Author Archives: adhiratha

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 09-10; 27 Sep – Oct 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 09-10; 27 Sep – Oct 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: September, October 1981 report on events Meeting with the President of Panama .. …….. 7 A Birthday Celebration for Foreign Minister Illueca … . …. .. … .. 10 Special Prayer Service for President Anwar El Sadat .. . .. …… . . . .. 14 U.N. Day Observance .. . .. .. … Read more

International Observance of U.N. Day 24 Oct 1981

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International Observance of U.N. Day 24 Oct 1981

In conjunction with the meditation group’s United Nations Day programme at U.N. Headquarters in New York, members of the Sri Chinmoy Centres again organised various activities around the world to highlight U.N. Day in 1981. brief accounts of a few of these special performances, ceremonies and athletic events, which are one way the Centres bring … Read more

Observance of U.N. Day 1981 Oct 23

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Music and Songs | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Observance of U.N. Day 1981 Oct 23)
Observance of U.N. Day 1981 Oct 23

The Peace Meditation group observed United Nations Day with a programme in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium at U.N. Headquarters on 23 October. Guest speaker was H.E. Sra. Julia Tavares de Alvarez, Alternate Representative of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations. The peace meditation group singers also performed seven Bengali songs dedicated to the United … Read more

Prayer Service for President Anwar El Sadat – 1981 Oct 06

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Prayer Service for President Anwar El Sadat – 1981 Oct 06

Summary: In a moving tribute to President Mohamed Anwar EI Sadat, Egypt’s great leader and humanity’s missionary of peace, there was  a special memorial service at the United Nations on 6 October 1981 . Delegates and staff filled the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium as President Sadat’s many friends and admirers offered their hearts’ final salutations to … Read more

One-Mile Fun Runs For UN Community 1981 Oct 2 , 4

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on One-Mile Fun Runs For UN Community 1981 Oct 2 , 4)
One-Mile Fun Runs For UN Community 1981 Oct 2 , 4

The second series of one-mile fun runs sponsored by the peace meditation group for members of the United Nations community was held on 2 and 4 October 1981. A race for the Security and Safety Service was held on Friday, 2 October in the morning, followed by a race for United Nations and mission staff … Read more

Panama President, Aristides Royo, Reception Sep 1981

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Panama President, Aristides Royo, Reception Sep 1981)
Panama President, Aristides Royo, Reception Sep 1981

Sri Chinmoy was inspired to dedicate a song to the President of the Republic of Panama,  Aristides Royo. During his first visit to New York  on 29 and 30 September 1981, President Royo  addressed the United Nations General Assembly, and also hosted a reception in honour of Secretary General  Kurt Waldheim at the Grand Hyatt … Read more

Birthday Celebration, Panama Foreign Minister, Illueca 1981 Sep 17

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Birthday Celebration, Panama Foreign Minister, Illueca 1981 Sep 17)
Birthday Celebration, Panama Foreign Minister, Illueca 1981 Sep 17

 Members of the meditation group joined Foreign Minister Illueca of Panama and his family at the Panama Mission for a birthday celebration on 17 September 1981. As an expression of his Friendship) Sri Chinmoy p resented the Foreign Minister with a bouquet of flowers and a cake with Dr. Illueca’s portrait etched in icing. While … Read more

Fiftieth Birthday Salute for Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug 20 by UN Community – Article

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Fiftieth Birthday Salute for Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug 20 by UN Community – Article)
Fiftieth Birthday Salute for Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug 20 by UN Community – Article

On 20 August 1981 the meditation group observed the fiftieth birthday of Sri Chinmoy in a special ceremony in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Guest speakers were: Mr. Donald Keys, Planetary Citizens; Mr. Rafael Rubin, Department of State of Puerto Rico;  H.E. Mr. Davidson L. Hepburn, Permanent Representative of the … Read more

Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration

Posted by adhiratha in Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | photo - alone | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration)
Salute Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug PHOTOS – Panama National Decoration

On 20 August 1981 the meditation group observed the fiftieth birthday of Sri Chinmoy in a special ceremony in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. For main text report and some photo-images of event SEE: Birthday Salute for Sri Chinmoy 1981 Aug 20 by UN Community – Article. including excerpt of … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 07-08; 27 Jul – Aug 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 07-08; 27 Jul – Aug 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: July, August 1981 report on events  Programmes Highlighting Regional Traditions . . …. .. . p. 7 Latin American States Western European and Other States Asian States “With the Superiors” …….. . . .. . . . . … …. 23 Fiftieth Birthday Salute ….. .. .. … …… . . . 25 … Read more

