Author Archives: adhiratha

Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Questions and Answers (Q&A) - (Comments Off on Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?)
Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations? Sri Chinmoy: No, every country should join the United Nations, which is humanity’s oneness-world-home. From a spiritual point of view, countries that do not join the United Nations are making a deplorable mistake. Spirituality means not only simplicity, sincerity, purity and … Read more

Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?)
Question: Is it spiritually correct for some countries not to join the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: No, every country should join the United Nations. Countries that do not join the United Nations are doing something spiritually incorrect. Spirituality means not only simplicity, sincerity, purity and humility, but also universality, oneness and unity. World unity is of paramount importance. True, the United Nations is not perfect. But no individual and … Read more

Question: Does any small progressive act anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?

Posted by adhiratha in Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Question: Does any small progressive act anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?)
Question: Does any small progressive act anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: Certainly it does. Whenever and wherever an iota of progress is manifested in the earth-consciousness, the United Nations gets the result. It is like a father and son. When the son goes abroad and does something great and good for mankind, the father gets tremendous joy, for the father sees his own inspiration, … Read more

Question: Does any small, progressive act towards world-oneness anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?

Posted by adhiratha in Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Talks about the UN Heart-Home - (Comments Off on Question: Does any small, progressive act towards world-oneness anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?)
Question: Does any small, progressive act towards world-oneness anywhere on earth improve the United Nations?

Question: Does any small, progressive act towards world-oneness anywhere on earth improve the United Nations? Sri Chinmoy: Certainly it does. If there is any progress in any corner of the globe, the fruits of that progress will come back to its ultimate source. It is like a father and son. When the son goes abroad … Read more

Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” 1992 Feb 4: V. Petrovsky + A. Razvin

Posted by adhiratha in europe | Lift World - Oneness - Heart - (Comments Off on Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” 1992 Feb 4: V. Petrovsky + A. Razvin)
Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” 1992 Feb 4: V. Petrovsky + A. Razvin

Friends and members of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN were part of Programme honoring Men and Woman of inspiration Dedication: ” Lifting Up the World with a Oneness-Heart” confirm dates -with Photos – 1992 Feb 4, and /or – 2002 Oct 2, From Mediation Group – list for Programmes 1992 Feb 04: Lifting … Read more

Interfaith Programme at UN: commemorate Christopher Columbus Quincentenary 1992 jan 29

Posted by adhiratha in americas | Interfaith meeting - conference | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Interfaith Programme at UN: commemorate Christopher Columbus Quincentenary 1992 jan 29)
Interfaith Programme at UN: commemorate Christopher Columbus Quincentenary 1992 jan 29

Sri Chinmoy offered the opening dedication at an Interfaith Programme to commemorate the Christopher Columbus Quincentenary held at the UN, with special guests: The Honourable Mario M. Cuomo, Governor of the State of New York,   and his wife, Matilda – 29 January 1992     New York Governor Mario Cuomo chats with Sri Chinmoy … Read more

PMA Partial listing dates and some categories – 1965 – 1991 Draft 18pp

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PMA Partial listing dates and some categories – 1965 – 1991 Draft 18pp

Draft list and category from 1965 – 1991 Service at UN. Regular Meditation Special Meditations Special Programs Meetings Writings Peace Walks 7 Minutes World Peace – UN Day observances Awards Sponsored Special activities – swims for peace   PDF Version: pma-1965-1991-LIST-CKG Sri Chinmoy at theUnitedNations 1965-1991 Gallery jpg page 1 -18 doran

1991 Activities Listings – Meditation Group: Aug to Dec

Posted by adhiratha in Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category - (Comments Off on 1991 Activities Listings – Meditation Group: Aug to Dec)

1991 August to December Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. … Read more

1991 Thanksgiving Programme and Reception – “Moments of Peace,” Nov 26

Posted by adhiratha in Thanksgiving - Gratitude | Thoughts from the UN community. - (Comments Off on 1991 Thanksgiving Programme and Reception – “Moments of Peace,” Nov 26)
1991 Thanksgiving Programme and Reception – “Moments of Peace,” Nov 26

