Part 1: Questions Answered at UN Excerpts of 50th-photos-to-consider

Filed under photo - alone

Sep draft: reprint of Part 1 Questions and answered at UN


PDF: Part 1-QA-13-sep-(for-8-page-change)-with-bird-options


Cover ; page ii; page iii, and four  currently blank pages)

  • Cover ADD “PART 1”
  • Page ii, Add at bottom “Reprint 21? Aug 2020”
  • Page iii, Change last para reflect title for PART 2
  • page iv = Full page available
  • page vi = Full page available
  • page x  = Full page available
  • possibly switch photo on page 19
  • page 38 = Full page available

D,E, F, G  Quote or photo if available  to be considered for  empty pages:

A Cover  ADD “PART 1



B  Page ii, Add at bottom “Reprint 21? Aug 2020

August 2020 reprint or “September 2020 reprint”

C- Page iii, Change last para reflect  title for PART 2

    This publication is a companion volume to The Vision of the United Nations: A Oneness-World-Family, Part 2, which contains excerpts from 50 Talks offered by Sri Chinmoy at the United Nations. The booklet was also printed in honour of the 50th anniversary of the Peace Meditation Group.

D- page iv = Full page available


or maybe photo from page 19

E- page vi = Full page available


The inner heart of the United Nations

is flooded with peace.

 The outer heart of the United Nations

is trying to

spread peace all over the world.

                                                                                         –    Sri Chinmoy
The Tears of Nation-Hearts, New York, 1974 (TNH-10)


F- page x  = Full page available

G  page 38 = Full page available


Part 1-QA-25-aug-page-19-swap-painting-unveil-2



Amb Rossides to consider for future

1979-05-27-12-sri-chinmoy-greets-amb-rossides.jpg first recepient U thant Peace Award -on way to chair Disarmament Committee?

31 May 1979: Sri Chinmoy with (greets) Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus near the UN Dag Hammarskjold Library Auditorium. Ambassador Rossides was the first recipient of the U Thant Peace Award for his life-long emphasis on spiritual values as a basis for world peace and his efforts for international security and disarmament. The award was established in 1982 by the Peace Meditation Group to perpetuate the memory of the third Secretary-General, who invited Sri Chinmoy in 1970 to conduct twice-weekly peace meditations for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in New York. In 1979 Ambassador Rossides served as the chair of the UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva and on the Secretary-General’s group of experts on international security and disarmament. As contribution to the Fortieth Anniversary of the UN in 1985, Ambassador Rossides offered the book: “International Security, Disarmament and the Role of the United Nations”.


14 April 1980 Sri Chinmoy with Mrs. and Ambassador Zenon Rossides of the Tenth Anniversary Celebration of the Peace Meditation at the UN. Ambassador Rossides was the first recipient of the U Thant Peace Award for his life-long emphasis on spiritual values as a basis for world peace and his efforts for international security and disarmament. The award was established in 1982 by the Peace Meditation Group to perpetuate the memory of the third Secretary-General, who invited Sri Chinmoy in 1970 to conduct twice-weekly peace meditations for delegates and staff at UN Headquarters in New York. In 1979 Ambassador Rossides served as the chair of the UN Disarmament Conference in Geneva and on the Secretary-General’s group of experts on international security and disarmament. As contribution to the Fortieth Anniversary of the UN in 1985, Ambassador Rossides offered the book: “International Security, Disarmament and the Role of the United Nations”


If find good quality of this photo use

Sri Chinmoy during a mid day (lunch time) meditation in the Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium 16 Jun 1998         (1998-09sep-31-bu-peace-med-meditation-DH-Auditorium-16Jun-1998.jpg)

or alternative photo





UN-concert-1-dag-ham-auditorium-crp-right-2 (most likely use this one)

Oneness Quotes from UN 50 Q and A.

While working at the United Nations, we have to sing all the time in the inmost recesses of our heart the oneness-song.” 

-16 November 1976;

“When we try to judge others or examine others, we immediately lose our sense of identification. But if we focus our attention on all things with the same amount of sympathy, love and concern, then we feel inside all things their basic oneness with everything else and with ourselves.”

July 26, 1974

“Humanity is only our enlarged and expanded self. If we have this wider outlook and larger vision, all human beings are part and parcel of one universal family.”

18 April 1978

“When there is oneness, there is no feeling of supremacy.

-17 May 1974

After an individual establishes his oneness with others, he feels their needs as his own.

  • 20 may 1977


Famous “Peace” Quote from UN.