Turkey Speaker at Western European and Other States Event 10 Jul 1981

Posted by adhiratha in europe | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Turkey Speaker at Western European and Other States Event 10 Jul 1981)
Turkey Speaker at Western European and Other States Event 10 Jul 1981

The second in the series of regional programmes (featuring the Western European and other States regional group) was held on 10 Jul 1981*. The guest speaker was H.E. Mr. Talat S. Halman, Deputy Permanent Representative of Turkey to the United Nations. *Note some print reports note 10 Jun for this event, However the first in … Read more

Progamme Highlighting Regional Traditions : Latin American States 1981 Jul 07

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Progamme Highlighting Regional Traditions : Latin American States 1981 Jul 07)
Progamme Highlighting Regional Traditions : Latin American States 1981 Jul 07

During July 1981 the meditation group hosted a series of programmes at U.N. Headquarters high-lighting the cultural and spiritual traditions of the major regions of the world. The first of the series (focusing on the Latin American region) was held on 7 July. The guest speaker was Mr. Lucien J. Henar, Deputy Permanent Representative of … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 06; 27 Jun 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 06; 27 Jun 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: June 1981 report on events Questions and Answers…. • On meditation and spirituality  p. 7 Aphorisms about the United Nations . . …. . . … …. 10 U.N. Charter Day Commemorated ……….. . . … .. 15 Ambassador Davidson Hepburn, Bahamas Fred LeBow, President NYC Road Runners Club Concert for U.N. Delegates … Read more

Programme to commemorate U.N. Charter Day, 1981 Jun 26

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Sport & Athletics | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Programme to commemorate U.N. Charter Day, 1981 Jun 26)
Programme to commemorate U.N. Charter Day, 1981 Jun 26

UN CHARTER DAY COMMEMORATED  On 26 June 1981 delegates and staff joined in a commemorative ceremony held by the meditation group at U.N. Headquarters in honour of U.N. Charter Day. Guest speakers were: H.E. Mr. David-son L. Hepburn, Permanent Representative of the Bahamas to the United Nations, and Mr. Fred Lebow, President of the New … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 05; 27 May 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 05; 27 May 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: May 1981 report on events U.N. Prayer Service for Pope John Paul 11 .. … . 7 Aphorisms on Peace .. .. … . . . . . … .. … . . . . 8 Questions and Answers on Peace …. . … . .. .. . 18 Poems on Peace … … Read more

Prayer Service for Pope John Paul II 14 May 1981

Posted by adhiratha in Prayer or silence day - event - (Comments Off on Prayer Service for Pope John Paul II 14 May 1981)
Prayer Service for Pope John Paul II 14 May 1981

The meditation group held a special U.N. prayer vigil at Headquarters on Thursday, 14 May 1981, to pray for the quick and complete recovery of Pope John Paul 11, after an attempt on his life the previous day. Asking the gathering to pray with him, Sri Chinmoy concentrated on a photograph of the Holy Father … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 04; 27 Apr 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 04; 27 Apr 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: April 1981 report on events “Fun Runs” -One-Mile Races at the United Nations ………. p. 7 Security and Safety Service staff UN Secretariat and Mission  staff Delegates and spouses Children of delegates and staff Aphorisms about the United Nations . . .. . .. .. …… 15 Eleventh Anniversary Marked …… .. …… … Read more

Eleventh Anniversary of Peace Meditations at the United Nations, 1981 Apr 14

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Talks about the UN Heart-Home | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Eleventh Anniversary of Peace Meditations at the United Nations, 1981 Apr 14)
Eleventh Anniversary of Peace Meditations at the United Nations, 1981 Apr 14

Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the U.N. marked its 11th year of existence at the United Nations in a programme held 14 April 1981 in the Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations. Toward the  end of the Programme Sri Chinmoy made the following remarks about the members of the Peace Meditation … Read more

One-mile fun runs for the United Nations community 1981 April 2, 3, 5

Posted by adhiratha in Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on One-mile fun runs for the United Nations community 1981 April 2, 3, 5)
One-mile fun runs for the United Nations community 1981 April 2, 3, 5

“FUN RUNS”- ONE MILE RACES AT THE UNITED NATIONS  United Nations staff and delegates participated in a series of five one-mile “fun runs” from 2 to 5 April 1981. This first series of running races at the United Nations was sponsored by the Peace Meditation group to mark the beginning of spring and to provide … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 03; 27 Mar 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 03; 27 Mar 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: March 1981 report on events Each Nation …..• an inspirational talk.. . . . . 7 International Women’s Day 1981 .. . . .. . . … . .. 8 Women’s Liberation and Oneness-Satisfaction – an essay for International Women’s Day. 12 Aphorisms about the United Nations . ……. .. 16 Questions and … Read more

