Author Archives: adhiratha

Robert Muller – New Genesis -1982 excerpt

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Robert Muller – New Genesis -1982 excerpt)
Robert Muller – New Genesis -1982 excerpt

Robert Muller’s book  New Genesis – Quotes by or reference to Sri Chinmoy: and the Peace Meditation at the United Nations The last word in human perfection. page 43 -44 Prayer and Meditation a the UN: Meditation Room, Mystic and Group page 46 Thanksgiving Square mention the UN Meditation Group. Thus the United Nations is … Read more

Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN members visit U Thant Mausoleum – 1980’s?

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | MG Members in other events | photo - alone | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | z- no category - (Comments Off on Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN members visit U Thant Mausoleum – 1980’s?)
Sri Chinmoy and Peace Meditation at UN members visit U Thant Mausoleum – 1980’s?

Date to be confirmed and additional text and photos added as available/   Check Anahata Nada etc   Gallery 1: See also Many Years later visit for U Thant’s 103rd Birth Anniversary events in Yangon 2012 Jan 12

1982 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1982 Activities Listings – Meditation Group)

Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

Classical Concert for UN Community 1981 Dec 14

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Classical Concert for UN Community 1981 Dec 14)
Classical Concert for UN Community 1981 Dec 14

Bill Paradis, Lewis Kahn and Russel Tubbs,  add photo when available

Complex Development Issues at UNDP 1982 Nov 29

Posted by adhiratha in Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Complex Development Issues at UNDP 1982 Nov 29)
Complex Development Issues at UNDP  1982 Nov 29

Address by Mr. Erskine Childers, Director, Division of Information, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), at a special programme for UNDP sponsored by the Meditation Group on 29 November 1982. You probably know that UNDP is the largest operational expression of global co-operation, of North-South co-operation, in existence today in the world . There are more … Read more

Meet with President of India, Giani Zail Singh and Song Oct 1982

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Meet with President of India, Giani Zail Singh and Song Oct 1982)
Meet with President of India, Giani Zail Singh and Song Oct 1982

30 October 1982 The Peace Meditation Choir at the UN performed a song for the  President of India, Giani Zail Singh during his meeting with Sri Chinmoy.   MEDITATION HELD WITH PRESIDENT OF INDIA NEW YORK- The President of India, Giani Zail Singh, met with Sri Chinmoy on October 30 for a brief session of … Read more

Honour of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday 29 oct 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Honour of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday 29 oct 1982)
Honour of Mahatma Gandhi’s birthday 29 oct 1982

text to be added when available Ar Chinmoy Reads  Tribute on Gandhi for his Birthday. Mr. Moberly Rajendran, Senior Advisor, of Progrmme Planning and Development for UNICEF.   check for peace med report, notes , anahata nada etc.

Peter Stewart, Thanksgiving Foundation & Br David Steindel-Rast: Meditation at UN Oct 1982

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Thanksgiving - Gratitude - (Comments Off on Peter Stewart, Thanksgiving Foundation & Br David Steindel-Rast: Meditation at UN Oct 1982)
Peter Stewart, Thanksgiving Foundation & Br David Steindel-Rast: Meditation at UN Oct 1982

29 October 1982 Sri Chinmoy the leader of Peace Meditations at the UN  met with Mr. Peter Steward the Founder of the Thanksgiving Square and Foundation* from Dallas Texas after a meeting of the Meditation Group at the UN. . Mr,Stewart and Thanksgiving Foundation members  had previously been involved with the Meditation Group  at the … Read more

A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-03 October 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Moments peace - Update Pub & Archive - (Comments Off on A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-03 October 1982)
A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-03 October 1982

Content Highlights: ROOM OF QUIET –   Dag Hammarskjold’s words  reprinted on 25th anniversary of the re-design of the U.N. Meditation Room – “This is a room devoted to peace and those who are giving their lives for peace. It is a room of quiet where only thoughts should speak….” U THANT ISLAND –  7 October … Read more

