work list and possible priority : SCPMAUN site

Filed under z- admin or site questions

Some things to work on re content:

Quick list beginning content

1. Celebration of CKG life – till al comfortable

– first some separate parts with images

– later more text where useful


2. – 1978 + 1978 reports

move to separate posts for main items – like what done for Anniv of meditation room

this will serve as good examples of process for others assisting when have the bulletins scanned.

3.. brief narrative for wherever have received at least one good picture. – can stay as draft until find the reports


4. Work  with Surashri on music related and editing things already close to the “public “stage

5. continue to be available to Ashish -re photos – audio or audio related to CKG UN work  – that he discovers related to other projects

6. hook up and test new scanner – linked to server in front room

7. solve the mystery of why  connection to internet drops intermittently ( main router ?0 check Grahan

– consider having back up access via phone connection if not to expensive.

8. Get box at a time of UN  monthly bulletins “meditation at UN}

– cut off binders at press

-scan adn ocr

– load as first pass as PDF files – in drat to site -linked

– where useful convert to individual pages jpd and load as gallery for each issue ( maybe tow galleries – 20 – 25 pages each

9. do the table of contents of each mead at un bulletin in text readable to the site

– will be on top of galleries of the jpg version so can be searchable

10. Get the best combination of indexes of all the programes  for a post for each 5 years to start.

– Check upasana and other – for what exists and most likely will find back up in the bulletins.

11. Review and scanns the special programmes – if not “discovered during the Bulletin scanning. (prorams like for Inter day of Thanksgiving, Oneness Earth, martin Luther king etc..

12 – agree on approach to handle inquiries to site and to the regular meetings – move this ahead -w henever the individuals are available to discuss options. may need to try a few to get it “right” or better.

13. do a harder launch maybe with a few programes focusing on previous events history. mak the site known.

– the poem cards on special UN anniversaries. have peacemeditationatun as link

– possibly become part of orientation programs for new staff and delegates with slides an video + questions and answer by older members.

– quarterly update of moments piece. – how let people know available if not use email

14. begin to tackle significant correspondence that was not previous ly published in above.

15. Make solid the long term preservation a protection of originals, multiple sites etc.


age for each