Author Archives: adhiratha

Devotional Concert – Hindu Temple Society of N. America

Posted by adhiratha in Interfaith meeting - conference | Music and Songs | Music for meditation - (Comments Off on Devotional Concert – Hindu Temple Society of N. America)
Devotional Concert – Hindu Temple Society of N. America

Meditation and Devotional concert Reported in Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 11; 27 Nov 1978, Bulletin p.11 From Meditation Group’s 1978 Devoted report to S-G On 12 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group were invited by Mr. G.V. Subba Rao , head of the new energy programme of the … Read more

Norman Rockwell: Artist of Americana 1978 Nov 10 Memorial Tribute

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Interfaith meeting - conference | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Norman Rockwell: Artist of Americana 1978 Nov 10 Memorial Tribute)
Norman Rockwell: Artist of Americana 1978 Nov 10 Memorial Tribute

On 10 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy paid the following memorial tribute to the American artist Norman Rockwell during a meeting of the Meditation Group in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sri Chinmoy: Let us for a … Read more

“Liberia Day” Celebration 1978 ARTICLE : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

Posted by adhiratha in africa | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on “Liberia Day” Celebration 1978 ARTICLE : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945)
“Liberia Day” Celebration 1978 ARTICLE : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

On 3 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of Liberia on the anniversary of its joining the United Nations on 2 November 1945. The “Liberia Day” celebration featured guest speaker Ambassador David M. Thomas of Liberia and a short film about a human settlement project … Read more

“Liberia Day” Celebration SUMMARY : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

Posted by adhiratha in africa | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on “Liberia Day” Celebration SUMMARY : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945)
“Liberia Day” Celebration SUMMARY : Join U.N. 2 Nov 1945

On 3 November 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of Liberia on the anniversary of its joining the United Nations on 2 November 1945. The “Liberia Day” celebration featured guest speaker Ambassador David M. Thomas of Liberia and a short film about a human settlement project in Liberia … Read more

India Honoured – Anniversary of Join UN 1978 Oct 31

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on India Honoured – Anniversary of Join UN 1978 Oct 31)
India Honoured – Anniversary of Join UN 1978 Oct 31

On 31 October 1978, Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations sponsored a programme in honour of the anniversary of India joining the United Nations (on 30 October 1945). * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The programme was opened with silent … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 10; 27 Oct 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 10; 27 Oct 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: October 1978 report on events A Meeting with the Secretary-General . …… … 6 Two songs United Nations Day Observed . …………… 14 U.N. Day Celebrated around the World …… 23 India Day . . . …. …… … …… … …. .. . 26 Participation in the New York City Marathon … … Read more

Participation in the New York City Marathon – 1978

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Participation in the New York City Marathon – 1978

Members of the U.N. community may have seen many of their friends in the Meditation Group running in the 26-mile New York City Marathon, held this year on 26 October. Over thirty men and women from the Group joined the 11,000 other marathon runners at the inspiration and encouragement of Sri Chinmoy, who believes that … Read more

United Nations Day Observed -1978 Oct 23 : Liberia , Cyprus

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United Nations Day Observed -1978 Oct 23 : Liberia , Cyprus

‘…a day of universal hope, a day of universal promise, a day of universal peace and a day of universal oneness.” On 24 October 1978 Sri Chinmoy  Peace Meditation at the United Nations observed United Nations Day with a programme of music and speech in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Guest speakers included: Ambassador David M. … Read more

United Nations Day – signifies a day of universal hope, promise, peace and oneness. 1978 Oct 24

Posted by adhiratha in Talks about the UN Heart-Home | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on United Nations Day – signifies a day of universal hope, promise, peace and oneness. 1978 Oct 24)

On 24 October 1978 the Peace Meditation at the United Nations observed United Nations Day with a programme in the Dag Hammarskjöld Auditorium. Sri Chinmoy made the following remarks on that occasion. Today is U.N. Day. What does U.N. Day signify? It signifies a day of universal hope, a day of universal promise, a day … Read more

1978 U.N. Day Celebrated Around the World

Posted by adhiratha in Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on 1978 U.N. Day Celebrated Around the World)
1978 U.N. Day Celebrated Around the World

In Australia, Canada, Europe and the United States, dignitaries and U.N. community leaders took time out of their busy schedules to join U.N. Day runners and cyclists in a special worldwide celebration of the United Nations 33rd birthday, 24 October, 1978. Enthusiastic U.N. supporters and students of Sri Chinmoy, who is a Non-Governmental Organisation  Representative … Read more