UN Day -1982- Symposium – 22 Oct

Posted by adhiratha in quotations-collections | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on UN Day -1982- Symposium – 22 Oct)
UN Day -1982- Symposium – 22 Oct

On 22 October ,as part of Symposium, Dr. Phedon Phedonas-Vadet, Counselor, Cyprus Office of Ministry of Foreign Affairs Spoke to the Meditation Group and guests. The below poster was developed and circulated by  Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United  Nations in Celebration of UN Day on 24 October 1982. It contains Quotations from … Read more

United Nations Day – Sheet of Quotes by Secreatry-Generals – 1982 oct 24

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United Nations Day – Sheet of Quotes by Secreatry-Generals – 1982 oct 24

Download: PDF-Opt format

A forum for original poetry, with Ambassador Rossides as honourary host Oct 1972

Posted by adhiratha in Other programmes - (Comments Off on A forum for original poetry, with Ambassador Rossides as honourary host Oct 1972)
A forum for original poetry, with Ambassador Rossides as honourary host Oct 1972

12 October 1982, Text to be added

One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community Oct 1982

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community Oct 1982)
One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community Oct 1982

8 and 10 October – Gallery:  

Meeting with Vice President of Panama, Dr. Jorge Illueca Oct 1982

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on Meeting with Vice President of Panama, Dr. Jorge Illueca Oct 1982)
Meeting with Vice President of Panama, Dr. Jorge Illueca Oct 1982

7 October 1982 Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace meditation group at the United Nations paid a visit to their good friend and kind advisor Jorge Illueca the Vice President of Panama at the Panama Mission to the UN. VP Illueca, for many years the Permanent Representative of Panama to the UN , was … Read more

U Thant Peace Award to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1982 Oct 7

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1982 Oct 7)
U Thant Peace Award to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus 1982 Oct 7

7 October 1982 -U Thant Peace Award presented to Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus Information to be collected from Meditation at the UN Bulletin A Moments Peace Anahata Nada Press Samples:                     From: A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-03 October 1982 U THANT ISLAND –  7 … Read more

A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-02 September 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Moments peace - Update Pub & Archive - (Comments Off on A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-02 September 1982)
A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-02 September 1982

Content Highlights: A MESSAGE FROM U THANT –  excerpt from the farewell address of the late Secretary-General U Thant. U THANT ISLAND  –  To commemorate the fifth anniversary of the naming of U Thant Island, a simple but striking arch has been placed on this small island U Thant Award Recipient –  given to an … Read more

New Voices includes Cyprus, Brazil, Bahamas 1982 Sep 14

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs - (Comments Off on New Voices includes Cyprus, Brazil, Bahamas 1982 Sep 14)
New Voices includes Cyprus, Brazil, Bahamas 1982 Sep 14

14 September 1982 The meditation Group organized a programme  that brought forth the sharing of artistic talent from three counties in the NY diplomatic community. This “New Voices” event provided a much-appreciated interlude from the regular speeches and statements more often heard in the UN Headquarters. The event took place in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium.[i] … Read more

A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-01 August 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Moments peace - Update Pub & Archive - (Comments Off on A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-01 August 1982)
A Moment’s Peace – Newsletter AMP/1982-01 August 1982

WELCOME: This is the first issue of “A Moment’s Peace”, the monthly newsletter of Sri Chinmoy Meditation at the United Nations. Through selected interviews, articles and summaries of speeches, we hope to highlight many of the progressive viewpoints currently being discussed or considered at the United Nations. -Part of each issue will devoted to the … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 07-08; 27 Jul – Aug 1982, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 07-08; 27 Jul – Aug 1982, Bulletin

Content Highlights: Special Concert and Meditation for the United Nations . 7 Meeting with Dr. Sardar Dhillon . …….. . … 17 Television Interview .. ….. . .. .. .. .. … .. . . . 22 Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of the Diplomatic Community .. 25 July, August 1982 report on events   … Read more

