1958 Message of Jorge Illueca of Panama to UN on “realization of the ideal” of UN Charter

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UNITED NATIONS DAY MESSAGE FROM JORGE ILLUECA. Chairman of the delegation of Panama to the UN General Assembly.

Press Release UND/592, 27 Oct 1958. (Dag Hammarskjold was then Secretary General)

( Discovered by the Peace Meditation Group at the UN when researching a programme on Pablo Casals)

”This new anniversary of the United. Nations is the occasion for spiritual rejoicing for humanity because it brings into relief the prodigious labors carried out by the organization in its pledge to establish international order based on Peace.

The delegation of Panama takes this occasion to reaffirm its faith in the work of the Organization and. has the greatest pleasure in extending to Your Excellency, its most cordial congratulations.

At this time the delegation also expresses its wish that the international economic and social cooperation taking place under the aegis the United Nations be pursued each day with renewed impetus toward the realization of the ideal of the Charter to create the conditions of stability and well-being in the world necessary for peaceful and friendly relations among nations.

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