Meditation at UN – Vo 06, No 03; 27 Mar 1978, Bulletin
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March 1978 report on events
Questions and Answers . . . ..• On the United Nations..p. 6
Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day p. 11
Song by Sri Chinmoy p. 17
Do We Have the Capacity to Help Others? …. . – A talk p. 18
Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U. N. • Part I p 24
Presentation to Ms. Lottie Robbins p.44
Expanded Content List
(with some descriptive narrative) – some Photos to be added
Questions and Answers . . . ..• On the United Nations..p. 6
Sri Chinmoy answered the following questions on 8 March 1978 during a Wednesday night meeting
of the Meditation Group, held in Conference Room 10.
- What does our singing do in terms of our meditation and our offering to the U.N. soul?
- How can we avoid tension when doing a project under pressure?
- Here at the United Nations many decision-makers take positions on controversial issues. What is the most effective way to make sure the position they take is the correct one?
Dinner in Honour of International Women’s Day p. 11
On 9 March 1978 the Meditation Group hosted a dinner in honour of International Women’s Day for women working in world affairs. The dinner was held in the Church Center for the United Nations. At the end of the evening’s programme (which included music on the Indian esraj by Sri Chinmoy and vocal and instrumental performances by Meditation Group members) several guests spoke informally about the significance of International Women’s Day.
- Mr. Donald Keys, President, Planetary Citizens:
- Sra . Emilia Castro de Barish, Minister Plenipotentiary of Costa Rica
- Sister Janet Richardson, Attache, the Holy See Mission:
- Ms. Patricia Murray, The National Council of Black Women and the International Association of
Democratic Lawyers - Ms. Yvette Ripplinger, UNITAR:
Song by Sri Chinmoy p. 17
We Believe!
Do We Have the Capacity to Help Others? …. . – A talk p. 18
- Sri Chinmoy gave the following talk at a meeting of the Meditation Group held in Conference Room 11 on 14 March 1978.
Peace Corps Celebrates Anniversary at U. N. • Part I p 24
15 March 1978, 6:30p.m. , Conference Room Four, United Nations, New York
The Peace Corps commemorated its seventeenth anniversary 15 March 1978 with an evening programme at the United Nations in Conference Room 4, co-sponsored by the Meditation Group at the United Mations.
- Mr. Sam Brown, Director of ACTION, of which the Peace Corps is a part,delivered the keynote address and presented the Hubert H . Humphrey Award for International Service, marking the first time the Peace Corps has publicly commended its own volunteers and staff
- Congressman Christopher John Dodd of Connecticut,a former Peace Corps Volunteer in the Dominican Republic, and Ms. Velma Linford, a Peace Corps staff member for fourteen years,received the Award.
- The Meditation Group singers opened the anniversary programme.
- Speakers included below – some full text is continued in next issues of bulletin.
- U. S. Ambassador Allard Lowenstein, (in Part II)
- Malaysian Ambassador Zaiton Ibrahim,
- Ghanian Ambassador Frank E. Boaten,
- Congressman Dodd
- Haskell Ward, N . Y. C. Commissioner of Community Development and former Peace Corps Volunteer in Ethiopia. (in Part II?)
- Mr. William Angel, Associate Officer for Planning and Evaluation United Nations . (in Part III?)
- Mr. Thomas Drahman, Executive Director of International Medical and Research Foundation (Former Peace Corps Volunteer in Thailand) . (in Part III?)
- Dr. Jasperdean Kobes, Director of Programs, World Education, Inc. (Former Peace Corps Volunteer in Ethiopia) . (in Part III)
- Ms. Velma Limford, Director of Recruitment Resources at Action (in Part III)
- Quotation form Senator Humphrey.
Introduction: Ambassadors and honoured guests, friends, we would like to welcome you to our programme tonight in honour of the seventeenth anniversary of the Peace Corps. Peace: a significant part of the name of this Organisation and a concept dear to us in this United Nations Building. There was inspiration and aspiration present when John Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey and others established this Organisation. At that time, through this inspiration and aspiration, they touched the hearts of many of their fellow countrymen and women and called forth a response – a desire to serve selflessly the cause of peace. It was this same desire for peace which helped begin the United Nations thirty-two years ago.
Some of you may know of a small room here, the Meditation Room of the United Nations. It was this same need for peace, and some hard work by our second Secretary-General, Dag Hammarskjold, and others that founded and redesigned this room. There is an inscription on a plaque outside that room that I feel is appropriate to quote, saying that this room is
devoted to peace and those that are giving their lives for peace. It is in this spirit that we would like to dedicate this programme to those who are giving their lives for peace all over the world through national and international organisations, as well as to all those who are working for peace through education, business , politics and in other ways.
Again, we are grateful that all of you could be with us here tonight. The Meditation Group would like to begin the programme with three songs that are dedicated to the spirit of peace. Thank you. – A.K. Keefe – for the Meditation Group.
(The Meditation Group Singers perform.)
Closing after presentation of the “Hubert H. Humphrey Award for International Service.”:
Three years ago we had a programme here at the United Nations, which Senator Humphrey was not able to attend. But he would have liked to and he sent us a message. I think it’s appropriate to close our programme with that message now:
“I join my friends at the United Nations, and throughout the United States, in the hope and prayer that a just and lasting peace may be achieved within and among the nations of the world. On this special occasion I urge them to join me in reaffirming a strong personal commitment to the relentless pursuit of this peace.”
Presentation to Ms. Lottie Robbins p.44
At the 21 March 1978 meeting of the Meditation Group, Sri Chinmoy surprised Ms. Lottie Robbins of OPI with a trophy of appreciation: On behalf of our Meditation Group, I wish to present this to you with our deepest appreciation and admiration. You have got a promotion. Promotion means progress, and our whole philosophy is based on progress. It is our progress that makes God happy. You have made us happy and our happiness is expressed by this humble token of our appreciation.
About the Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.
______ 1978 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations
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