Booklet “Inner Vision: Love of God, Outer Mission: Service of Humanity July 1977

Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A) | quotations-collections

A small booklet “The Inner Vision: Love of God, The Outer Mission: Service of Humanity” was prepared of eight questions submitted to Sri Chinmoy by Mr. David Rowe, Political Advisor, United States Mission to the United Nations, in the spring of 1977.

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

Copies of the booklet were presented to David Rowe by Sri Chinmoy at a meeting of the Peace Meditation Group in July 1077

(c) Copyrights Sri Chinmoy Centre

A shorter edited version was in Devoted Report to the SG of 1977.

The questions and answers collection also appeared in

Sri Chinmoy, Flame-Waves, part 11, Agni Press, 1978 Part II.FW 327-334.

– book by Sri Chinmoy, My Meditation-Service At The United Nations For 25 Years, Agni Press, 1995.


8 Questions: