Sri Chinmoy on Gratitude, USG Chowdhury, J. Light 2004 April 13

Filed under MG Members in other events | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

on 13th April 2004 at an event in Aspiration Ground in Queens New york, the leader thof the meditation Group  at the uN noted taht it had been 40 years since he had arrived in the west from India. On this occasion he expressed his gratitude those who had inspired, encouraged and assisted him derin the four decades. He mentioned specifically two people  present for the occasion :

  •   UN Under-Secretary-General, Ambassador Anwarul Chowdhury and
  • Madhurima Judith Light.

Text below.

More to be added as available

13 April 2004
Aspiration-Ground – Tuesday (from tape and steno: Nilima)
Talk on Gratitude

In 1964 I came to America on the 13th of April, to be precise. And today I am completing 40 years of my earth-life-existence in the heart of America, the West and the whole world. I most devotedly obeyed the Command of my Inner Pilot, my Absolute Lord Supreme, to come to America and be of service to the soul of the entire world. Over the years many, many, many kind-hearted, affectionate and self-giving brothers and sisters of the world have inspired me, encouraged me and blessed me so that I can become a choice instrument of God here on earth.

To each and every one, today I am offering only one thing: gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude, gratitude from the inmost recesses of my heart. On the strength of their blessings, compassion, affection and encouragement, I am now a God-dreamer, God-lover and God-server throughout the length and breadth of
the world.

Among those who have helped me unreservedly in so many ways inner and outer, my Bengali brother, Anwarul, without the least possible hesitation, tops the list. You are now Under-Secretary-General, but I prefer to call you Ambassador Chowdhury.

When I call you Ambassador Chowdury, all my affection, love and gratitude immediately come to the fore. I get such sweetness and fondness when I call you Ambassador Chowdhury, and not, sorry to say, Under-Secretary-General.

The post can be infinitely higher, but like the nickname of a person, when the parents call the children by their nicknames, both the parents and the children get infinitely more joy than the name that is given for the school. So always call you Ambassador Chowdhury. That gives me enormous love and delight.

To come back again, today is the day of my heart’s gratitude to all those who have inspired me, helped me unreservedly in various walks of life. But I am also here so happy, delighted and excited to have with us Judith Light. Her Indian name, spiritual name, I have given, Madhurima. It means the sweetness-flooded soul, sweetness-flooded soul or nectar-flooded soul.

Millions and millions of people have appreciated, admired and adored her, her performances as a comedienne. But my love for her, my gratitude to her is something else, although I am also one of those who have been admiring her most lovingly and most sincerely. But today I wish to say, as a sincere, most sincere, seeker and God-lover, she is exceptional in my heart of aspiration and in my life of dedication.

My brother has to leave soon. I have received blessingful letters from many world luminaries. Now time will not permit. Yesterday we just received a letter, a blessingful, encouraging letter from one of my favourite Presidents. This is from President Clinton.

Sri Chinmoy reads out the letter.

Sri Chinmoy speaks with Ambassador Chowdhury in Bengali.

Ambassador Chowdhury speaks (Nemi transcribed his talk).

Sri Chinmoy when presenting trophy to Ambassador Chowdhury: For inspiring me and encouraging me enormously and loving me so affectionately.

Ambassador Anwarul Choudhury: Thank you very much. Sri Chinmoy, you have filled my heart with such pleasure and joy, and I am very happy to see all of you today. I am sorry that I have to leave a little early. I have some other programmes at the United Nations, so I have to go.

I would like to take this opportunity to give my warmest greetings and felicitations to Sri Chinmoy on this very special day. On the 13th of April, 1964, a remarkable man landed on the shores of America. And as you heard from him, he was expressing his deep gratitude to all of us, to all those people who have been his friends, his supporters, his inspirers, all these years—40 years.

But I think today, on this 40th anniversary, it is also a special occasion for all of us to convey our gratitude to him. [applause] We are deeply, deeply grateful to you, Sri Chinmoy, for inspiring us, for giving us the motivation to work for peace and harmony. And I believe that your message, your work, your concern for humanity gives all of us a wonderful peace within. And I think that is very important. As we work for peace throughout the world, we need peace within. And Sri Chinmoy, you have bestowed that wonderful thing to us. You have inspired us to work for the well-being of humanity, and that inspires me personally to work for the most vulnerable countries of the world. I thank you for that inspiration. I thank you for that strength that you have given me to continue my work for these countries and the peoples of these countries.

And I believe that all your presence here today, particularly in such inclement weather, and standing in rain like this, shows your commitment for the message that Sri Chinmoy has given to all of us. And I believe your efforts, your endeavour to be here from various parts of the world today, to come here to join us on this 40th anniversary, a remarkable anniversary for a remarkable man—your presence will be worthwhile if you internalise his message of peace, his message of harmony, and try to share it with others, try to distribute it. The more you distribute this message of peace and harmony, the stronger you become every day.

So with that message, I thank you again, and again my apologies for leaving early. Thank you.

Another speaker, a body builder (Nemi transcribed)