Meditation at the UN Apr May 1995

Filed under photo - alone | Sample Ongoing weekly meetings

Sample of Regular Peace Meditations at the UN  during month of April and May 1995 or  possible earlier Photos processed in batch around April date..  Appears to be after different meetings in UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium  and UN Conference rooms. More detailed information or additional Photos to be added as becomes available.



1995-04-00-02-3-Sri-Chinmoy in Conference Room.

Gallery  1 Meditation Meeting in conference room

Gallery 2 : Meditation Meeting in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium

Gallery 2a: Meditation Meeting in Conference room

Gallery 3: Meditati0n Meeting in Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium

Gallery 4: Meditati0n Meeting in Conference Room and Flowers outside Secretariat Building on day of meeting.

Gallery 5 Meditation Meeting possibly 10 May 1995