Art Show of Surhabhi Splain – Theme: “…recognition of the other’s faith in God as one’s own.”

Filed under Art Exhibits

Retired UNICEF staff member and member of the meditation group: Surabhi Splain had an Art Show of Watercolor Paintings at the Waldorf School of Garden City in nearby Long Island. Dec 2012

From the Poster:
by Surabhi Katherine Splain

Surabhi Katherine Splain majored in Art in her undergraduate studies at College of New Rochelle and received certification in Art Education (K-12). She has taught art (K-12) in Connecticut and New York, and has given adult art and meditation classes in Woodstock and Marymount Manhattan College. Continuous exploration of water color painting has led her to the Hawthorne Valley Rudolf Steiner Community, which inspired her to receive her Masters in Waldorf Early Childhood Education from Sunbridge College in 2008. She has exhibited and sold original oil and water color paintings in galleries as a member of Alliance of Queens Artists as well as to many private clients.

The paintings in this show, whether of Christ or Buddha, nature or the fairy world, have a universal theme. It can be summed up in a statement by Sri Chinmoy, who directed peace meditations at the United Nations for delegates and staff:

“Spirituality is not merely tolerance. It is not even acceptance. It is the feeling of a universal oneness.
In our spiritual life, we look upon the Divine not only in terms of our own God, but in terms of everybody else’s God.
Our spiritual life firmly and securely establishes the basis of unity in diversity. Spirituality is not hospitality to the other’s faith in God. It is the absolute recognition of the other’s faith in God as one’s own.”

During a graduate program in art education, I was given a grant to study in India. I have visited development projects in Burma while working at UNICEF and have just returned from a pilgrimage to the mountain caves in Tibet. Painting with water colors has been like my spiritual boat, because it lends itself to contemplation and spiritual search. It has helped me deepen my conviction that all spiritual paths have the same goal of Love, Compassion and Wisdom.

225 Cambridge Avenue, Garden City, New York 11530 (516) 742-3434

Love is not something that descends from above

or that ascends from below


It is something that grows and glows

Inside the very depths of my heart,

a self-revealing reality that has neither

beginning nor end.

(words by Sri Chinmoy, painting by Surabhi))

Opening Reception: Saturday, December 8th 2012  – 2 p.m. – 4 p.m.
in the Breezeway Gallery
Paintings are for sale. Inquire at 516.735.1924.
Price list and additional paintings, displayed in 2 black print stands, are with Fran in the main office.


for more photos from exhibit lick below: