Celebration of U.N. Day – Concert for Peace 2011 Oct 14

Filed under Music and Songs | Music for meditation | UN Anniversaries

In celebration of  United Nations Day

Concert for Peace

Offered by Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations
In cooperation with the United Nations SRC Music Appreciation Society
Friday, 14 October 2011, 1-2 p.m.
The Chapel of the Church Center for the United Nations

The outer message of the United Nations is peace.
The inner message of the United nations is love..
The inmost message of the  United Nations is oneness.

– Sri Chinmoy

Peace Is the indomitable response To life’s every challenge.

Every day you must Prepare yourself to be A better citizen of the world.

May the world-oneness-peace-dream Of the United Nations Every day bloom and blossom In the heart of aspiring humanity.

Selected poems by Sri Chinmoy

Welcome to this afternoon’s Concert for Peace celebrating United Nations Day 2011 – the 66th anniversary of the entry into force of the Organization’s founding Charter.

The songs and poems offered during the concert are written by Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, who shared the message of peace and world oneness through a lifetime of creative endeavours in music, literature, art, sport and humanitarian service.

Sri Chinmoy embraced the goals of the United Nations. He said:

The Charter of the United Nations and the Universal Declaration 0f Human Rights are are the true manifestations 0f humanity’s spiritual values and inner oneness. In these key principles we find a divine code of ethics for our time and times to come …. The fulfillment of the United Nations ideals is an inevitability, but that hour will dawn only when humanity wholeheartedly and unreservedly accepts the message 0f the United Nations soul.

Sri Chinmoy believed that world peace begins with inner peace and that each individual’s aspiration for peace brings humanity closer to this highest of goals. He deeply valued the aspiration of the audience during his world peace concerts. In the same spirit, today’s performers – members and friends of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations – warmly invite the audience to join in creating a moment of peace.


In 1970, Sri Chinmoy was invited by Secretary-General U Thant to conduct meditations for peace at UN Headquarters in New York. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations continues to meet weekly, drawing staff, delegates and UN affiliates together for an interlude of silent contemplation on the lofty ideals of the world body. The Group also hosts special events honouring Member States, significant occasions and individuals who 4ave made extraordinary contributions to the world family.

For information about the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, kindly phone 718 291 0364

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