International Women’s Day Prog 9 Mar 1981

Posted by adhiratha in Thoughts from the UN community. | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on International Women’s Day Prog 9 Mar 1981)
International Women’s Day Prog  9 Mar 1981

1981 International Women’s Day was marked at U.N. Headquarters this year by a programme on 9 March sponsored by the meditation group in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Guest speaker was Ms. Kay Fraleigh, Chairperson of the NGO U.N. Committee on the Decade for Women and Representative at the U. N. for the International Alliance of … Read more

Each Nation, 1981 Mar 04

Posted by adhiratha in Poetry | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Each Nation, 1981 Mar 04)

An Offering by Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations.  EACH NATION Each nation has five members in its family: inspiration, aspiration, realisation, revelation and manifestation. The body needs inspiration. The vital needs aspiration. The mind needs realisation. The heart needs revelation. The soul needs manifestation. The body wants to walk. … Read more

Women’s Liberation And Oneness-Satisfaction

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Women’s Liberation And Oneness-Satisfaction)
Women’s Liberation And Oneness-Satisfaction

EXCERPT:  “The satisfaction that one gets by serving, equaling or surpassing others will not last. Only oneness-satisfaction will forever last. In the heart’s oneness, there is no superiority or inferiority; there is not even equality. There is only oneness-joy. Here it is not a competition-game but a oneness-game.”… “…real liberation does not lie in equaling … Read more

Oneness-Satisfaction 1981 Mar 02

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Oneness-Satisfaction  1981 Mar 02

An Offering by Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations. ONENESS-SATISFACTION Women have one common name: sacrifice. They can sacrifice everything that they have and that they are, either for their dear ones or for an unknown, if not an unknowable, supreme Reality. From time immemorial, Indian women have been revealing … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 02; 27 Feb 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 02; 27 Feb 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: February 1981 report on events Aphorisms about the United Nations . . . .. …. . 7 Sri Lanka Day Celebrated . . .. .. ….. .. .. .. . . 11 U.N. Diplomats Honour Panamanian Foreign Minister … . .. . …… 14 Questions and Answers .. .. . . .. …. … Read more

Panama Foreign Minister, Dr. Illueca honoured, 1981 Feb 17

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Panama Foreign Minister, Dr. Illueca honoured, 1981 Feb 17)
Panama Foreign Minister, Dr. Illueca honoured, 1981 Feb 17

Two Panama Related Events Sep 1981 UN Diplomats Honour Panama Foreign Minister 17 February 1981. The international diplomatic community honoured Panamanian Foreign Minister Jorge Illueca at a U.N. ceremony sponsored by the peace meditation group Dr. Illueca has been associated with the U.N. since the second General Assembly in 1947, serving most recently as Permanent … Read more

Celebration of Sri Lanka’s National Day 1981 Feb 04

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Celebration of Sri Lanka’s National Day 1981 Feb 04)
Celebration of Sri Lanka’s National Day   1981 Feb 04

 Sri Lanka’s national day was celebrated 4 February 1981 by the meditation group, with H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict Fonseka, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, serving as guest speaker. An excellent film on Ananda Coomaraswamy, an authority on the art of Sri Lanka and India, was also shown. Following are excerpts from Ambassador Fonseka’s talk. H.E. … Read more

Sri Lanka Day Celebrated 04 Feb 1981

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Sri Lanka Day Celebrated 04 Feb 1981)
Sri Lanka Day Celebrated 04 Feb 1981

SRI LANKA DAY CELEBRATED Sri Lanka’s national day was celebrated 4 February 1981 by the meditation group, with H.E. Mr. Ignatius Benedict Fonseka, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, serving as guest speaker. An excellent film on Ananda Coomaraswamy, an authority on the art of Sri Lanka and India, was also shown. Following are excerpts from … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 01; 27 Jan 1981, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 01; 27 Jan 1981, Bulletin

Content Highlights: January 1981 report on events General Assembly President von Wechmar Receives Human Rights Award .. . . . …. .. … 1 Hour of Thanksgiving for U.S . Hostage Return . 10 Questions and Answers .. . . . .. ….. .. . . . . . … 25 Letters .. …. . … Read more

