Meditation at UN – Vo 01, No 03; 27 Mar 1973, Bulletin

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Content Highlights:

March report on events

  • Dag Hammarskjöld Lecture, March 1, 1973
    • The Heart-Peace of the United Nations
    • Questions and Answers . .
  • Friday Meeting, March 2, 1973
    • Question and Answers . .
  • Tuesday Meditation, March 6, 1973
    • Meditation for the Day
  • Friday Meeting, March 9, 1973
    • Questions and Answers
  • Tuesday Meditation, March 13, 1973
    • Meditation for the Day
  • Friday Meeting, March 16, 1973
    • Where is God? .
  • Tuesday Meditation, March 20, 1973
    • Meditation for the Day
  • Friday Meeting, March 23,1973
    • Questions and Answers
  • Tuesday Meditation, March 27, 1973 Meditation for the Day
  • Friday Meeting, March 30, 1973 (To be printed in April issue)

About the  Bulletin, Motto, Meditation Group at UN and Sri Chinmoy.



Photo of Pope Paul VI and Sri Chinmoy at Vatican  March 1972

April 1973 – Upcoming Events Dates and locations

Tuesday, April 3, 12-1 p.m.; Hour of silent meditation. The Chapel, United Nations Church Center, Corner 44th Street & 1st Avenue. All welcome.

Thursday, April 5, 1-2 p.m.; Dag Hammarskjold Lecture Series – “No Nation is Unwanted .” Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium. Admission free. All welcome.

Friday, April 6, 1-2 p.m.; Short meditation, talk, questions and answers. Conference Room No.* All welcome.

Tuesday, April 10, 12-1 p.m.; Hour of silent meditation. The Chapel, United Nations Church Center, Corner 44th Street & 1st Avenue. All welcome.

Friday, April 13, 12-1 p.m.; Special meeting to celebrate the third anniversary of the U.N. Meditation Group (inaugurated April 14, 1970). The Chapel, United Nations Church Center, Corner 44th Street & 1st Avenue. All welcome.

Tuesday, April 1 7, 12-1 p.m.; Hour of silent meditation. The Chapel, United Nations Church Center, Corner 44th Street & 1st Avenue. All welcome.

Friday, April 20, 1973; Short meditation, talk, questions and answers. Conference Room No.* All welcome.

Tuesday , April 24, 12-1 p.m. Hour of silent meditation. The Chapel, United Nations Church Center, Corner 44th Street & 1st Avenue. All welcome.

Friday, April 2 7, 1-2 p .m. Short meditation , talk, questions and answers. Conference Room No.* All welcome.

– – – – – – – – – – –  –  – –  Details Below – – – – – – – – – –  – – – – – – – – – – – –

Photo of Pope Paul VI and Sri Chinmoy at Vatican  March 1972

This photograph was taken by the Vatican Photographers on March 22, 1972, when Sri Chinmoy , the Indian spiritual Master, was received in a private audience at the Vatican by Pope Paul VI. The memorable interview lasted for twelve minutes. Sri Chinmoy, who conducts weekly meditation at the United Nations Church Center, presented to the Pope three of his own books: My Lord’s Secrets Revealed, Songs of the Soul and Blossoms of the Heart. In this photo, the Pontiff is presenting Sri Chinmoy, in return, with his own Medallion. The Western Light and the Eastern Light are here, in this encounter, welcoming each other and fulfilling each other.


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