A Meeting with the Secretary-General Waldheim – 1978 Oct 24

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on A Meeting with the Secretary-General Waldheim – 1978 Oct 24)
A Meeting with the Secretary-General Waldheim – 1978 Oct 24

On 24 October 1978 Sri Chinmoy met privately with Secretary-General Waldheim to present him with a copy of his book, A Soulful Tribute to the Secretary-General: The Pilot Supreme of the United Nations. Following is Sri Chinmoy’s account of their meeting. I was standing at the door and Mr. Mayrhofer was behind me . He … Read more

Photos of SG-Waldheim 1970- 1979

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Photos of SG-Waldheim  1970- 1979

Photos considered for book by Sri Chinmoy:  A Soulful Tribute to the Secretary-General: The Pilot Supreme of the United Nations. On 24 October 1978 Sri Chinmoy presented Secretary-General Waldheim with a copy of the book Sri Chinmoy had written   See Sri Chinmoy’s account of their meeting. I was standing at the door and Mr. … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 09; 27 Sep 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 09; 27 Sep 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: September 1978 report on events Receptions at the Jharna -Kala Gallery .p. 6       Conversations with:. Mr. Raphael Hernandez-Colon Ambassador Elliot Richardson Ambassador Zenon Rossides Special Prayer Ceremony . ….For Pope John Paul I   p. 18 Meetings with the Consuls-General of India . …. 28 Consul-General Pran Nevile  – Chicago Consul-General L. … Read more

UN Community at Jharna Kala Gallery 11 Sep 1978

Posted by adhiratha in Art Exhibits | MG Members in other events | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on UN Community at Jharna Kala Gallery 11 Sep 1978)
UN Community  at Jharna Kala Gallery 11 Sep 1978

On 11 September Sri Chinmoy met with Ambassador Elliot Richardson, United States Representative to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. The two discussed their work at the United Nations and Sri Chinmoy presented Ambassador Richardson with an original Jharna-Kala painting. An excerpt from their conversation follows . Sep 11 activities were … Read more

Prayer Ceremony for Pope John Paul I 1978 Sep 11

Posted by adhiratha in Interfaith meeting - conference | Prayer or silence day - event | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Prayer Ceremony for Pope John Paul I 1978 Sep 11)
Prayer Ceremony for Pope John Paul I 1978 Sep 11

Members of the United Nations community and the Meditation Group offered their prayer and inner support for Pope John Paul I in a special ceremony on 11 September 1978, held in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. The opening prayer was given by Sri Chinmoy, after which Sister Janet Richardson of … Read more

Receptions at the Jharna-Kala Gallery 1978 Sep 05 – 24 Sep

Posted by adhiratha in Art Exhibits | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Receptions at the Jharna-Kala Gallery 1978 Sep 05 – 24 Sep)
Receptions at the Jharna-Kala Gallery 1978 Sep 05 – 24 Sep

During the month of September 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations hosted a number of receptions at the Jharna-Kala Art Gallery, a colourful exhibition of more than 2,000 paintings by Sri Chinmoy, on display in Grand Central Station from August until November. * * * * * * * * * * * … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 08; 27 Aug 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 08; 27 Aug 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: Aug 1978 report on events Memorial  Service for His Holiness Pope Paul VI . . p. 6 Song by Sri Chinmoy …. . .p. 25 Inspirational Prayers ….. .p. 26 Questions and Answers . .• On meditation and spirituality   p. 27 Expanded Content List (with some descriptive narrative) – Section to be added … Read more

Sri Chinmoy Honoured by New York City 1978 Aug 16

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on Sri Chinmoy Honoured by New York City 1978 Aug 16)
Sri Chinmoy Honoured by New York City 1978 Aug 16

On 16 August 1978 the United Nations host city honoured Sri Chinmoy in a ceremony on the steps of City Hall. Mayor Edward I. Koch presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation in honour of his 47th birthday on 27 August. The Presidents of all of the city’s five boroughs recognised Sri Chinmoy by issuing … Read more

Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 08 Aug

Posted by adhiratha in Spiritual figure and plays | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 08 Aug)
Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 08 Aug

On 8 August 1978 United Nations delegates and staff joined the members of the Meditation Group in a memorial service for his Holiness Pope Paul VI, held in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Sri Chinmoy opened the programme with a silent meditation facing a portrait of the Holy Father, followed … Read more

Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 Aug 08: TEXT DETAILS

Posted by adhiratha in Spiritual figure and plays | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 Aug 08: TEXT DETAILS)
Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI 1978 Aug 08: TEXT DETAILS