Meeting with S. Dhillon High-Commissioner of India to Canada 04 Aug 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Meeting with S. Dhillon High-Commissioner of India to Canada 04 Aug 1982)
Meeting with S. Dhillon High-Commissioner of India to Canada 04 Aug 1982

Meeting with Dr. Sardar Dhillon . …….. . … 17 On 4 August 1982 the Indian High Commissioner to Canada, Dr. Sardar Dhillon) met with Sri Chinmoy and members of the meditation group at U.N. Headquarters. Sri Chinmoy offered Dr. Dhillon a plaque) and the meditation group choir sang a song written by Sri Chinmoy … Read more

Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of Diplomatic Community

Posted by adhiratha in Learn to meditate | MG Members in other events | Other programmes | Talks and Meditation themes - (Comments Off on Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of Diplomatic Community)
Annam Brahma Restaurant Welcomes Women of Diplomatic Community

On 13 July 1982 women of the diplomatic community enjoyed an afternoon of music and meditation at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York. The programme included an introduction to meditation by members of the meditation group, a short inspirational film which had previously been used on television and a vegetarian luncheon. As a result … Read more

3rd Programme for Disarmament – Amb. Z. Rossides 1982 jun 28

Posted by adhiratha in Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on 3rd Programme for Disarmament – Amb. Z. Rossides 1982 jun 28)
3rd Programme for Disarmament – Amb. Z. Rossides 1982 jun 28

In June 1982 the meditation group held three programmes on the occasion of the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament. The third programme, held on 28 June, featured guest speaker Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus, who has served as a member of the Group of Experts on the Relationship between Disarmament and International Security, … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 05-06; 27 May – Jun 1982, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 05-06; 27 May – Jun 1982, Bulletin

May, June 1982 report on events  Content Highlights: Tribute to Japan …. 7 National Day of Prayer Observance …. 13 Rabindranath Tagore’s Birthday Celebrated . … 18 A Farewell to Yvette Ripplinger . .. 25 I Shall Not Avoid ..• Dag Hammarskjold Lecture….. 30 Programmes for Disannament ……………. 32 One-Mile Fun Runs at the United … Read more

Disarmament and Development,1982 June, Mrs. Catley-Carlson, UNICEF Dep EXD.

Posted by adhiratha in Moments peace - story collection | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Disarmament and Development,1982 June, Mrs. Catley-Carlson, UNICEF Dep EXD.)
Disarmament and Development,1982 June, Mrs. Catley-Carlson, UNICEF Dep EXD.

In June 1982 the meditation group held three programmes on the occasion of the United Nations Second Special Session on Disarmament. The first was a meditation in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on 7 June, the opening day of the Session, where delegates and staff joined to pray and meditate for the success of the Session. … Read more

One Mile Fun run for U.N. Community 1982 Jun 11, 13

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Community resources | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on One Mile Fun run for U.N. Community 1982 Jun 11, 13)
One Mile Fun run for U.N. Community 1982 Jun 11, 13

ONE-MILE FUN RUNS AT THE UNITED NATIONS The spring edition of the one-mile fun runs at the United Nations was off to a roaring start-and finish – with close to eighty delegates and Secretariat, mission, and non-governmental organization staff members and their children testing their running speed in races held on 11 and 13 June. … Read more

Meditation Group Member Tanima Bossart NY Daily News Award 1982 May 23

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on Meditation Group Member Tanima Bossart NY Daily News Award 1982 May 23)
Meditation Group Member Tanima Bossart NY Daily News  Award 1982 May 23

Meditation Group Member Wins Crime-fighter Award ……………………………. An interesting article by Mr. Alex Michelini appeared in the Daily News on 23 May 1982. It began, “A woman who works at the United Nations, spends an hour a day in ‘meditation and directs a choir, has won the $1,000 Daily News Crimefighter of the Week Award … Read more

Yvette Ripplinger Farewell 1982 May 10

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events - (Comments Off on Yvette Ripplinger Farewell 1982 May 10)
Yvette Ripplinger Farewell 1982 May 10

to add links to other programmed where YR is mentioned:

Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday Celebrated : 1982 May 08

