of … Read more

A Salute to the Security and Safety Service 1977 Jun 07

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on A Salute to the Security and Safety Service 1977 Jun 07)
A Salute to the Security and Safety Service 1977 Jun 07

On 7 June 1977, the Meditation Group at the UN held a special function to honour the UN Security and Safety Service. Colonel H. A. Trimble, Chief of the Service, described the functions and organization of the Service and then answered questions from the audience. Also speaking were Dr. Robert Muller, Deputy Under-Secretary-General, and Sri … Read more

World Environment Day program – “O Body of the World” Song 1977 Jun 04

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | Music and Songs | Thoughts from the UN community. | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on World Environment Day program – “O Body of the World” Song 1977 Jun 04)
World Environment Day program – “O Body of the World” Song 1977 Jun 04

The Meditation Group at the United Nations participated in the World Environment Day Programme  for 19776 on June 4th. The meditation Group Choir performed “O Body of the World” composed by Sri Chinmoy the leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations. Below is the text and image of the letter received from Martha … Read more

24 Hour Bike Marathon in Central Park NYC

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24 Hour Bike Marathon in Central Park NYC

Many of the Meditation Group’s aspiring athletes spent a rather invigorating Memorial Day weekend this year, cycling in the annual 24-hour Pepsi Cola bike marathon in Central Park.   Hi mileage award in the Group went to Paul LaRusso of UNICEF, who circled the five -mile track 54 tim for a total of 270 miles. … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 05; 27 May 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 05; 27 May 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: May 1977 report on events Painting for World Peace Unveiled…. .. …… . . .. .. 6 Questions and Answers …… Qn the world situation and the United Nations……………………… 20 * United Nations Meditation-Flowers …………….. 33 To·morrow’s Noon ……………………………….. 35 Song by Sri Chinmoy ……………… .. .. .. ……….. 37 “The Lord’s Sun· … Read more

Photo: After Meditation Meeting Chat at Security Gate May 1977with S

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Photo: After Meditation Meeting Chat at Security Gate May 1977with S

Sometimes as Sri Chinmoy would be leaving the United Nations he would chat with some of the Security Officers that he had become friends with over the years. Galley sample from May 1977:  

Events at Art Exhibition in Manhattan 1977 Spring

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Art Exhibits | MG Members in other events | Music and Songs | photo - alone - (Comments Off on Events at Art Exhibition in Manhattan 1977 Spring)
Events at Art Exhibition in Manhattan 1977 Spring

Members of the Meditation Group attended a number of events at an Exhibition of the Jharna Kala Art of Sri Chinmoy during April and May of 1977. The events took place at he big exhibition space that was created at Huston Street in Manhattan. Gallery of Some Photos from Houston Street Exhibit of Jharna Kala … Read more

Painting for World Peace 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of the World Body” SUMMARY

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Painting for World Peace 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of the World Body” SUMMARY

An environment in green, blue and a myriad of other colours was unveiled the evening of 3 May 1977 by Ms. Martha Lackner, World Environment Day Coordinator, at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in Manhattan. The 6 ‘ x 9’ painting by Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Meditation n Group at the UN, is entitled “United Nations … Read more

Painting for World Peace – 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of World Body” PHOTOS + DETAILS

Posted by adhiratha in Art Exhibits | Community resources | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Painting for World Peace – 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of World Body” PHOTOS + DETAILS)
Painting for World Peace – 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of World Body” PHOTOS + DETAILS

PAINTING FOR WORLD PEACE UNVEILED An environment in green, blue and a myriad of other colours was unveiled the evening of 3 May 1977 by Ms. Martha Lackner, World Environment Day Coordinator, at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in Manhattan. Click here for a SUMMARY of this event. Itappeared in the Group’s the Devoted Report to the … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 04; 27 Apr 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 04; 27 Apr 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: April 1977 report on events  Seventh Anniversary of the Meditation Group at the U.N.   p. 6 Questions and Answers …..* from the Meditation Group at the UN in Geneva……………… .. …….. 13 Meditation .. … . …………………* a short talk ………………… 21 United Nations Meditation-Flowers ..- short inspirational talks during the meetings of … Read more

