Handout-2010-Jul-06 Q&A
Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A)1. Is portion of soul of UN inside all people who work for the UN?
2. What is most important aspect of work at UN?
The following questions and answers are excerpted from My Meditation-Service at the United Nations for 25 years, by Sri Chinmoy (1995).
Question: Is a portion of the soul of the United Nations inside all the people who work for the United Nations in some capacity?
Sri Chinmoy: Yes, a portion of the soul of the United Nations is inside all the people who work for the United Nations in some capacity. But those who are consciously and soulfully serving the United Nations are receiving from the soul of the United Nations more inner assurance, more illumining thoughts and more fulfilling promises than those who are not fully conscious of what they are here for. The soul of the United Nations dreams of a beautiful, peaceful and fruitful world in and through each individual worker at the United Nations.
– From questions answered on 18 January and 22 February 1983 (p. 132)
Question: What is the most important aspect of our work at the United Nations?
Sri Chinmoy: The most important aspect of your work at the United Nations should be to prove to yourself that you are a worthy member of the United Nations world-family. This you can do only by always keeping in front of you the lofty vision and powerful messages that the United Nations over the years has offered to you and which it offers to you still. You should not dwell upon its failures. You should see only its success and feel only its progress—its gradual success in its outer life of dedication and its gradual progress in its inner life of aspiration. During your daily work, try to keep in front of your mental vision the good things that the United Nations has done and what it has become—rather than what it has not done or what it is not going to accomplish.
The day shall dawn in the near or distant future when the United Nations will definitely achieve and grow into everything that is good and divine. But just because it has not achieved these things at this particular stage of its development, just because over the years it has encountered failure in some of its efforts, we cannot say that the vision of the United Nations is imperfect or that it will not succeed. No, it will succeed—slowly, steadily and unerringly. And for that, each individual member has a significant role to play according to his own inner awakening.
– From questions answered on 18 January and 22 February 1983 (p. 134)
At the invitation of Secretary-General U Thant in the spring of 1970, Sri Chinmoy (1931-2007) began conducting twice-weekly non-denominational meditations for peace for United Nations staff members, delegates, NGO representatives and affiliates. The Peace Meditation at the United Nations also offered programmes, concerts and lectures to promote world harmony, and Sri Chinmoy answered many questions about the spiritual role of the United Nations. For information about ongoing activities of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations: (718) 291-0364.
6 July 2010 4
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