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs | Thoughts from the UN community. | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday Celebrated : 1982 May 08)
Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday Celebrated : 1982 May 08

Rabindranath Tagore’s Birthday Celebrated (below is excerpt from meditation-at-un-may-jun-1982-bulletin/) with some additional photos. See also More Photos- 1982 Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday: 1982 – PHOTOS Programme observed in 1979 by the Meditation Group a few years earlier: Rabindranath Tagore 118th Birthday May 1979 The Tagore Society of New York and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan invited Sri … Read more

Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday: 1982 – PHOTOS

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs | photo - alone | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday: 1982 – PHOTOS)
Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st Birthday: 1982 – PHOTOS

More EVENT  – PHOTOS The Tagore Society of New York and Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan invited Sri Chinmoy to be the guest of honour at a programme held at the United Nations the evening of 8 May 1982 marking the 121st birthday of India’s greatest poet, Rabindranath Tagore. (Reference Note – SEE ALSO Rabindranath Tagore’s 121st … Read more

Tribute to Japan May 1982

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Tribute to Japan May 1982)
Tribute to Japan May 1982

 3 May 1982 A special programme was sponsored by the meditation group  to honour Japan on the occasion of Emperor Hirohito’s eighty first birthday} which occurred 29 April.   Mr. Shigo Iwaz~ coordinator of the Japanese Staff Members’ Committee} Mr. Ron Richard from the Japan Society} and Ms. Eiko Yokota from the Nippon Club were … Read more

Conference on Global Perspectives for Religious Life – 1982 April 27 – Host: Movement for Better World

Posted by adhiratha in Interfaith meeting - conference | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on Conference on Global Perspectives for Religious Life – 1982 April 27 – Host: Movement for Better World)
Conference on Global Perspectives for Religious Life – 1982 April 27 – Host:  Movement for Better World

Conference on Global Perspectives for Religious Life .. . ……. .. 21 Excerpt 0f Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 03-04; 27 Mar – Apr 1982, Bulletin , with additional Photos below On 27 April 1982 Sri Chinmoy was invited to participate in a two-day Conference on Global Perspectives for Religious Life organised by … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 03-04; 27 Mar – Apr 1982, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 03-04; 27 Mar – Apr 1982, Bulletin

(this from black an white scan – check for a color scan – may give better pictures) Content Highlights: Mar, Apr 1982 report on events Concert for Peace at Carnegie Hall …………. 7 – Letter from Ambassador Rossides Twelfth Anniversary of the Meditation Group …. 9 -Songs Dedicated to the United Nations Programme to Honour … Read more

Programme to Honour Dr. Robert Muller.Apr 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Programme to Honour Dr. Robert Muller.Apr 1982)
Programme to Honour Dr. Robert Muller.Apr 1982

On 23 April 1982 the meditation group formally congratulated Dr. Robert Muller on his appointment to Assistant Secretary-General for Economic and Social Matters. Dr. Muller shared many interesting experiences about his career at the United Nations, and Sri Chinmoy presented him with a plaque and flowers to express the group’s gratitude for the guidance and … Read more

Day of Prayer May 1982

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Prayer or silence day - event - (Comments Off on Day of Prayer May 1982)
Day of Prayer  May 1982

National Day of Prayer Observance The sixth of May was proclaimed the National Day of Prayer by United States President Ronald Reagan, as a time for individuals and groups ” to turn to God in prayer and meditation.” 7 May 1982 In the spirit of this proclamation the meditation group again coordinated a programme at … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 01-02; 27 Jan – Feb 1982, Bulletin

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Meditation at UN – Vo 10, No 01-02; 27 Jan – Feb 1982, Bulletin

(this from black an white scan – check for a color scan – may give better pictures) Content Highlights: Jan, Feb 1982 report on events Observance of the Secretary-General’s Birthday . . 7 Special Meditation for the Diplomatic Community .. .. .. . 9 A Centennial Tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt . . 18 Programme … Read more

Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus on Importance of UN for Birthday Feb 1982