The Seeker’s mind 1977 Apr 26

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The Seeker’s mind 1977 Apr 26

Talk  from book with  same title: The seeker’s mind, Talks delivered at he UN, Agni Press, 1978 O mind, what are you doing to me? You are destroying all my divine possibilities. You are delaying indefinitely my supreme inevitabilities. O mind, what are you doing to me? I thought that you would teach my vital … Read more

List of NGO’s 3rd floor display 19 April 1977

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on List of NGO’s 3rd floor display 19 April 1977)
List of NGO’s 3rd floor display 19 April 1977

After meditation Meeting Sri shinmoy went with some of the Meditation Group Members to see the Display on the 3rd Floor of the UN Conference Building. This Display listed many of the International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO.s) which are represented at the UN. All Noted the Sri Chinmoy Center was part of this wail display. Gallery:

Photos: Flags after Meditation at UN 19 Apr 1977

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Photos: Flags after Meditation at UN 19 Apr 1977

Text to be added Sri Chinmoy in front of the Flags inside UN grounds after Peace Meditation at the United Nations group meeting Gallery:    

7th Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Details and Photos

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7th Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Details and Photos

On 14 April 1977 the Meditation Group celebrated its seventh anniversary of service to the U. N. Community in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. The programme included speakers, choral readings, a chamber group and the singing of twenty songs dedicated to the U.N. by Sri Chinmoy, who has led the … Read more

Seventh Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Summary

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Seventh Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Summary)
Seventh Anniversary of Meditation Group 1977 Apr 14 – Summary

On 14 April 1977, the Meditation Group at the UN celebrated its seventh anniversary of service to the U.N. Community in the Chapel of the Church Centre for the United Nations. The programme included speakers, choral readings, a chamber group and the singing of twenty songs dedicated to the U.N. by Sri Chinmoy, who has … Read more

Photos After Meditation at the UN 05 Apr 1977

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Photos After Meditation at the UN 05 Apr 1977

text to be added: Gallery:

Photo: After Meditation at UN and Security Friends 01 April 1977

Posted by adhiratha in photo - alone | Sample Ongoing weekly meetings - (Comments Off on Photo: After Meditation at UN and Security Friends 01 April 1977)
Photo: After Meditation at UN and Security Friends 01 April 1977

Text to be added   Gallery: Including Robert Muller.

Meditation at UN, Mar 1977

Posted by adhiratha in photo - alone | Sample Ongoing weekly meetings - (Comments Off on Meditation at UN, Mar 1977)
Meditation at UN, Mar 1977

Text to be added   unsure of date photos indicate some time in march 1977 reading from the bulletin dedicated to U Thant – see cover   Gallery: Pictured Pramoda, in front of Sri Chinmoy, Nilima in rear, Sri Chinmoy left .Anselmo front right listening to reading  

FATHER DE BREUVERY AND TEILHARD by Robert Muller – Meditation at UN Suplem – 1977-mar

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on FATHER DE BREUVERY AND TEILHARD by Robert Muller – Meditation at UN Suplem – 1977-mar)
FATHER DE BREUVERY AND TEILHARD by Robert Muller – Meditation at UN Suplem – 1977-mar

FATHER DE BREUVERY AND TEILHARD by Robert Muller Cover photo of Father Emmanuel de Breuvery by United Nations Printed by : Agni Press, 84-47 Parsons Blvd., Jamaica, N.Y. 11432 March, 1977 Mr. Muller is presently Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Office for Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination. Printed as a special … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 03; 27 Mar 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 03; 27 Mar 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: March 1977 report on events  East and West ….…….. .. .. …… …… ………. … … 6 A Visit to the United Nations Gift Center ………. 12 Question and Answer .…..• on world problems…. . .. . …. 18 BBC Interview ……………………….. . .. …. .. ….. 22 United Nations Meditation-Flowers …………….. 29 … Read more

Meditation at UN Photos from 1977 March 25

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Meditation at UN Photos from 1977 March 25

Below are some photos from March 25 1977 they show: Sri Chinmoy arriving, leading meditations, giving out prasad, in front of UN and interacting withe some of the security Guards that he knew.   More information to be obtained. Some of th2 photos may be from public meditation around the same date Click on image … Read more

UNICEF Meditation – 1977 March 17 Staff Birthday, Song + visit to some offices link.

