Honouring Individuals’ Significant Contributions – Sample

Filed under Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

Individuals and Significant contributions Honoured at Programmes of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations. (to be updated and expanded)

From time to time the meditation group offers special programs honouring and celebrating the unique contribution of individuals. These events have sometimes been co-sponsored in cooperation with other UN entities or countries’ missions to the United Nations

  • Nationals of Member Countries
    • Eleanor Roosevelt,
    • John Kennedy,
    • Nelson Mandala (meet at UN) there.
    • Martin Luther King and Mrs. King
  • Secretaries- General
    • Trygve Lie
    • Dag Hammarskjold
    • Kurt Waldheim
    • U Thant (see also” U Thant Peace Award” and “U Thant Island: Compassion Home”)
    • Javier Perez De Cuellar
    • Boutros. Butros Gali (spell)
    • Kofie Annan
    • Bam Ki-Moon
  • Senior Officials of UN Organizations Related Programes, Funds and Agencies
    • Bradford Moss USG
    • James Grant, USG
    • Anwarul Chowdhury,  USG
    • Robert Mueller ASG

Examples of specific programmes (links to be added) :

  • Luncheon for the President of the UN General Assembly
  •   Fred Lebow – A celebration of his life (b) Programme and Statements
  •   U Thant Peace Award 1991 (b) Professor de Marco’s life and contributions
  •   U Thant Peace Award 1991 (e) Songs: Mr. de Marco, Malta and Recipients quotations
  •   Presentation to President Mikhail Gorbachev – Book – “Master-Key of the Universal Heart”
  •   Reminscences by Robert Mueller, Chancelor, University for Peace – 1991
  •   Women’s Liberation And Oneness-Satisfaction
  •   Leonard Bernstein and Sri Chinmoy
  •   Eleanor Roosevelt: Dedicated Server
  •   Norman Rockwell: Artist of Americana
  •   Prayer Ceremony for Pope John Paul I
  •   Memorial Service for Pope Paul VI
  •   Meetings with the Consuls-General of India
  •   A Meeting with Indian Prime Minister Desai
  •   Musical Lecture-Demonstration by C. V. Narasimhan
  •   Peace Corps Anniversary Celebration – a common peace ideal wth UN Volunteers
  •   Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day
  •   Abraham Lincoln: The Emancipation Consciousness
  •   Mr. Donald Keys Honoured
  •   The Holy See Mission Honours the Meditation Group
  •   Martin Luther King: Humanity’s Aspiration-Hero – Full text at UN 1977
  •   Kennedy: The Universal Heart – Nov 1977 programme at UN text and concert
  •   Miss Lillian Carter Welcomes the Meditation Group
  •   Meditation for President Carter
  •   Muhammad Ali Meets with the Meditation Group
  •   Mayor of NYC, Mr A. Beame Honoured
  •   Salute to the United Nations Security and Safety Service 1977 (A) Contents, Acknowledgements
  •   80th birthday of Pope Paul VI observed by the UN Community
  •   U Thant Island Dedicated – Sep 1977
  •   Dag Hammarskjold Honoured
  •   U Thant: Divinity’s Smile and Humanity’s Cry – Programme of music and speech
  •   A Welcome to Dr. Robert Muller
  •   Meditation For Dag Hammarskjold -17 September 1976
  •   A Celebration of the Life of Vijaya (Catherine) Claxton — 9 Dec 1947 – 23 Dec 2009 (Programme 22 Jan 2010)
  •   Celebration of Life of Sri Chinmoy 1931-2007, Leader of Peace Meditations at UN

Some other quotes may be of interest:

Oneness-World Peace-Blossoms: (b) Meditation at UN 25th, Statements by Secretaries-General; Presidents GA, Ambassadors, Officials + others;   Messages from the Vatican; Statement by Government Leaders; Statements recipients of U Thant Peace Award