Hour of Thanksgiving for USA Hostage Return 1981 Jan 21

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Thanksgiving - Gratitude | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Hour of Thanksgiving for USA Hostage Return 1981 Jan 21)
Hour of Thanksgiving for USA Hostage Return 1981 Jan 21

 Diplomats and staff at the United Nations convened in a special hour of thanksgiving on Wednesday morning, 21 January, at eleven o’clock in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, in gratitude for the release of the American hostages. The meeting was in keeping with the efforts of the U.N. community for the release of the hostages. The … Read more

1981 General Assembly President von Wechmar Receives Human Rights Award – Jan 09

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1981 General Assembly President von Wechmar Receives Human Rights Award – Jan 09

President of the Thirty-fifth Session of the General Assembly, H.E. Mr. Rudiger von Wechmar, was presented with the second annual Human Rights Award of the meditation group on 9 January 1981 in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium . Accepting, as he said, “on behalf of the 154 States that are Members of the United Nations and … Read more

1980 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

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Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 12; 27 Dec 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 12; 27 Dec 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: December 1980 report on events Questions and Answers . About working at the United Nations   p.I Meeting with the President of Trinidad and Tobago . . …. . . Human Rights Day Observance at the White House . . Letters of Goodwill Special UN Day Celebrations Activities of the Meditation Group – 1979- … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 11; 27 Nov 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 11; 27 Nov 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: November 1980 report on events  International Thanksgiving Day .. …. .. . . .. . . I United Nations Day Celebrated Internationally …. . . p. 10 Questions and Answers .. p. 28 Letter . from the President of the General Assembly p. 37 Expanded Content List (with some descriptive narrative) – Section … Read more

International Thanksgiving Day 17 Nov 1980

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Thanksgiving - Gratitude - (Comments Off on International Thanksgiving Day 17 Nov 1980)
International Thanksgiving Day 17 Nov 1980

This year’s International Thanksgiving Day cel-bration on 17 November 1980 featured guest speakers  mbassador Clark of  igeria, Ambass-dor Kamanda of Zaire and Ambassador Xifra of Spain, who pointed out t he present increased awareness in the United Nations of the need for good and equitable North-South relations, and the increasing spiritual emphasis. Following are brief … Read more

A Tribute to Sudan 1980 Oct 31

Posted by adhiratha in africa | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on A Tribute to Sudan 1980 Oct 31)
A Tribute to Sudan 1980 Oct 31

On 31 October 1980 H.E. Mr. Abdel-Rahman Abdalla, Permanent Representative of Sudan to the United Nations, joined members of the meditation group and delegates and staff for a tribute marking the twenty fourth anniversary of Sudan ‘s joining the United Nations. Following are excerpts from the programme, which included traditional music of Sudan. H.E. Mr. … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 10; 27 Oct 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 10; 27 Oct 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: October 1980 report on events Meeting with Indian Foreign Minister Narasimha Rao …. . ……….. . . …. .. . .. 1 United Nations Day Celebration .. .. .. . . . .. . . .. 6 A Tribute to Sudan . .. …. . … … . . … . . . … Read more

Amb. Rossides of Cyprus – Amb. Vinci of Italy -photo-believe UN day 1980 Oct 24

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Amb. Rossides of Cyprus – Amb. Vinci of Italy -photo-believe UN day 1980 Oct 24

1970s-1980-photo with Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus and Ambassador P. Vinci of Italy – Sri Chinmoy Peace Meditation Programme was at Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium at UN Notation on back of photos (see 3rd scanned image) might help determine date. Download PDF – Grey scale Scan of Photos

UN Day Celebration 24th Oct 1980

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UN Day Celebration 24th Oct 1980

This year the Peace meditation group celebrated United Nations Day with a programme in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on 24 October. Guest speakers were Ambassador Piero Vinci, Ambassador Zenon Rossides and Sister Janet Richardson. Excerpts from their talks are reprinted here, as well as a statement written for the occasion by Ambassador Davidson Hepburn. His … Read more

Meet Foreign Minister India, Narasimha Rao 1980 Oct 03

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Meet Foreign Minister India, Narasimha Rao 1980 Oct 03)
Meet Foreign Minister India, Narasimha Rao 1980 Oct 03

MEETING WITH INDIAN FOREIGN MINISTER NARASIMHA RAO On 3 October 1980, India’s Foreign Minister Mr. Narasimha Rao addressed the General Assembly on the subject of world peace. Immediately after- wards, the Foreign Minister left the General Assembly and went to the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, where Sri Chinmoy was conducting a meditation group meeting. It was … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 09; 27 Sep 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 09; 27 Sep 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: September 1980 report on events Talks Given during a European Concert and Lecture Tour Inner Peace and World Peace.. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . 1 The Inner Role of the United Nations……. … 9 Meetings in Geneva …. … ….. .. …………………… … Read more

