4th Anniversary Meditation at UN 1974 Apr 14
Filed under UN Anniversaries
from Anahata Nada April 27 1974. Vol 1, No V
(text needs spell check from cut and paste)
FOUR YEARS AT THE U.N. A historic marriage between the hectic world of United Nations politics and the meditative calm of Indian mysticism celebrated its fourth anniversary this month. It was on ~April 14, 1970 that Sri Chinmoy held his first U.d. meditation as Spiritual Director of the ‘United Nations meditation group. ‘That happened to be exactly six years and one day after the Master first arrived in America. Since that first April session, his weekly lunch-hour meditations for U.N. delegates and staff have been attracting a growing following. And about a year and a half ago, they were ewanded to twice-weekly sessions – one in the U.N. Church Center 2hapel and one in the U.N. Secretariat buildiv. Durine a special meditation commemoratine; the anniversary, Sri Chimoy said that in silence he was offerinf: his soulful gratitude to the Supreme, his sincere gratitude to the soul of the United iktions, his loving gratitude to the seekers at the U. I(. and his oneness-gratitude to the members of the U.iL Medita- tion Group. A spokesman for the group, Uddipana (Maureen Gulney), said: “Your arrival at the United iktions was most timely and necessary, for we are already seeing that the decisions of its delegates are increasingly influencing the destiw of our planet and the goals and aspirations of its inhabitants.” Further, she added, “Those of us who are deeply committed to the ideals of the United Nations believe that there can be no greater blessing for this great organization than to have its staff and delegates receive your enlightened guidance. ”