Archives by year
Song Universal – First Talk for the UN Community: 1968 Nov 26
The Song Universal is freedom. ...from limitations, imperfections and ignorance...Inner realisation and outer action must run abreast....Love, harmony, peace and oneness...are ...divine ideals. ...Inner mounting flame, aspiration, ..can easily, ... manifest these ideals. ... Only one religion,..inmost cry for God-Realisation.. ...Each religion ...a flower...make a garland of these divine flowers ...
The Garland Of Nation-Souls – UN World Youth Congress 1970 Jul
Each nation has five members in its family: Inspiration, aspiration, realisation, revelation and manifestation. The body needs inspiration. The vital needs aspiration. The mind needs realisation. The heart needs revelation. The soul needs manifestation. ...Man invents war. Man discovers peace. Man invents war from without. Man discovers peace from within. - Talk at time of The World Youth Assembly.
Inauguration Meditation – April 1970
A Spiritual Goal for UN: Is It Practical? Aug 1991
It is not only practical, but also practicable. is inevitable. the spiritual Goal for the United Nations become ultimately the saviour of the world's imperfection, the liberator of the world's destruction and the fulfiller of the world's aspiration. My heart tells me that the United Nations has a divine Ideal. My soul tells me that this ideal is going to be transformed into the supreme Reality. ...
We Believe – Motto of Meditation Group
"...the potentiality of reaching the Ultimate Truth. ...will not remain imperfect forever." ..."When the hour strikes, each individual soul listens to the inner dictates ..."
The United Nations Can Teach Us How To Share
There are a number of things that the United Nations can teach us how to share, but I would like to mention four principal things: the message of trust, the message of concern, the message of unity in diversity and, finally, the message of universal peace. Each nation is unique in its own way.....
The United Nations As An Instrument Of Human Unification
I wish to speak about.. not what I have learned from books or news media, but rather what I feel from within. What I feel in the inmost recesses of my heart as solid experience is what I wish to share with the seekers present here. ...The United Nations is an instrument, a significant instrument, an unprecedented instrument of God for His searching, aspiring and loving humanity. ...The United Nations embodies both Heaven’s Vision and earth’s reality...
Tribute To Dag Hammarskjold 1976 Jul 29
On the anniversary of Dag Hammarskjold’s birth, 29 July 1976, the Meditation Group dedicated a programme to the late Secretary-General, held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations N.Y.
1977 Report to the Secretary-General – Page Images
The Meditation Group at the UN's annual report entitled 'A Devoted Report to the Secretary-General 1977'. this post has scanned images from pages of printed report. See also the text version for the table of contents and the subject index to search for specific events or programmes
1977 Report to the Secretary-General: Contents, Index (searchable)
UN Meditation – Room of Quiet – Link to History
The Meditation room or the UN "Room of Quiet", which was redesigned by the 2nd Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold, has an interesting History.
World Gratitude Day -1977, 12 & 21 Sep events – SUMMARY
The Meditation Group celebrated World Gratitude Day twice in 1977-once on 12 September in a special programme in the United Nations Secretariat for delegates and staff; and again on 21 September in World Gratitude Days New York Headquarters when the Group's leader, Sri Chinmoy, was honoured at official ceremonies.
Programme Mark Opening 32nd Session General Assembly – excerpts 19 Sep 1977
U Thant Island: Compassion-Home (overview – examples)
In 1977, the small island visible from the UN offices was renamed U Thant Island.
1978 Report to the Secretary-General
The meditation group's annual report entitled 'A Devoted Report to the Secretary-General: 1978'
1978 Report to the Secretary-General: Contents, Index (searchable)
UN Year of the Child (IYC): Summary of Peace Meditation involvement 1977 – 79
A number of activities were undertaken by the Meditation Group at the UN to mark 1979 as the International Year of the Child.
Part 3-06U U Thant Peace Award – an overview
An award presented by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation At the United Nations to individuals .....who (to update with definition) e.g worked to bring people together.... together. Ambassador Zennon Rossides of Cyprus, UNDP, President Illueca, Executive Director James Grant of UNICEF; Dr Barber,....a
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