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on UNICEF Meditation – 1977 March 17 Staff Birthday, Song + visit to some offices link.)
UNICEF Meditation – 1977 March 17 Staff Birthday, Song + visit to some offices link.

UNICEF Meditation .…………………………. .. .. 40 On 17 March, UNICEF members of the Meditation Group at the UN gave Teri (Chayanika)  Sanna – Schiffel a birthday party at the Alcoa Building. About sixty UNICEF staff members attended the programme, which included a short meditation led by Sri Chinmoy and a seven-course meal cooked by Teri. … Read more

BBC United Nations Correspondent Interview (Q & A) – on 11 March 1977

Posted by adhiratha in media coverage Text & Photos | Questions and Answers (Q&A) - (Comments Off on BBC United Nations Correspondent Interview (Q & A) – on 11 March 1977)
BBC United Nations Correspondent Interview (Q & A) – on 11 March 1977

On 11 March 1977, BBC’s United Nations correspondent Mr. Brian Saxton interviewed Sri Chinmoy about spirituality at the United Nations for a European radio broadcast. Mr. Saxton also requested a tape of songs Sri Chinmoy has composed for the United Nations and included “O United Nations” in the broadcast. The songs were sung by members … Read more

Meditation at UN Photos from 1977 March 08

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Meditation at UN Photos from 1977 March 08

Below are some photos from March 08. they show: Sri Chinmoy arriving,   leading meditations, inspiring and encouraging the participation of members singing by members of meditation Group giving out and receiving a small sweet (called in some cultures “prasad) , after meditation. in front of UN flags interacting withe some of the security Guards … Read more

Receptions for U.N. Officials and International Women’s Day 1977

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Receptions for U.N. Officials  and International Women’s Day 1977

The Meditation Group sponsored several banquets early in the year for United Nations delegates and staff members.   Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant , and her husband, Dr. Tin Myint-U, were among the guests of honour at one of these dinners, held at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens on … Read more

Queens Event for International Women’s Day Guests, 08 Mar 1977

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Queens Event for International Women’s Day  Guests,  08 Mar 1977

Text to be added In continuation of the International Women’s Day activities on 8 March, women delegates were guests of honour of the Meditation Group at a dinner with entertainment also held at Annam Brahma Restaurant. Gallery:

A Meeting with the 4th Secretary-General 1977 Mar 07

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A Meeting with the 4th Secretary-General 1977 Mar 07

On 7 March 1977 Sri Chinmoy met privately with Secretary-General Waldheim to present him with a copy of his book, U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry. Following is Sri Chinmoy’s account of their most significant meeting, which lasted from 9: 49 a.m. to 10: 05 a. m. *******      As soon as I entered … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 02; 27 Feb 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 02; 27 Feb 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: February 1977 report on events Presentation of Mazzone Sculpture .. .. …… .. ……. 6 Announcement of Geneva Meditation Group .. . .. 16 United Nations Meditation-Flowers . ……………. 19 Questions and Answers … ·continuation 0f series by Meditation Group members… . 28 To-morrow’s Noon .. …… .. .. . . …… .. … Read more

Presentation of Mazzone’s Sculpture of U Thant 1977 Feb 18

Posted by adhiratha in Art Exhibits | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Presentation of Mazzone’s Sculpture of U Thant 1977 Feb 18)
Presentation of Mazzone’s Sculpture of U Thant 1977 Feb 18

On 18 February 1977 Dr. Robert Muller presented Sri Chinmoy with a bust of U Thant by sculptor Domenico Mazzone. Dr. Muller had commissioned Mr. Mazzone to do this special sculpture in honour of Sri Chinmoy’s recent programme in tribute to U Thant and the publication of his book, U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s … Read more

UN Secretatriat News on Meditation Group 1977 Feb 16: Language; U Thant; & Prayer Service, Wash D.C.