A programme and reception for Thanksgiving, entitled “Moments of Peace,” honoured members of the United Nations community on 26 November 1991 at Buchman Hall in Manhattan. Several delegates addressed the gathering, including H.E. Dr. Stanley Kalpage, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations, and H.E. Prof. Perezi Karukubiro Kamunanwire, Permanent Representative of Uganda … Read more

Book Release English and Hindi Nov 1991

Posted by adhiratha in Poetry - (Comments Off on Book Release English and Hindi Nov 1991)
Book Release English and Hindi Nov 1991

BOOK RELEASE BY DR. P. JAYARAMAN On 19 November 1991, the UNSRC Society of Writers invited United Nations delegates and staff to a poetry reading by Dr. P. Jayaraman, Indian scholar and Executive Director of the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (USA). The event marked the release of the publication by the Bhavan of the book Poems … Read more

1991 Seven Minutes of World Peace on U.N. Day, 24 Oct

Posted by adhiratha in 2 or more | Prayer or silence day - event | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on 1991 Seven Minutes of World Peace on U.N. Day, 24 Oct)
1991 Seven Minutes of World Peace on U.N. Day, 24 Oct

The outer message of the United Nations is peace. The inner message of the United Nations is love. The inmost message of the United Nations is oneness.                                                              … Read more

Meet with General Director Tokyo Symphony before UN Day Concert Oct 1991

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | MG Members in other events | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Meet with General Director Tokyo Symphony before UN Day Concert Oct 1991)
Meet with General Director Tokyo Symphony before UN Day Concert Oct 1991

21 October 1991, before the United Nations Day Concert at New York headquarters, the General Director of the Tokyo Symphony Orchestra, Mr. Shigeto Kanayama, spoke with Sri Chinmoy about his orchestra’s work and the role of music in creating peace in the world. “You have been working toward world peace through meditation,” Mr. Kanayama told … Read more

Albany NY, Dedicated as Peace Capital 15 Oct 1991

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Sport & Athletics | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Albany NY, Dedicated as Peace Capital 15 Oct 1991)
Albany NY, Dedicated as Peace Capital 15 Oct 1991

Members of the Peace Meditation group at the UN were invited to attend a dedication in the Capital of NY State, Albany. Mayor Thomas M. Whalen 3rd dedicated Albany as the world’s first ‘Sri Chinmoy Peace Capital’ on Oct. 15. Lighting seven peace torches that had traveled with the 70-nation Sri Chinmoy Peace Run, Mayor … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions

Posted by adhiratha in europe | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions

U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview Details on: Welcome and highlights of Professor de Marco’s life and contributions Mr. Adhiratha Keefe, Master of Ceremonies: Last year was a remarkable one for the United Nations and the world community; it was one of failures and victories, of war and peace. Throughout this remarkable … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (a) Sept 28 – Overview Prof. de Marco

Posted by adhiratha in europe | Significant events & meetings | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (a) Sept 28 – Overview Prof. de Marco)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (a) Sept 28 – Overview Prof. de Marco

Contents Background on U Thant, Island and Award: U THANT PEACE AWARD TO PROFESSOR GUIDO DE MARCO Summary Overview: Welcome and  highlights of Professor de Marco’s life and contributions The recent 45th session of the General Assembly Education , National and International service Support for rights, multicultural and international understanding About the Award: Some previous … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (h) Media Coverage: Malta & USA

Posted by adhiratha in europe | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (h) Media Coverage: Malta & USA)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (h) Media Coverage: Malta & USA

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Media Coverage Excerpts from: THE TIMES of Malta   – FRIDAY October 4 , 1991 DeMarco receives U Thant Peace award – By a Staff Reporter The Foreign Minister, Prof. Guido de Marco, was presented in New York with the … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (g) Informal Remarks Prof. de Marco

Posted by adhiratha in europe | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (g) Informal Remarks Prof. de Marco)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (g) Informal Remarks Prof. de Marco

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: INFORMAL REMARKS After the award presentation, a short video was shown of the Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, a biennial international torch relay, and Professor de Marco and Sri Chinmoy spoke informally. Excerpts from their conversation follow: Professor de … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations

Posted by adhiratha in europe | Music and Songs | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Songs in Recipients and Malta Honor and from Professor de Marco’s words After the presentation, singers sang a song composed by Sri Chinmoy in Professor de Marco’s honour, as well as songs composed by Sri Chinmoy to Professor de … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (f) Response Mr. de Marco – Recipient

Posted by adhiratha in europe | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (f) Response Mr. de Marco – Recipient)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (f)  Response Mr. de Marco – Recipient

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Award Recipient Response: Professor de Marco: Sri Chinmoy and dear, dear friends, little would I have thought when just a year ago or so I took over the Presidency of the General Assembly, that this year would be such … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (c) Professor de Marco previous statements

Posted by adhiratha in U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (c) Professor de Marco previous statements)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (c) Professor de Marco previous statements

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: Including recitations at programe of excerpted statements of Professor de Marco. The cooperation of mind and heart towards an integral life of Oneness In the present day it is becoming ever more clear that a brilliant mind lacking the … Read more

U Thant Peace Award 1991 (d) Background – Previous Recipients

Posted by adhiratha in Summaries of related posts | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award 1991 (d) Background – Previous Recipients)
U Thant Peace Award 1991 (d) Background – Previous Recipients

Main post is: U Thant Peace Award, 28 September 1991 – Overview This contains further  Details: About the U Thant Peace Award: The U Thant Peace Award is a symbolic presentation by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations to acknowledge, appreciate and admire distinguished accomplishments toward the attainment of world peace. Recipients … Read more

Lakhan L. Mehrotra, receives the U Thant Peace Award, 1991 Sep 22

Posted by adhiratha in europe | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on Lakhan L. Mehrotra, receives the U Thant Peace Award, 1991 Sep 22)
Lakhan L. Mehrotra, receives the U Thant Peace Award, 1991 Sep 22

A special programme was held in New York City, Queens at the Aspiration-Ground Meditation Garden on September 22. Many members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were present. The occasion was to honour the author and Indian diplomat Lakhan L. Mehrotra, who has served in many countries representing the Government of India. (also … Read more

1991 Peace Walks International Day of Peace & Prayer Breakfast Sep 17

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1991 Peace Walks International Day of Peace & Prayer Breakfast Sep 17

Peace Walk for the UN International Day of Peace held at UN Headquarters in conjunction with Peace Walks around the world   –    17 September, 1991 Interfaith Prayer Breakfast for the opening of the 46th Session of the UN General Assembly,  hosted by H.E. Ambassador Andre Erdos, Permanent Representative of  Hungary to the UN    – … Read more

Leader of the Peace Meditation honoured: Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday event; 1991-Sep 11

Posted by adhiratha in UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Leader of the Peace Meditation honoured: Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday event; 1991-Sep 11)
Leader of the Peace Meditation honoured: Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday event;  1991-Sep 11

The leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations was honored at an event in Manhattan for his 60th Birthday Dinner and reception in honour of  Sri Chinmoy’s 60th birthday; with remarks by Olympic legend Sudhahota Carl Lewis as well as by  distinguished guests from the UN community, including Professor Guido de Marco, President … Read more

A Musical Exchange with the “Little Singers of Tokyo”

Posted by adhiratha in europe | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on A Musical Exchange with the “Little Singers of Tokyo”)
A Musical Exchange with the “Little Singers of Tokyo”

On 3 August 1991, the day after their concert at the United Nations which was part of a world tour, the “Little Singers of Tokyo” gave a special performance for Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group . The Japanese children and their conductor, Mrs. Hasegawa, were in turn serenaded by the Peace … Read more

Time magazine of Meditation Group leader and Pres. Gorbachev 1991 Jul 20

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Time magazine of Meditation Group leader and Pres. Gorbachev 1991 Jul 20

The 1991 July 20 Issue of USA’s Time Magazine had mention of Sri Chinmoy and President Gorbachev meeting Download PDF: 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-clip-spiritual-aid-photo 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev-clip-spiritual-aid-txt 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-cover-ckg-gorbachev 1991-07-jul-20-time-mag-ckg-gorbachev Click image below for larger or different format Photo-Image

Presentation to President Mikhail Gorbachev – Book – “Master-Key of the Universal Heart”

