Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?. Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971
Filed under z- no categoryIs the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?. .Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971 first in AUM — Vol. 6, No. 9, Apr. 27, 1971, | 1971-03-04 | 087 | /gns-11; /aum-693 |
Is the Spiritual Life an Escape from Reality?. An unaspiring man thinks that undying pleasure is the only reality. An aspiring man feels that a divine experience is the only reality. The abode of transcendental Fulfillment has three doors: love, freedom and delight. Love-door is open to those who serve crying humanity. Freedom-door is open to those who serve struggling humanity. The delight-door is open to those who serve awakening humanity. The spiritual life is never an escape from reality. On the contrary, The spiritual life is the conscious and spontaneous acceptance of reality in its totality. For a spiritual seeker the idea of an escape from reality is absurdity plus impossibility, for spirituality and reality need each other to be supremely fulfilled. Spirituality with reality means man’s inner cry for perfect Perfection.
Acceptance of life with a divine attitude, is not only a lofty idea, but the very ideal of life. Acceptance of life is the divine pride of true spirituality. To live a spiritual life is our only responsibility. Acceptance of life in a divine way is the transcendence of human ego. The transcendence of ego is man’s real dignity and true worth. Momentous are the words of former Secretary- General U Thant: “The dignity and worth of the human person is not merely a philosophical concept. It is, and should be, a working principle of human existence guiding our daily lives.” Acceptance of life is the assurance of faith. We must always be brave. Divine courage is our birthright. We are the hero-warriors of supreme Reality, chosen to fight against the teeming, brooding and threatening ignorance-night. .Dag Hammarskjold Aud., on March 4, 1971 first in AUM — Vol. 6, No. 9, Apr. 27, 1971, |