Meditation at UN – Vo 03, No 09; 27 Sep 1975, Bulletin

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September 1975 report on events

 Tuesday Meditations….. . . . ………………….. .. . .. 6

Ceremony in Commemoration of the Opening of the 30th Session of the United Nations General  Assembly…

Inspired by the observance of a “Minute of Silent Prayer or Meditation” at the opening of each United Nations General Assembly,  there was a special programme to commemorate the opening of the thirtieth session of the General Assembly, in a spirit of rededication to the lofty aims and ideals of the United Nations. The programme, which was held in Conference Room 3 on Friday, September 12, 1975, was attended by delegates, Secretariat staff members and NGO representatives.

  • Sri Chinmoy opened the programme with a silent meditation.

Participating guest-speakers offered their prayerful contributions

    • NORMA LEVITT, Co-Chairperson, World Union for Progressive Judaism
    • REVEREND JIH TSANG, Assistant Abbot, Temple of Enlightenment
    • MUDDASSIR ALI SHAMSEE, Leader, Muslim Prayer Group, United Nations.
    • REVEREND DR. DAN POTTER, Executive Director, Council of Churches, City of New York
    • MR. DAVID S. BURGESS, Senior Officer, United Nations International Children’s Fund
    • MR. DONALD KEYS, United Nations Representative of the World Association of World Federalists

Statement by Secretary-General Waldheim For commemorative programme .

Singing the song “O United Nations” which Sri Chinmoy recently wrote in dedication to the United Nations:

O United Nations, O U.N.
You are the world-body
Crying for the world-soul.
And you are the earth-life
Longing for oneness-goal.

In the heart of your glowing dream,
Big brothers and brothers small
Shall smile, sing and dance –
O Vision-Perfection in all.

Choral reading based on excerpts from the writings of past Secretaries-General of the United Nations:

  • Trygve Lie
  • U Thant
  • Dag Hammarskjold

In conclusion, silent rededication to the highest goals of the United Nations

See More> Programme text and photos at: Commemoration Opening 30th Session UN General Assembly 12 Sep 1975

Article in the Diplomatic World on 06 October 1975,  Major Faiths In Program to mark the opening of the 30th General Assembly.

Questions and Answers at the United Nations on Friday, June 13, 1975:……………… …. . . .. ….. 24

.on materialism and spirituality
.on the purpose of Yoga
.on the importance of mantra
.on God
.on the vital
.on awareness of truth
.on Yoga and religion
.on Aum
.on creation of evil

About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



______ 1975 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

 Schedule of activities for October … . … … .. ….. … 34

Monday, October 6, 1-2 p.m.  Tribute to the Bicentennial of the USA: A Heritage of Freedom and The Faces of Lincoln ( See poster reproduced on page 38)

Monday, October 6, 7:30p.m. – 9:00p.m. Meditation for Delegates conducted by Sri Chinmoy
Conference Room 14 ( See invitation reproduced on page 39)

Thursday, October 16, 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Around -the-world -for- UNICEF Bazaar Staff Lounge, U.N. Secretariat ( See poster reproduced on page 40)

Friday, October 24, 1 p . m. “One is the Human Spirit”: The Spiritual Summit Meeting (convened by the Temple of Understanding). Opening Meditation by Sri Chinmoy Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium ( See programme reproduced on page 41)

Tuesday, October 28, 7 p  m. Classical Music Programme: World Unity: The Song of the Soul, Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium ( See poster and programme reproduced on pages 42 43 and44)

UNICEF CELEBRATION – Members of Unicef & of the Meditation Group at the UN present a Benifit Programme for the 25th Anniversary of Trick or Treat for UNICEF.

     some sample posters below:

Television – October Schedule of Morning and Evening Prayers by Sri Chinmoy on Channel 5 (WNEW-TV) …… 46

– – – – – – – – – – –  –  – –  Details Below – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – –


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