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus on Importance of UN for Birthday Feb 1982)
Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus on Importance of UN for Birthday Feb 1982

  19 February 1982 : text to be added  see: Meditation a the UN Bulletin-1982-01-02-27-vol-10-n-01-02-jan-feb_Page_21-24   Gallery:    

Special Meditation for the Diplomatic Community on 5 Feb 1982 + Q & A

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Role of meditation at UN - Practical Guidance - (Comments Off on Special Meditation for the Diplomatic Community on 5 Feb 1982 + Q & A)
Special Meditation for the Diplomatic Community on 5 Feb 1982 + Q & A

The Peace Meditation group at the U.N. hosted a special meditation for the diplomatic community, in which Sri Chinmoy delivered a short talk and answered questions about meditation and the spiritual life. Following is a transcript from the programme.including questions on: Other techniques besides meditation that might be more effective for certain types of people? … Read more

Meditation : from a talk 1982 Feb 05

Posted by adhiratha in Learn to meditate | Role of meditation at UN - Practical Guidance - (Comments Off on Meditation : from a talk 1982 Feb 05)
Meditation : from a talk  1982 Feb 05

An Offering by Sri Chinmoy, Leader of the Peace Meditations at the United Nations. (See also:  Questions and Answers  from 05 Feb 1982  Special Meditation for the Diplomatic Community) MEDITATION Meditation awakens our body-consciousness, strengthens our vital, illumines our mind, purifies our heart and simplifies our life. Dear friends, dear brothers and sisters, here we are all … Read more

Centennial Tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt at UN Feb 1982

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Centennial Tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt at UN Feb 1982)
Centennial Tribute to Franklin D. Roosevelt at UN Feb 1982

2 February 1982 The Peace Meditation group a the U.N.held a centennial tribute to United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt in a programme held in the, Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Keynote speaker was Mr. Curtis Roosevelt, grandson of the President and a senior officer of the United Nations Department of International Economic and Social Affairs. Although … Read more

Correspondance SG- Waldheim, Sri Chinmoy, Peace Meditation events 1980 – 1981 Samples PRog

Posted by adhiratha in Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Correspondance SG- Waldheim, Sri Chinmoy, Peace Meditation events 1980 – 1981 Samples PRog)

Samples of Correspondence between Secretary-General Waldheim office, Sri Chinmoy and the Peace Meditation a the UN 1981 Aug 1981 UN SG-Waldheim-file-message-for-Sri Chinmoy’s 5oth Birthday Celebration aug-25   Sep 1981 Race invitation and Regrets:   March 1981 Race Invite and Regrets   1981 Jan 20 –Thankgiving Programme for Hostage release   1980 1980 Oct UN SG-Waldheim-file-UN-Day-Invite … Read more

Cartoon – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” early 1980’s?

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | media coverage Text & Photos - (Comments Off on Cartoon – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” early 1980’s?)
Cartoon – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” early 1980’s?

This cartoon was on a staff members wall for many years with the caption written in – “Secret Meditation Break at the U.N.” It was said to be put up in response to the fact that many of those who attended the twice weekly Peace Meditation at the UN, led by Sri Chinmoy would often … Read more

1981 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1981 Activities Listings – Meditation Group)

Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and … Read more

Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 11-12; 27 Nov – Dec 1981, Bulletin

Posted by adhiratha in z- no category - (Comments Off on Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 11-12; 27 Nov – Dec 1981, Bulletin)
Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 11-12; 27 Nov – Dec 1981, Bulletin

  Meditation at UN – Vo 09, No 11-12; 27 Nov – Dec 1981, Bulletin Content Highlights: (to be reviewed – taken from black and white scan – check if someone has original for scan in color) November, December 1981 report on events   Meeting with the President of Mexico …… … .. 7 Spirituality … Read more


Posted by adhiratha in americas | Significant events & meetings - (Comments Off on PANAMA HONOURS, SRI CHINMOY BOWS)