On 8 August 1978 United Nations delegates and staff joined the members of the Meditation Group in a memorial service for his Holiness Pope Paul VI, held in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Sri Chinmoy opened the programme with a silent meditation facing a portrait of the Holy Father, followed … Read more

Meetings with the Consuls-General of India -1978

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Meetings with the Consuls-General of India -1978)
Meetings with the Consuls-General of India -1978

On 28 July 1978 Indian Consul-General in Chicago Pran Nevile attended a concert held by Sri Chinmoy and members of the Meditation Group at Northwestern University in Chicago. During the concert Sri Chinmoy made a brief presentation to the Consul-General. Their remarks follow. * * * * * * * * * * * * … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 07; 27 Jul 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 07; 27 Jul 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: July 1978 report on events Commentaries on Spiritual Words .. . .. … . . … 6 Short Talks . . .. . .. . ….. . . . . . . … ….. …. 21   Creativity   Yoga and Religion   Divine Compassion and Human Determinati’on Questions and Answers …. ….• … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 06; 27 Jun 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 06; 27 Jun 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: June 1978 report on events A Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai ‘” 6 Song by Sri Chinmoy . …. … . .. .. …. . . …. 11 Questions on Prayer …… ….. . . ….. .. .. .. 1 ~ A Lecture/ Demonstration by C.V. Narasimhan . …. . . .. … Read more

Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai 1978 Jun 12

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai 1978 Jun 12)
Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai 1978 Jun 12

During his visit to the United Nations for the special session on disarmament, Indian Prime Minister Desai received members of the Meditation Group in a private meeting on 12 June 1978. The Group sang a Bengali song composed by Sri Chinmoy in honour of the Prime Minister, and Sri Chinmoy presented him with a plaque … Read more

First Prize in 24-Hour Bicycle Marathon by member of Meditation Group

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First Prize in 24-Hour Bicycle Marathon by member of Meditation Group

Top honours for women in the annual 24-hour Pepsi-Cola Bicycle Marathon in Central Park were won by a member of Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations, Ms. Joanne Caruso of the U.N. Department of Public Information. Joanne rode a total of 305 miles, circling the five-mile Central Park loop 61 times between 12 noon … Read more

Musical Lecture- SUMMARY – Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan

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Musical Lecture-  SUMMARY – Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan

On the evening of 30 May 1978, Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, Under-Secretary-General for the United Nations Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination, offered a lecture-demonstration on the devotional element of South Indian Classical Music, sponsored by the Meditation Group. Following are excerpts from Mr. Narasimhan’s lecture and Sri Chinmov’s expression of gratitude on behalf of … Read more

Musical Lecture – Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan: DETAILS ARTICLE 1978 May 30

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Musical Lecture – Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan: DETAILS ARTICLE 1978 May 30)
Musical Lecture – Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan: DETAILS  ARTICLE 1978 May 30

A LECTURE/ DEMONSTRATION BY C. V. NARASIMHAN on the DEVOTIONAL ELEMENT OF SOUTH INDIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC On the evening of 30 May 1978} Mr. C. V. Narasimhan, Under- Secretary-General for the United Nations Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination} offered a lecture/demonstration on the devotional element of South Indian Classical Music, sponsored by the Meditation … Read more

UNESCO Festival Concert in Paris

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UNESCO Festival Concert in Paris

On 30 May 1978 the music of Sri Chinmoy was featured as part of a week-long International Festival of United nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization ( UNESCO ) in Paris. At the request of the Paris UNESCO Club, which sponsored the Festival, a concert of twenty-seven songs was performed by the Sri Chinmoy Song-Waves … Read more

DEVOTIONAL SOUTH INDIAN “Carnatic” MUSIC – Narasimhan – Playbill reproduction, 1978 May

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on DEVOTIONAL SOUTH INDIAN “Carnatic” MUSIC – Narasimhan – Playbill reproduction, 1978 May)
DEVOTIONAL SOUTH INDIAN “Carnatic” MUSIC – Narasimhan – Playbill reproduction, 1978 May

THE DEVOTIONAL ELEMENT OF SOUTH INDIAN CLASSICAL MUSIC a lecture-demonstration by C.V. Narasimhan 30 May 1978   – Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium 6: 30 p.m. Mr. C. V. Narasimhan. Under-Secretary-General (or the United Nations Office of Inter-Agency Affairs and Co-ordination, offers a lecture demonstration on the devotional element of South Indian Classical Music, sponsored by the Meditation … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 05; 27 May 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 05; 27 May 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: May 1978 report on events Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . -On meditation and spirituality p. 6 In Gratitude .    p. 23 Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U.N, – (Part III)   p. 25 Song by Sri Chinmoy         p. 40 Expanded Content List (with some descriptive narrative) – … Read more