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Presentation to President Mikhail Gorbachev  – Book – “Master-Key of the Universal Heart”

Sri Chinmoy presents USSR President Mikhail Gorbachev with a book of poems and aphorisms which he wrote entitled “Gorbachev: The Master-Key of the Universal Heart,” while French President Francois Mitterrand looks on. The presentation took place on 17 July 1991 in London, where the President was attending the G7 Summit. President Gorbachev and Sri Chinmoy … Read more

Concert for UNDP / OPS – Moments of Peace 1991 Jul 10

Posted by adhiratha in MG Members in other events | Moments peace - story collection | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Concert for UNDP / OPS – Moments of Peace 1991 Jul 10)
Concert for UNDP / OPS – Moments of Peace 1991 Jul 10

Concert for UNDP / OPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 About 50 staff members from the Office of Programme Services of the United Nations Development Programme took a lunchtime break on 10 July 1991 to attend a concert of meditative music … Read more

Meditation at UN with UNOPS Colleagues Jun 1991

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Meditation at UN with UNOPS Colleagues Jun 1991

After the regular ongoing meetings of the Peace Meditation at the UN, Sri Chinmoy often had special moments with members and guests. Below are some photos that appear to be processed in June of 1991 The first seems to be a day when a number of Guests from UNOPS and UNDP attended the meeting, and … Read more

1991 Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day – June 26

Posted by adhiratha in Peace walk/run for UN | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on 1991 Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day – June 26)
1991 Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day – June 26

26 June 1991, United Nations delegates and staff joined in a Peace Walk for United Nations Charter Day on . The event was co-sponsored by a number of Permanent Representatives of United Nations Member States along with the Peace Meditation. Participants walked in meditative silence through a portion of the United Nations garden, carrying a … Read more

Meeting with the President of Austria 1991 Jun 07

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Meeting with the President of Austria 1991 Jun 07

Austrian President Kurt Waldheim offered his support for Peace Run ’91 and welcomed Sri Chinmoy to Vienna on 7 June 1991. The former United Nations Secretary-General presented Sri Chinmoy with the medal of the President of the Republic of Austria and a silver plate commemorating the President’s 70th birthday. Excerpts from President Waldheim’s remarks follow. … Read more

Sports for Peace: European Parliament, Brussels; International Olympic Committee, Switzerland .

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on Sports for Peace: European Parliament, Brussels; International Olympic Committee, Switzerland .)
Sports for Peace: European Parliament, Brussels;  International Olympic Committee, Switzerland .

Sri Chinmoy hands the peace torch from Peace Run ’91 to Mr. Enrique Baron Crespo, President of the European Parliament, on 6 June 1991 in Brussels. Sri Chinmoy meets with Mr. Juan Aruonio Samaranch, President of the International Olympic Committee, in Lausanne, Switzerland, on 3 June 1991, to discuss the promotion of peace through athletics.

Tennis Tournaments for the United Nations Community 1992 – 1997

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Tennis Tournaments for the United Nations Community 1992 – 1997

Men’s and women’s singles tournaments for the United Nations community were organised in May 1991 by the Peace Meditation Group. *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * Appears in Meditation at the United Nations – 1992 Jan – Mar, Periodic Bulletin … Read more

Meditation a the UN May 1991

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Meditation a the UN May 1991

Photos form a regular meeting of the Peace Mediation at the UN possibly 05 May 1991. Sri Chinmoy Leading the Meditation and with members, guests and friends afterwards   This photo possibly of Richard Pearson, whom he had known at the Sri Aurobjndo Ashram, and Kailas, a woman now living at the Ashram, who had … Read more

Friends of the Peace Meditation at Jharna Kala Gallery 05 May 1991

Posted by adhiratha in Art Exhibits | asia-oceana - (Comments Off on Friends of the Peace Meditation at Jharna Kala Gallery 05 May 1991)
Friends of the Peace Meditation at Jharna Kala Gallery 05 May 1991

    At a reception on 5 May 1991 for an exhibition of Sri Chinmoy’s paintings in New York City, the artist greets special guests (from right to left) S. Ramakrishnan, Executive Secretary and Director-General, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan; P. Jayaraman, Executive Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, USA; and C. Subramaniam, President, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Worldwide. Additional … Read more