“Peace is the beginning of love.

Peace is the completion of truth.

Peace is the return to the Source.”

– From talk by Sri Chinmoy at the UN Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium on May 13, 1971  Full talk The Garland of Nation-Souls, Agni Press, 1972 ;

Sri Chinmoy meditates for Peace at United Nations during meeting of the Peace Meditation Group

 ABOUT UN Inner Awakening:

If we say that the United Nations is the result of the twentieth century awakening, then we are mistaken. The United Nations is the outgrowth of the inner awakening of human beings from time immemorial.” (/rd-8)

UN for all those who do aspire

Each nation has human beings who aspire for a better, more illumining and more fulfilling world. These seekers have expressed their aspiration in and through various fields: spirituality, religion, philosophy, science, music, art, poetry and so forth. The United Nations is not only for the delegates and the representatives of the various nations. It is for all those who have aspired and do aspire and will always aspire.” (/rd-8)

 They were from a poster with UN Building in Background we did with calendar on bottom for 1983-84?


Page x  = Full page available (or on page 38)

1979-08aug-14-03-iyc-gallery-group-croped-on-left-to-match-printed-version-2-scaled.jpg –
669 KB

14 Aug 1979: Honoured guests at a reception for International Year of the Child (IYC) sponsored by the Permanent Mission of Panama to the UN, in cooperation with the Peace Meditation Group at the UN. The evening programme was held at the Jharna-Kala Gallery in Manhattan (left to right); Ms. Nina Sibal, First Secretary, Permanent Mission of lndia to the U.N.; H.E. Mr. Alejandro D. Yango. Permanent Representative of the Philippines; Sra. Emilia Castro de Barish, Alternate Permanent Representative of Costa Rica; H.E. Ms. Ana Esther de la Maza Vasquez, Alternate Representative of the Dominican Republic; H. E. Dr. J. E. lllueca, Permanent Representative of Panama; Sri Chinmoy; Mr. Seigfeld Wemers, Permanent Mission of Suriname (in background); Dr. Omar Jaen, Delegation of Panama; Lic. Pedro Briln Martinez, Delegation of Panama; Ms. Maryanne Nsubuga, Charge d ‘Affaires . a.i., Permanent Mission of Seycelles; Mr. Williams, Delegation of Panama; and H.E. Mr. E. Esquea-Guerrero, Permanent Representative of the Dominican Republic to the U.N.

Last Page (may be choose two photos)? or with quote.


1976-02feb-06-med-un-conf-rm-070-02-scaled.jpg – 504 KB


1976-02feb-06-med-un-conf-rm-07-01-crp-02-scaled.jpg – 467 KB




Quotes on Oneness for page 38 or with photo on other pages?

COMMENT : Possibly one of quotes below on “oneness” could be used alone or with another to help highlight “Oneness”. Sri Chinmoy often used “Oneness” to imply a broad sense of identification with humanity and nature. .

“When there is oneness, there is no feeling of supremacy. 17 May 1974

After an individual establishes his oneness with others, he feels their needs as his own.” 20 may 1977

“Humanity is only our enlarged and expanded self. If we have this wider outlook and larger vision, all human beings are part and parcel of one universal family.” 18 April 1978

While working at the United Nations, we have to sing all the time in the inmost recesses of our heart the oneness-song.”  16 November 1976

“When we try to judge others or examine others, we immediately lose our sense of identification. But if we focus our attention on all things with the same amount of sympathy, love and concern, then we feel inside all things their basic oneness with everything else and with ourselves.” July 26, 1974



other possible quotes to consider:

Possibly one or both of these quotes for last page if needed?
“If we say that the United Nations is the result of the twentieth century awakening, then we are mistaken. The United Nations is the outgrowth of the inner awakening of human beings from time immemorial.” (/rd-8)
“Each nation has human beings who aspire for a better, more illumining and more fulfilling world. These seekers have expressed their aspiration in and through various fields: spirituality, religion, philosophy, science, music, art, poetry and so forth. The United Nations is not only for the delegates and the representatives of the various nations. It is for all those who have aspired and do aspire and will always aspire.” (/rd-8)
They were from a poster with UN Building in Background we did with calendar on bottom for 1983-84?
attached without calendar


20 MB

1977-05-03may-at JK-UN-World-enviornment-Day-coord-Martha-Lackner-unveils-painting-Heart-Home-World-Body 461kb


aug 22 proposal

PDF:   Part 1-QA-13-sep-(for-8-page-change)-with-bird-options