In Gratitude for Friends of the Peace Meditation at UN 05 May 1978

Posted by adhiratha in Thanksgiving - Gratitude | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on In Gratitude for Friends of the Peace Meditation at UN 05 May 1978)
In Gratitude for Friends of the Peace Meditation at UN 05 May 1978

At the 05 May 1978 meditation held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium.   Sri Chinmoy thanked some of the friends of the Meditation Group. who were present for their participation and support of the Group’s activities.   “Our dear ambassadors, our highly esteemed brothers and sisters, we wish to offer you once more our hearts’  … Read more

The Inner Way

Posted by adhiratha in Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on The Inner Way)

The inner way is the manifestation of the inner creation. The inner creation is the revelation of the inner realisation. The inner realisation is the dynamic expression of the inner will. Will is power. Realisation is peace. Creation is bliss. Will tells me what I can divinely do for God and humanity. Realisation tells me … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 04; 27 Apr 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 04; 27 Apr 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: April 1978 report on events Eight Years of Service to the United Nations . – Anniversary of the Meditation Group.. p. 6 Questions and Answers . . – • On the United Nations… . …….. . .. . ..p. 10 Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U.N .. – .Part II. . p . … Read more

Eight Years of Service – SUMMARY – to the UN : Apr 1978

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Eight Years of Service – SUMMARY – to the UN : Apr 1978

On 14 April 1978 Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations commemorated eight years of dedicated service to the United Nations community in a celebration of music and readings, held in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Below are excerpts from expressions of the Group’s gratitude for Sri Chinmoy’s … Read more

Eight Years of Service – ARTICLE – to the U.N. 1978 April

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Eight Years of Service – ARTICLE – to the U.N. 1978 April

On 14 April 1978, Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations commemorated eight years of dedicated service to the United Nations community. Reference Note: The text ARTICLE below was printed in the April 1978 Bulletin “Meditation at the United Nations” pp 06-09. A SUMMARY of the event was in the 1978 Devoted Report … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 03; 27 Mar 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 03; 27 Mar 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: March 1978 report on events Questions and Answers . . . ..• On the United Nations..p. 6 Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day  p. 11 Song by Sri Chinmoy     p. 17 Do We Have the Capacity to Help Others? …. . – A talk    p. 18 Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U. … Read more

Presentation to Ms. Lottie Robbins 21 Mar 1978

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Presentation to Ms. Lottie Robbins 21 Mar 1978)
Presentation to Ms. Lottie Robbins 21 Mar 1978

At the 21 March 1978 meeting of the Meditation Group, Sri Chinmoy surprised Ms. Lottie Robbins of OPI with a trophy of appreciation: On behalf of our Meditation Group, I wish to present this to you with our deepest appreciation and admiration. You have got a promotion. Promotion means progress, and our whole philosophy is … Read more

Peace Corps Anniversary Celebration – common peace ideal with UN Volunteers 1978 Mar SUMMARY

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Peace Corps Anniversary Celebration – common peace ideal with UN Volunteers 1978 Mar SUMMARY

The Peace Corps commemorated its seventeenth anniversary on 15 March 1978 with an evening programme at the United Nations in Conference Room 4, co-sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations. HIGHLIGHTED Quote from programme:: “the Peace Corps of the USA and the UN Volunteers have grown from a common peace ideal and peace … Read more

Peace Corps Anniversary – Common Peace ideal with UN Volunteers: 1978 Mar DETAILS

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Peace Corps Anniversary – Common Peace ideal with UN Volunteers: 1978 Mar DETAILS)
Peace Corps Anniversary – Common Peace ideal with UN Volunteers: 1978 Mar DETAILS

The Peace Corps commemorated its seventeenth anniversary on 15 March 1978 with an evening programme at the United Nations in Conference Room 4, co-sponsored by Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations.  HIGHLIGHTED Quote from programme:: “the Peace Corps of the USA and the UN Volunteers have grown from a common peace ideal and peace … Read more

A Visit to the Riverdale Country School – Assembly Performance – Musicians and Magican

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A Visit to the Riverdale Country School – Assembly Performance – Musicians and Magican

On 14 March 1978 members of the Meditation Group were invited by Dr. and Mrs . Tyn Myint-U, son-in-law and daughter of the late Secretary-General U Thant, to give an assembly programme at the Riverdale Country School, which the Myint-U’s children attend. The programme consisted of instructive and entertaining instrumental performances by several of the … Read more

Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day 1978 Mar 09

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day 1978 Mar 09)
Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day 1978 Mar 09

On 9 March 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations hosted a dinner in honour of International Women ‘s Day for women working in world affairs. The dinner was held in the Church Center for the United Nations. At the end of the evening’s programme, which included music on the Indian esraj by Sri … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 02; 27 Feb 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 02; 27 Feb 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: February  1978 report on events A Meeting with the Secretary-General p. 6 Mr. Donald Keys Honoured p.  10 Song by Sri Chinmoy  p .14 Music of Sri Lanka p,16 Presentation of “0 My Australia” Banner. p.19 Questions and Answers -submitted by Mr. Robert Muller p. 22 Abraham Lincoln : The Emancipation Consciousness p.  28 … Read more

Abraham Lincoln: SUMMARY The Emancipation Consciousness 1978 Feb

Posted by adhiratha in Interfaith meeting - conference | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Abraham Lincoln: SUMMARY The Emancipation Consciousness 1978 Feb)
Abraham Lincoln: SUMMARY The Emancipation Consciousness 1978 Feb

On 10 February 1978 the birthday of Abraham Lincoln was marked by a programme of music and human rights tributes held in Conference Room 4 at the United Nations Headquarters, sponsored by the Peace Meditation Group. Statements were offered by: Ambassador Ovadia Soffer of Israel, Ambassador Jorge Enrique Illueca of Panama, Ambassador David M. Thomas … Read more

Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consiousness 1978 Feb 10 DETAILS

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Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consiousness 1978 Feb 10 DETAILS

10 February 1978 Conference Room 4 United Nations, New York Opening meditation and musical dedication on the esraj: Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN Song: “All Men Are Created Equal”: The Peace Meditation Group at the UN Choir  Speakers: H.E. Mr. Ovadia Soffer, Ambassador Extraordinary of Israel to the United … Read more

Presentation of “O My Australia” Banner

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Presentation of “O My Australia” Banner)
Presentation of “O My Australia” Banner

On 10 February 1978 Australian members of  the Meditation Group presented a banner to Australian Deputy Consul-General Mr. Rex Harris, who accepted it on behalf of the Permanent Representative of Australia to the United Nations, Mr. Ralph L. Harry. Ambassador Harry had expressed his appreciation of a song entitled “O My Australia”, which was composed … Read more

Music of Sri Lanka 03 Feb 1978

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Music of Sri Lanka 03 Feb 1978)
Music of Sri Lanka 03 Feb 1978

On 3 February 1978 Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations held a programme on the musical heritage of Sri Lanka as part of a cultural series highlighting the music of individual countries or region. Mr. Nihal Radrigo of the Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the United Nations spoke, and members of the Meditation … Read more

“UN Heart Home..”. Painting Completes World Tour 1978 Jan

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“UN Heart Home..”. Painting Completes World Tour 1978 Jan

In January of 1978 the painting by Sri Chinmoy entitled “United Nations: Heart-Home of the World-Body” returned to New York after a “good-will tour” around the world. The 6′ x 8′ work, dedicated to the United Nations ‘ efforts towards world peace, was painted the afternoon of 3 May 1977 and unveiled that evening at … Read more

Mr. Donald Keys Honoured 1978 jan 31

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Mr. Donald Keys Honoured 1978 jan 31

On 31 January 1978 the Meditation Group honoured Mr. Donald Keys, President of Planetary Citizens, for his five years’ support of and participation in the Meditation Group. Following are excerpts of remarks by Sri Chinmoy and Mr. Keys.   Sri Chinmoy: Dear Mr. Keys, dear brother, dear friend , dear fellow traveler along Eternity’s Road, … Read more

Donald Keys Honoured 31 Jan 1978

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Donald Keys Honoured 31 Jan 1978

On 31 January 1978 the Meditation Group at the UN honoured Mr. Donald Keys, Registrar of Planetary Citizens, for his five years  support of and participation in the Meditation Group. Following are remarks by Sri Chinmoy, teacher of the Group, and Mr. Keys. A song written by Sri Chinmoy to words from Mr. Keys’ writings … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 01; 27 Jan 1978, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 01; 27 Jan 1978, Bulletin

Content Highlights: January 1978 report on events New Year’s Message … …….. . .. . ….. ….. 6 Special Concert for Accounts Division Staff . .. … 7 World Leaders …. …….. . … … .. … .. …. 9 Swami Vivekananda President Franklin Roosevelt A Thank You to Mr. Robert Muller ….. .. … … Read more