Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 05; 27 May 1978, Bulletin

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Content Highlights:

May 1978 report on events

Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . -On meditation and spirituality p. 6

In Gratitude .    p. 23

Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U.N, – (Part III)   p. 25

Song by Sri Chinmoy         p. 40

Expanded Content List

(with some descriptive narrative) – some Photos and links  to be added

Questions and Answers . . . . . . . . . -On meditation and spirituality p. 6

  • Could you tell me what should be my prayer to the Supreme?
  • Does each person have a different way of meditating?
  • Quite often I find that when I look at students who are standing in front of me and meditating. the peace that I felt before increases. Why is this?
  • If someone is a sincere seeker, should he follow a specific path?
  • Could you speak a little about how a seeker who has just entered the spiritual life should handle the pleasures and problems of daily life?
  • What is gratitude?
  • Can anybody follow Yoga?
  • Recently it has become very fashionable for actresses and actors to go to India and follow a Guru. Do you think this is a sincere attitude towards this philosophy?
  • If hostile forces attack you, does it reduce your karma?
  • Your philosophy says that we need perfection. but society seems to believe that people who are perfectionists are neurotic. Can you speak about this?
  • Could you please speak about ego, pride and confidence?
  • How can we be most receptive?
  • When I was meditating I felt really sick . My heart was hurting and I felt I was pulling my meditation.
  • Where did God originate?
  • What can we do if wc feel wc arc struggling and, at the same time. spiritual qualities like joy and aspiration are abandoning us?

In Gratitude .    p. 23

At the 05 May 1978 meditation held in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Sri Chinmoy thanked some of the friends of the Meditation Group. who were present for their participation and support of the Group’s activities.

“Our dear ambassadors, our highly esteemed brothers and sisters, we wish to offer you once more our hearts’  soulful gratitude. …”

As an outer expression of the group’s gratitude, Sri Chinmoy then offered flowers and a special cake to each guest, Ambassador Rossides of Cyprus, Ambassador Thomas of Liberia and Sister Janet Richardson of the Holy See Mission.

Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U.N, – (Part III)   p. 25

Song by Sri Chinmoy         p. 40


About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



______ 1978 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

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