Prayer for Gratitude Day -22 Sep 1980

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Prayer for Gratitude Day -22 Sep 1980

A Poetic Offering by Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations. World Gratitude Day was celebrated by the meditation group 22 September 1980   PRAYER FOR GRATITUDE DAY My Lord Supreme, this is a special day, Gratitude Day. Alas, I do not have even an iota of gratitude to offer You. … Read more

Celebration of World Gratitude Day 1980 Sep 22

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Prayer or silence day - event | Thanksgiving - Gratitude - (Comments Off on Celebration of World Gratitude Day 1980 Sep 22)
Celebration of World Gratitude Day 1980 Sep 22

World Gratitude Day was celebrated by the meditation group 22 September 1980 in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. World Gratitude Day is an international day of thanksgiving, falling on the autumnal equinox, and celebrated in several Member States. Guest speaker for the occasion was Sister Janet Richardson, who offered remarks on behalf of the Holy See … Read more

Visit UNICEF Staff Offices – Sept 22 1980

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Visit UNICEF Staff Offices – Sept 22 1980

On 22 September, 1980 after one a Peace Meditation Programmes at  the United Nations,  Sri Chinmoy visited the UNICEF Headquarters Alcoa Building on Fri st Ave. Sri Chimoy went to different floors in the building where members of he Peace Meditation Group worked. In the work areas and offices he chatted with our Peace Meditation … Read more

Birthday Surprise – Amb. Illueca Panama 17 Sep 1980

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Birthday Surprise – Amb. Illueca Panama 17 Sep 1980)
Birthday Surprise – Amb. Illueca Panama 17 Sep 1980

 17 September 1980. Members of the meditation group joined Panama Mission staff and members of Ambassador Illueca’s family for an impromptu and surprise birthday celebration in the Ambassador’s office. In gratitude for Ambassador Illueca’s kind encouragement, support and guidance, the group presented him with flowers and a cake, and sang “Birthday Is the Vision-Day,” composed … Read more

Tribute Concert to the Bahamas 1980 Sep 05

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Tribute Concert to the Bahamas 1980 Sep 05)
Tribute Concert to the Bahamas  1980 Sep 05

 Ambassador Davidson L. Hepburn, Permanent Representative of The Bahamas, treated diplomats and staff to a singing performance on 5 September 1980 in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Accompanying the Ambassador was acclaimed French concert pianist Olivier Greif, who also performed solo. The occasion was a meditation group tribute to the Bahamas, which celebrates its seventh anniversary … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 08; 27 Aug 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 08; 27 Aug 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: August 1980 report on events Introductory Note ……… .. … .. .. . … …. 1 U.N. Charter Day Observed . .. . . .. .. .. . . ….. 2 International Women’s Day Reception ………. 7 Women Working in International Affairs Honoured . .. . . …. …………………. 15 Memorial for Allard … Read more

Prayer and Meditation – Poetic Offering – 01 Aug 1980

Posted by adhiratha in Poetry - (Comments Off on Prayer and Meditation – Poetic Offering – 01 Aug 1980)

A Poetic Offering by Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations. PRAYER AND MEDITATION Prayer is man’s soulful cry for God. Meditation is man’s fruitful smile in God. Prayer is personal; also, universal. Meditation is impersonal; also, transcendental. Prayer is petition; also, adoration. Meditation is absorption; also, perfection. Prayer needs God’s … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 07; 27 Jul 1980, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 08, No 07; 27 Jul 1980, Bulletin

Content Highlights: July 1980 report on events Introductory Note … . . .p. 1 Pope John Paul 11 and Sri Chinmoy Meet . .. .. p. 2 Meeting with the Director-General  of the United Nations .. . . p.4 Devadip Carlos Santana Gives United Nations Concert . . p. 5 Batik Art Lecture and Exhibition … Read more

Pramoda France Vacher -Concert for 10 Years 11 Jul 1980

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Pramoda France Vacher -Concert for 10 Years 11 Jul 1980)
Pramoda France Vacher -Concert for 10 Years 11 Jul 1980

Ms. France Vacher of the United Nations De-partment of Technical Co-operation for Development celebrated her ten years of membership in the meditation group with a concert and luncheon for her friends and colleagues, held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on 11 July 1980. Ms. Vacher, who has faithfully served the United Nations for thirty-four years, … Read more