Links to excerpts from “A Real Member of the United Nations”*
Offered in honour of United Nations Day, 24 October 2012.
The below key words and fuller context (see link) also appeared in weekly handouts for the Meditation at the UN weekly meetings between October 26 and December 07, 2010
A Real Member of the United Nations:
- Supreme responsibility to bring to the fore the inspiring capacities and aspiring qualities
- A mere instrument, … his own inner faith will bring him progress-perfection-victory.
- Forgives the UN mistakes….hopes the UN will become the embodiment of truth-perfection.
( Link to full context Handout-2010-Oct-26 )
- is …country’s powerful choice; world’s fruitful voice; earth’s aspiration-cry; Heaven’s Satisfaction-Smile.
- division-mind quiet; oneness-heart voice ; dream of precious progress.
( Link to full context handout-2010-nov-02/)
- not speak ill of sad incapacities and bad blunders; appreciate achievements and admire promises.
- prays for preparation – completion of a oneness-world-family.
- mind flies infinitely higher than dividing and intimidating world-thought-clouds.
( Link to full context handout-2010-nov-09/)
- …mind-pocket …global understanding and heart-pocket…universal concern.
- …claims the UN as very own, …richly inspired to change its face and fate …for the better.
- … heart and mind respond to inner and outer world-concern-duties.
- … no longer a prisoner of selfishness-demands.
- …if dreams only of his own country … then a happy oneness-world will remain a far cry.
- …carrying his own country’s life-breath to meet and accept and thus create a new world harmony.
( Link to full context handout-2010-nov-16/)
- has surmounted the doubt-hurdle, flying the victory-banner of universal faith.
- every morning without fail wears the armour of patience-light.
- desperate for a moment’s peace among the comity of nations.
- not believe in thorny uncertainties.; …believes in ever-blossoming and everlasting heart-roses and their world-pleasing fragrance.
- in silent meditation and dedication-life offers soulful obedience-heart and cheerful willingness-mind.
(Link to full context handout-2010-nov-23/
- offers his heart’s receptivity; gratitude-flames for being asked to represent aspiration and dedication; and making him acquainted with teeming wants and needs.
- never allows himself to be buffeted by self-doubt and world-suspicion.
- if asked what doing , will say: “ accelerating my self-transcendence and world-acceptance-pace.”
- carries in his heart-pocket a visa to humanity’s oneness-heart.
( Link to full context handout-2010-nov-30/
- self-offering joy surprises the entire world;
- sings only aspiration-perfection-song and never wants to watch desire-possession-dance;
- sends every morning beauty’s peace around the world.
- knows that wisdom-knowledge-light and sympathetic understanding will never lose on the battlefield of misunderstanding;
- is a true lover of the UN soul and a true server of the UN body.
( Link to full context handout-2010-dec-07/
- soulful request: “Embrace the truth; fulfil the countless needs of all countries.”
- never uses doubt-brakes on his world-elevating inspiration.
- has rare peace-passport to safely and successfully cross any heart- border.
- prepares for perfection of his life and country and, given up expectation-frustration with other countries.
- never blinded by suspicion; wants illumining and nourishing faith in his own heart + others’ hearts.
( see full context handout-2010-dec-14/
The above selections were excerpted from “A Real Member of the United Nations” [1989], included in My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995).