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | media coverage Text & Photos - (Comments Off on UN Secretatriat News on Meditation Group 1977 Feb 16: Language; U Thant; & Prayer Service, Wash D.C.)
UN Secretatriat News on Meditation Group 1977 Feb 16: Language; U Thant; & Prayer Service, Wash D.C.

ON LEARNING ( a language) U Thant Programme  in NY and Assistance  at Prayer Service in Washington D.C. United Nations Headquarters, New York There were two articles in this issue of Secretariat News related to the Meditation Group at the UN and the leader Sri Chinmoy. See excerpt of details below ON LEARNING ( a … Read more

A Visit to the United Nations Gift Center, 11 Feb 1977

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A Visit to the United Nations Gift Center, 11 Feb 1977

On 11 February 1977 Sri Chinmoy visited the United Nations Gift Center, managed by a member of the Meditation Group. Sri Chinmoy meditated with the staff of the shop before their working day began and then gave a short talk . An excerpt from his talk follows. U.N. Gift Center staff listen to Sri Chinmoy … Read more

Photos Meditation at the UN 08 Feb 1977

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Photos Meditation at the UN 08 Feb 1977

text to be added:     Gallery:   Nilima, Pramodha in background  

Banquet for U.N.delegates and staff members – 1977 Feb 8

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Banquet for U.N.delegates and staff members – 1977 Feb 8)
Banquet for U.N.delegates and staff members – 1977 Feb 8

ANNAM BRAHMA BANQUET The Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations sponsored a banquet on 8 February 1977 for U.N. delegates and staff members. Among the guests of honour were Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant , and her husband, Dr Myint-U. A number of officials from the various departments … Read more

Essay Award to Meditation Group member from Holy See Mission to the UN, Jan 1977

Posted by adhiratha in Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Sample Ongoing weekly meetings - (Comments Off on Essay Award to Meditation Group member from Holy See Mission to the UN, Jan 1977)
Essay Award to Meditation Group member from Holy See Mission to the UN, Jan 1977

.At a January Meeting of the Peace Meditation group at the UN, Sri Chinmoy who leads the regular meditation requested an announcement be made of  some details to all those present  that a member of the group, Joseph La Galia , was being recognized with a Silver Papal Medallion.. Joseph received the  recognition for the … Read more

Meditation UN DH Auditorium 28 Jan 1977

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Meditation UN DH Auditorium 28 Jan 1977

Text to be added Robert Muller and Sri Chinmoy   Gallery: robert Mueler, David Rowe, Joa DeMota, Adhiratha, Mohan, Chayanika, Sanatan  in Background

Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 01; 27 Jan 1977, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 05, No 01; 27 Jan 1977, Bulletin

Content Highlights: January 1977 report on events Questions and Answers … …. …………………….. 6 United Nations Meditation-Flowers     p. 18 Songs by Sri Chinmoy …… …. .. .. ………. …. .. …. 21 “I Know You Surely Can” “With You Began” U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry …..a programme of dedication…. 23 To-morrow’s … Read more

U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme of music and speech 21 Jan 1977

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme of music and speech 21 Jan 1977)
U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme of music and speech 21 Jan 1977

A programme of music and speech in tribute to the late Secretary-General U Thant took place 21 Jan in the ECOSOC Chamber, the day before what would have been his 68th birthday. U Thant’s daughter, Mrs. Aye Aye Myint-U, and her family were present as Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus, Ambassador Vinci of Italy and Director and Deputy Under-Secretary-General for Inter Agency Affairs Dr. Robert Muller spoke movingly about the ex-Secretary- General . Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Meditation Group, presented Dr. and Mrs. Myint-U with copies of his newly published book, U Thant : Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry, which contains comments and essays about U Thant by United Nations and other international figures. Read more

Additional Text from U Thant – Programme speech 21 Jan 1977

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Additional Text from U Thant – Programme speech 21 Jan 1977

Excerpt from “Meditation at the United Nations” covering U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme  21 Jan 1977 excerpt PDF Excerpt-from-bu-scpmaun-1977-01-27-vol-05-n-01-jan-pp25-42 Gallery: Page Images of report Excerpted from Jan 1977 issue of Meditation a the UN page 23 -40 See more Photos from event at photos-from-u-thant-divinitys-smile-and-humanitys-cry-programme-21-jan-1977/  