Luncheon for Guido de Marco, President forty-fifth session of UN General Assembly 1991 may 01

Posted by adhiratha in Significant events & meetings | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation - (Comments Off on Luncheon for Guido de Marco, President forty-fifth session of UN General Assembly 1991 may 01)
Luncheon for Guido de Marco, President forty-fifth session of UN General Assembly 1991 may 01

The President of the forty-fifth session of the United Nations General Assembly, Professor Guido de Marco, joined Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation for a luncheon in his honour at Annam Brahma Restaurant on 1 May 1991. At the end of the afternoon, Professor de Marco commented as follows: H.E. Prof. Guido de … Read more

Pir Vilayat Khan at UN shares spiritual songs Apr 1991

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Spiritual figure and plays - (Comments Off on Pir Vilayat Khan at UN shares spiritual songs Apr 1991)
Pir Vilayat Khan at UN shares spiritual songs Apr 1991

 0 April 1991, Pir Vilayat Khan returned to the UN to share some spiritual songs with Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation Group during a meeting at the United Nations. link to previous meeting 5 April 1991 : U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Pir Vilayat Khan – Sufi Leader – 1991 … Read more

Twenty-First Anniversary Celebrations – Music with “Peace in 25 Languages” and Concert

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Twenty-First Anniversary Celebrations – Music with “Peace in 25 Languages” and Concert)
Twenty-First Anniversary Celebrations – Music with “Peace in 25 Languages”  and Concert

April Anniversary of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. Manhattan Chamber Artists . . . . . . . .. 24 On 12 April 1991, the Manhattan Chamber Artists, with musical director Mr. Richard Auldon Clark, performed at the United Nations along with members of the St.Bartholomew Choir. Among the pieces premiered were “Peace … Read more

Concert at UN, Esraj Harmonium, Chello, Piano Apr 1991

Posted by adhiratha in Music and Songs | Music for meditation - (Comments Off on Concert at UN, Esraj Harmonium, Chello, Piano Apr 1991)
Concert at UN, Esraj Harmonium, Chello, Piano  Apr 1991

Multi Instrument Concert in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium by Sri Chinmoy..Esraj Harmonium, Chello, Piano  Photos appear to be processed 24 Apr 1991. Possibility Nilima or Tanima notes may make clear. Rijuta may know since she is standing for prasad and in photos with a number of Guests. Most of the ones with Rijuta were “tiff” format  … Read more

Improvisation on piano – Anniversary concert -Apr 1991

Posted by adhiratha in Music for meditation | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on Improvisation on piano – Anniversary concert -Apr 1991)
Improvisation on piano – Anniversary concert -Apr 1991

24 April 1991, Sri Chinmoy performed an improvisation on the piano during an anniversary concert in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. He has played at distinguished concert halls around the world, notably the Royal Albert Hall in London, Carnegie Hall and Lincoln Center in New York and St. Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican. Gallery: *  *  … Read more

1991 Global Peace Run Launched Apr 19

Posted by adhiratha in Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics - (Comments Off on 1991 Global Peace Run Launched Apr 19)
1991 Global Peace Run Launched  Apr 19

An Olympic-style round-the-world relay, the 1991 Sri Chinmoy Oneness-Home Peace Run, started on 19 April 1991 at the Dag Hammarskjold Plaza. This biennial event, which was first run in 1987, is a series of national and international relays spanning six continents intended to dynamically express humanity’s continuing self-transcendence in the pursuit of peace. On hand … Read more

Indian Songs to Welcome Spring – Bhajan Singers Apr 1991

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Indian Songs to Welcome Spring – Bhajan Singers Apr 1991

On 11 April 1991, the Sri Chinmoy Bhajan Singers – a group of women performers accompanying themselves on Indian instruments such as tanpura, harmonium and flute-entertained United Nations staff. Performers included some peace meditation group at the UN members. Under the direction of Ms. Ranjana Ghose, the group has given concerts locally as well as … Read more

