Members at Yoga Studio UN -NYC Blackout 13 Jul 1977

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Many Members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations joined for a demonstration and inauguration of a Yoga studio in Manhattan. 13 Jul 1977

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

The owner of the studio (Sarma M.) welcomed Sri Chinmoy and all the visitors. Sarma had given yoga and relaxation classes at the UN and a number of Peace Meditation group members had also taken classes with her at the UN or  other locations.


Sri Chinmoy had often encouraged Sarma in her work and efforts to assist others. Whenever her teaching schedule permitted, Sarma would also attend the regular peace meditations at the UN and elsewhere that Sri Chinmoy led.

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

Later in the evening the blackout of NYC had begun, where all the electricity was off until the next day.


The function continued with candles and flashlights and eventually all were able to safely return home by various means.

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

