Concert for 50th Anniversary of UN in Queens NY, Apr 1995
Filed under MG Members in other events | Music and Songs | Tributes and Expressions of appreciationApril 1995, Julia Richman High School, New York, New York
8 Apr 1995. Peace Concert dedication by Sri Chinmoy:This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations. I am offering this prayerful concert to the most illumining soul of the United Nations.
Message from His Excellency Mr. Mikhail Gorbachev, former President of the Soviet Union, and 1990 Nobel Peace Laureate:
Sri Chinmoy: I am extremely happy and deeply honoured to have with us Mrs. Irina Malikova, who is a very close associate of President Gorbachev. According to the vision of my aspiration-heart and dedication-life, President Gorbachev is the greatest and highest peace-dreamer and peace-lover in the world. Quite recently my beloved President Gorbachev wrote me a most compassionate and blessingful letter. I would like Mrs. Malikova to kindly share his blessingful message with us.
Mrs. Malikova read the following excerpt from the letter, dated 27 March 1995:
Dear friend Sri Chinmoy,
It is with a feeling of deep respect for your life of selfless devotion, and with appreciation of your good deeds, that I want to extend my felicitations to you on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of your peace mission in the United Nations.
There are not many people in the world who are so sincerely dedicated to the ideals of love of fellow human beings, peace and understanding, and who are so self-giving in their actions. You combine remarkably well the intellectual powers of a thinker, the multiformity of talent and a sincere and kind heart open to people.
Your deeds are invaluable, for they cannot be measured by any economic or political parameters; they are noble and they cure the human soul.
I thank you for your help and support, and most importantly — for your friendship, and wish you good health and success in your truly humanitarian activities for years to come.
Also appears in book: Sri Chinmoy, My prayerful salutations to the United Nations, Agni Press, 1996
Some members of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN who were serving with different UN Agencies for several years also spoke briefly at the event.