Painting for World Peace 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of the World Body” SUMMARY

Filed under Art Exhibits

An environment in green, blue and a myriad of other colours was unveiled the evening of 3 May 1977 by Ms. Martha Lackner, World Environment Day Coordinator, at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in Manhattan. The 6 ‘ x 9’ painting by Sri Chinmoy, leader of the Meditation n Group at the UN, is entitled

“United Nations : the Heart-Home of the World-Body”

and is dedicated to U.N. efforts toward world peace. It is scheduled to go on world tour, beginning with showings in Geneva, England, France, New Zealand and Australia.

Sri Chinmoy’s paintings, which include acrylics, oils, water colours and pen-and-ink drawings, have been exhibited at the Museo del A rte in Ponce, Puerto Rico, and the School of Visual Arts in New York, which recognised his work with a special award. Gallery showings have also been held in New York, Washington, D.C., San Francisco, Ottawa, Montreal, Zurich and Hamburg.

At the close of the evening. members 0f the United Nations Community expressed their support and praise for the United Nations and the work 0f the Meditation Group.  Excerpts from the comments follow.

For more see also: Painting for World Peace – 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of World Body” PHOTOS + DETAILS

1977-05-03may-at JK-UN-World-enviornment-Day-coord-Martha-Lackner-unveils-painting-Heart-Home-World-Body

Ms . Martha Lackner, World Environment Day Coordinator, unveils Sri Chinmoy’s painting dedicated to the U.N. efforts toward World Peace. It is entitled : “The U.N. : the Heart-Home of the World-Body.”


Mr. David Rowe, Political Advisor , U.S. Mission: There is an old saying about the U.N. I’m sure you’ve heard it: “If it didn’t exist , it could not be created.” It’s usually said by the U.N.’s detractors that this means the U.N. is so bad that it would be impossible to create such an institution. But on the other hand, I think it can be interpreted as meaning that it’s so good, that there is s0 much of a base, plus this special dimension,
this special force and energy that is there, that it couldn’t possibly be created by mere human beings. I think we owe an enormous debt of gratitude to Sri Chinmoy and the Meditation Group and to all of Sri Chinmoy’s disciples for their contribution and sustaining influence in the United Nations.

Ms. Yvette Ripplinger, UNITAR:  The UN. is a kind of spiritua l edifice, towering high In the sky, not only physically but also in our selves . We have to keep our eyes focused on this lofty definition of the “body” and especially the “soul” of the United Nations. Sri Chinmoy must be thanked for focusing our attention on this particular way of looking at it.

Ms. Nishtha Baum, Sri Chinmoy Centre NGO Representative : I feel extremely grateful to be among those selected lo witness this painting’s unveiling-a moment that, I feel, symbolised the removal of the ignorance-veils of centuries to reveal the soul’s inmost consciousness.

Mr. Donald Keys, Planetary Citizens : I feel that there are two United Nations. There is the United Nations that makes the Daily News headlines and then there is the inner United Nations, which many people do not think about but many people feel. The United Nations is a microcosm of mankind. It’s the first time and the first place that all of humanity has in a sense been together in one place.

Mr . Kwadwo Ofosu-Benefo: There are some people, such as the Guru, Sri Chinmoy, who are dedicated to serving the Organisation.  Although he doesn’t represent a government. we know that he represents those who are sincerely trying to bring about peace and maintain international security and order in our troubled world.

For more see also: Painting for World Peace – 1977 May 03 “Heart Home of World Body” PHOTOS + DETAILS

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