Dinner 25th anniversary Peace Meditation at the UN, Nov 1995

Filed under MG Members in other events | Other Awards, Citations, Presentations

10 November 1995 Dinner in honour of the 25th anniversary of the Peace Meditation at the UN.

The event was attended by UN Ambassadors and Representatives, including:

  • Mr. Aleg M. Laptsenak, Counsellor,Permanent Mission of Belarus;
  • H.E. Ambassador Edward A. Laing, Permanent Representative of Belize, and his wife, Margery;
  • Mr. Alieu Badou B. Y. Samba, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Gambia;
  • Mr. John E. Aggrey, Minister Counsellor and Deputy Permanent Representative of Ghana;
  • H.E. Mr. Ansumane Mane, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Guinea-Bissau;
  • H.E. Ambassador Boubacar Touré, Permanent Representative of Guinea-Bissau, and his wife, Margaret
  • Mr. Harsh Bashin, Consul-General of India in New York;
  • H.E. Ambassador Tudor Pantiru, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Moldova, and his wife, Frania;
  • H.E. Ambssador Herman Leonard de Silva, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka, and his wife, Manel Yvonne;
  • Mrs. Irma E. Klein-Loemban Tobing, Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Mission of Suriname;
  • Mr. Igor Goumenny, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of Ukraine;
  • Ms. Alina Bloomgarden, Director of Lincoln Centre Visitor Services; and Mr. Frederik Noonan;
  • Judge Lerner and his wife;
  • Dr. P. Jayaraman, Executive Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan (USA)

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