Handout-2010-Aug-10 Q&A

Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A)

1.  Question:  How  dedicate each task to soul of UN? 

2.  Question:  Bring divine consciousness to everyday activities at UN?

3.  Question:  Work with spontaneity and sincerity at UN?

4.  Question: Should  body of  UN remain fluid so soul can easily manifest?


 The following questions and answers are excerpted from My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995).

 1.  Question:  How can you dedicate each task you do to the soul of the United Nations? 

      Sri Chinmoy: You can dedicate each task you do to the soul of the United Nations only if you feel this will expedite and accelerate your own progress. If you separate your own progress from that of the United Nations, then you will not be able to dedicate each task to the soul of the United Nations. You have to feel that your own progress and the fulfilment of the United Nations are one and identical. 

– 26 November 1976 (p. 106)

2.  Question: What is the best way to bring a divine consciousness to our everyday activities at the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: The best way to bring a divine consciousness to your everyday activities at the United Nations is to consciously and soulfully make yourself feel that you are of the one Source and you are trying to manifest this Source by working to create a new world in the heart of the present-day world.

– 26 November 1976 (p. 106)

3.  Question:  How can I work with true spontaneity and sincerity at the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: You can work with true spontaneity and sincerity at the United Nations if you discover your own heart’s spontaneity and cultivate your own life’s sincerity at every moment of your conscious existence on earth.

– 26 November 1976 (p. 107)

4.  Question: Should the body of the United Nations remain fluid so that the soul of the United Nations can more easily manifest itself?

Sri Chinmoy: Yes, it is especially good not to have a rigid way of looking at life. If you are flexible in your ideas, if you are adaptable to circumstances, then it is infinitely easier to manifest the truth not only here at the United Nations but everywhere. The outer reality or the outer consciousness has to be flexible so that the inner reality and inner vision can manifest itself most effectively.

– 26 November 1976 (p. 107)

At the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant in the spring of 1970, Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, NGO representatives and affiliates. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations also offered programmes, concerts and lectures to promote world harmony, and Sri Chinmoy answered many questions about the spiritual role of the United Nations. For information about ongoing activities of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations: (718) 291-0364.

10 August 2010   

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