1991 Peace Run for the United Nations (Lake Success to NY UN Hq. – 18.5 mil – Apr 07)

Posted by adhiratha in Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics | UN Anniversaries - (Comments Off on 1991 Peace Run for the United Nations (Lake Success to NY UN Hq. – 18.5 mil – Apr 07))
1991 Peace Run for the United Nations (Lake Success to NY UN Hq. – 18.5 mil –  Apr 07)

On 7 April 1991, United Nations delegates and staff together with local runners participated in the Peace Run for the United Nations, a group relay run in support of the United Nations work for peace. The 18.5-mile course began at Lake Success, Long Island, former site of United Nations headquarters, and ended at the current … Read more

U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Pir Vilayat Khan – Sufi Leader – 1991 Apr

Posted by adhiratha in Spiritual figure and plays | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Pir Vilayat Khan – Sufi Leader – 1991 Apr)
U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Pir Vilayat Khan – Sufi Leader – 1991 Apr

On 5 April 1991, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan, Head of the Sufi Order in the West, received the U Thant Peace Award in recognition of his efforts to bring about peace, harmony and religious understanding among all peoples. Following are excerpts from the award ceremony, which took place at United Nations Headquarters. Sri Chinmoy: My … Read more

Albert Einstein Medal for Peace – 1991 March 22

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Albert Einstein Medal for Peace – 1991 March 22

On 22 March 1991, Dr. Marcel Dingli – Attard – Inguanez, Founder and President of the Albert Einstein International Academy Foundation, presented Sri Chinmoy with the Albert Einstein Medal for Peace and an Honorary Degree in Literature and Peace Sciences on behalf of the Foundation. Founded in 1965, the Academy conducts research on world peace, … Read more

Japanese Pianist Performance Mar 1991

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | Music and Songs - (Comments Off on Japanese Pianist Performance Mar 1991)
Japanese Pianist Performance Mar 1991

19 March 1991 Japanese Pianist, Masanobu Ikemiya performed at musical event   see “Japanese pianist Mr. Masanobu Ikemiya, hailed as an ambassador for American music abroad, performed for United Nations staff during a meeting of the Peace Meditation on 19 March 1991.” – Meditation at the UN-1992-01-jan-mar_Page_19 Photo from a previous evening event in Queens … Read more

1991 World Peace University Presents Global Citizen Humanitarian Award

Posted by adhiratha in Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on 1991 World Peace University Presents Global Citizen Humanitarian Award)
1991 World Peace University Presents Global Citizen Humanitarian Award

The World Peace University presented Sri Chinmoy with its Global Citizen Humanitarian Award at its second annual banquet and symposium entitled “Peace and the Planet: Our Challenge of the ’90s,” held 15 March 1991 in Eugene, Oregon. Also honoured with other awards were Howard Frederick, the director of  PeaceNet; Eulalia Bernard, Costa Rican educator and … Read more

Peace Run Song – Music Score – 1991 Mar 12

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Peace Run Song – Music Score – 1991 Mar 12

Peace Run Song: Words and Music Score Word and Music by Sri Chinmoy, 1991 March 12 Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run! Oneness-world-heart-joy has begun. Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run! Sisters and brother, our peace-torch-flame. Shall feed the globe-harmony-game. Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run, Peace Run! Sing once with … Read more

1991 U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Ganesh Man Singh

Posted by adhiratha in asia-oceana | U Thant Peace Award - (Comments Off on 1991 U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Ganesh Man Singh)
1991 U Thant Peace Award – Presentation to Ganesh Man Singh

On 13 March 1991, HE. Mr. Ganesh Man Singh, Nepali Congress Supreme Leader, received the U Thant Peace Award for his: • Lifetime commitment to democratic government in his country, providing a radiant example to other nations; • Constant dedication and sacrifice for a higher cause, with complete disregard for his own needs in the … Read more

International Association of Educators for World Peace and Award Presentation

Posted by adhiratha in Other Awards, Citations, Presentations - (Comments Off on International Association of Educators for World Peace and Award Presentation)
International Association of Educators for World Peace and Award Presentation

On 22 February 1991 , Professor Charles Mercieca , Founder and Executive Vice-President of the International Association of Educators for World Peace, was the guest speaker at a meeting of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. After explaining the background and philosophy of his organisation – whose more than 20, 000 members are dedicated … Read more