A Circus Presentation at United Nations International School. UNIS

Filed under Sport & Athletics

On 15 June 1977, members of the Meditation Group gave a performance of Madal Circus for the children of the United Nations International School.


 A fantastic fire eater and skilled gymnasts, along with other performers from the Meditation Group, entertain UNIS children.


The Group received a letter of appreciation from the special Representative of the Secretary General:

22 June 1977

“On behalf’ of the Board of Trustees of the United Nations International School, I wish to thank the Meditation Group most warmly for the kind interest and support of the school.


The Circus event for the Junior School by your talented performers on 15 June was thoroughly enjoyed by all.  What a fine example it was to our students, of’ the joy received as well as given, in the performance of public service. And of course, the beauty bestowed on the School in such a tangible way by the lovely paintings at the School’s entrance will be a reminder of the generous and thoughtful deeds. Please be good enough to convey our deepest gratitude to all involved in making the Circus and the garden possible.


The spirit which has motivated your action is a source of encouragement to all those who are  engaged in reaching out to the children of every race, creed and culture represented at the School.


Through you support, you are helping to forward the principles of international understanding enumerated in the United Nations Charter and in so doing, giving recognition of your faith in the Organization.

Sincerely Yours,   Mrs. Murray Fuhrman, Special Representative of the Secretary General”


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