Photos from: U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme 21 Jan 1977

Posted by adhiratha in photo - alone | Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Photos from: U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme 21 Jan 1977)
Photos from: U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme 21 Jan 1977

A programme of music and speech in tribute to the late Secretary-General U Thant took place 21 January in the ECOSOC Chamber, the day before what would have been his 68th birthday. see main post at: divinitys-smile-and-humanitys-cry-programme-of-music-and-speech/ Gallery 01 of more photos from event: Gallery 02 of more photos from event: see main post at: … Read more

Participation In President Carter’s Inaugural Ceremonies – Interfaith Prayer Service – 1977 Jan 20

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Interfaith meeting - conference | Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Participation In President Carter’s Inaugural Ceremonies – Interfaith Prayer Service – 1977 Jan 20)
Participation In President Carter’s Inaugural Ceremonies – Interfaith Prayer Service – 1977 Jan 20

At the invitation of the President Carter / Vice-President Mondale Inaugural Committee, the Meditation Group ushered at the Inauguration Day early interfaith morning prayer service held on 20 January 1977 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington , D.C. The Group gathered at 6 :30 a.m. in the sub-freezing temperature to pass out programmes, seat people … Read more

Photos: Meditation in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium 11 Jan 1977

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Photos: Meditation in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium 11 Jan 1977

text to be added: Sri Chinmoy with legendary guitarist Mahavishnu John McLaughlin outside the UN Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium, after a peace meditation on 11 January 1977 Gallery:   David Rowe, Joa De mota, john-Kwadwo Ofosu-Benefo, Robert Muller MJM

A Welcome to Dr. Robert Muller 1977 Jan 07

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on A Welcome to Dr. Robert Muller 1977 Jan 07)
A Welcome to Dr. Robert Muller 1977 Jan 07

On 7 January 1977 Sri Chinmoy welcomed Dr. Robert Muller, Director and Deputy to the Under-Secretary-General for Inter-Agency Affairs and Coordination, as a member of the United Nations Meditation Group family. At that time Sri Chinmoy presented him with a copy of a tribute to U Thant that Dr. Muller had written, which the Meditation … Read more

1976 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1976 Activities Listings – Meditation Group)

Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

O United Nations – 9 Songs by Sri Chinmoy – Sung by Meditation Group 1976

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O United Nations – 9 Songs by Sri Chinmoy – Sung by Meditation Group 1976

  TABLE OF CONTENTS o United Nations ••••••• • ••••••••••••• 5 o Dream of God •••••• • •• • ••••••• • •••• • 6 I Pray for you •••••••••• • •••• • ••••••• 7 o Wilson’s League of Nations ••••••••• 8 o Body of the World •••••• • •••• • •••• • • 9 U … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 04, No 12; 27 Dec 1976, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 04, No 12; 27 Dec 1976, Bulletin

Content Highlights: December 1976 report on events Questions and Answers ……..…………. …. …. … . 6 On 12 November 1976 Sn’ Chinmoy requested the members of the Meditation Group to ask him a question from any field of endeavour., Sri Chinmoy:  I have repeatedly said, to work at the United Nations is not like working … Read more

A. UN GA resolutions and other official documents requesting involvement in IYC.

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on A. UN GA resolutions and other official documents requesting involvement in IYC.)
A. UN GA resolutions and other official documents requesting involvement in IYC.

A. Excerpts from UN GA resolutions and other official documents (e.g. UNESCO, UNICEF ) requesting NGO and public involvement in IYC. General Assembly Resolution 31/169. The General Assembly, Excerpt …. Convinced that an international year of the child could serve to encourage all countries to review their programmes for the promotion of the well-being of … Read more

UN Secretariat News on Meditation Group Activities: 1976 Dec 16

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UN Secretariat News on Meditation Group Activities: 1976 Dec 16

The following article in the UN Secretariat paper covered activities of the Meditation Group at the United Nations The upcoming annual Christmas Carol Sing-along 17 December Programme in honour of U Thant on 23 November Second programme of Gratitude on an International Day of Thanksgiving. 22 November More details below : The annual Christmas Carol … Read more