New World Conference – spiritual and Cultural Solidarity in Latin America
Filed under americasOn 2 November 1977 the Meditation Group at the UN sponsored a programme on spiritual and cultural solidarity in Latin America. Brief excerpts from the series of lectures given in Spanish by U.N. dignitaries, which were simultaneously translated into English follow:
Mrs. Emilia Castro de Barish, Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rica: This topic of American solidarity reminds me of Simon Bolivar, whose thoughts and philosophy were embodied and established by the Panama Congress which he set up 200 years ago.
When this anniversary was celebrated last year at the United Nations, it was underscored at that time that Bolivar’s idea was that our peoples should be united as one, as a whole, in order to work together and overcome problems and attain Latin American solidarity and peace.
This is why I would like to thank the organisers of this conference and wish them the greatest success in attaining their goals.
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H. E. Dr. Miguel A. Albornoz, Permanent Representative of Ecuador: Today, these old concepts of heroism and gentle-manliness, generosity, fraternity, perseverance in struggle and kindness in victory-which were set up by warriors and were made great by scientists, educators, statisticians, and those who built republics and international organizations-now have a new dimension.
Today we have the imperative of integrating our peoples. We have the need to have a common market, to have solidarity in international forum, to be aware of the Spanish spirit in order to build a peaceful world free of fear, free of needs, a world which will prevent a nuclear holocaust and lea d to a new and more just international order among peoples and among individuals.
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H.E. Dr. Alfonso Moreno-Martinez, Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic: As was said in such a wise manner by my good friend the Ambassador of Ecuador, the Latin Americans are very closely bound by our Spanish origin, which is, I would say, our path towards universality.
Thank God, when Spain made nations of us, it did not set up barriers between us or barriers between us and the rest of humanity. I would say, without being an expert, that the spirit in which Spain acted, in spite of the excesses of some of its men, was a spirit of trying to make us universal men.
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Dr . Ramon Mancilla-Hernandez , Director of Venezuelan G.M.A. Scholarships : We had to initiate a gigantic task, a work of Atlas . And we were sustained by our inner spiritual resources. There was no lack of critics who had no confidence in our strength, our perseverance or our faith.
And today we can say with pride that we have distributed throughout many countries of the world more than 12 ,000 students. It is important to mention that more than 85 per cent of those young people come from the least favour ed economic classes. We are fully confident that the final rate of return to the country will be a satisfactory one. We believe that our effort will be crowned with success and that we will be proud. We will be followed by the aura of victory in the path which we undertook at first as only a dream.
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