“PANAMA HONOURS, SRI CHINMOY BOWS “ Photos by Richard Howard and Lloyd Hart Copyright © 1981 by Sri Chinmoy Photos from Original booklet to be added at appropriate places in text below: See also individual page images and PDF-OCR format of original Booklet at end of this section. “Sri Chinmoy has shown how much can … Read more

Community appreciates (Meditation Group member): muggers’ Nemesis, NY Daily News, 1981 Dec 27

Posted by adhiratha in americas | media coverage Text & Photos | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Community appreciates (Meditation Group member): muggers’ Nemesis, NY Daily News, 1981 Dec 27)
Community appreciates (Meditation Group member): muggers’ Nemesis, NY Daily News, 1981 Dec 27

 FACES & PLACES Gentle giant becomes a nemesis of muggers Below find   article in the NY daily news and the remarks by recipient of commendation from local community association.   link to pdf – Grey scale scan of photocopy Adhiratha Kevin Keefe, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) staff member, member of the Peace Meditation … Read more

José Lopez Portillo, Mexico President, meets Sri Chinmoy. Peace Meditation Group 22 December 1981.

Posted by adhiratha in americas - (Comments Off on José Lopez Portillo, Mexico President, meets Sri Chinmoy. Peace Meditation Group 22 December 1981.)
José Lopez Portillo, Mexico President, meets Sri Chinmoy. Peace Meditation Group 22 December 1981.

Meeting with the President of Mexico …… … .. 7 At the end of December many members of the meditation group joined Sri Chinmoy and about one hundred and fifty students from his international meditation centres around the world, in a visit to Mexico for a spiritual holiday. The trip was highlighted by a meeting … Read more

International Thanksgiving Day 1981 Nov 20

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Thanksgiving - Gratitude - (Comments Off on International Thanksgiving Day 1981 Nov 20)
International Thanksgiving Day 1981 Nov 20

The sixth observance of International Thanksgiving Day at United Nations Headquarters was held by the meditation group on 20 November 1981 . Mr. Philemon B. Dlaminz, Counsellor, Permanent Mission of Swaziland; Mr. Milan Kovarik, Attache, Permanent Mission of Czechoslovakia: and Mr. Kwadwo Ofosu-Benefo , UN Department of International Economic and Social Affairs (from Ghana)  each … Read more

Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of UNESCO Observed – 1981 Nov 10

Posted by adhiratha in Thoughts from the UN community. | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of UNESCO Observed – 1981 Nov 10)
Thirty-Fifth Anniversary of UNESCO Observed – 1981 Nov 10

The thirty fifth anniversary of the founding of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization was observed by the meditation group on 10 November 1981 with a programme in the Dag Hammarskjold~ Auditorium at U.N. Headquarters in New York. Guest speakers were Mr. Joseph A. Mehan, Chief of UNESCO’s Public Information Programme in New … Read more

Universal Children’s Day Celebrated – 1981 Oct 29 – UN, NY

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Thoughts from the UN community. | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Universal Children’s Day Celebrated – 1981 Oct 29 – UN, NY)
Universal Children’s Day Celebrated – 1981 Oct 29 – UN, NY

Universal Children’s Day was marked by the meditation group on 29 October 1981 with a programme featuring: Mr. Nicholas van Oudenhoven, UNICEF Development Education Officer, whose talk was entitled : “‘Inward and Outward: Sharing Some Questions on Development Education.“ The programme also included: the viewing of the Film: “A Tough Place to Play”, the first … Read more

UNICEF Exec.Director, Grant congratulates Marathon Runners 1981 Oct 27

Posted by adhiratha in Community resources | media coverage Text & Photos | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on UNICEF Exec.Director, Grant congratulates Marathon Runners 1981 Oct 27)
UNICEF Exec.Director, Grant congratulates Marathon Runners 1981 Oct 27

on 27 October 1981, James Grant, the Executive Director of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) opened the meeting with all the staff at Headquarters in New York by congratulating the staff that had completed the NY City running Marathon on the weekend. After the Staff meeting in the UN’s Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, Mr Grant … Read more