Sri Chinmoy Plays Esraj Music Instrument for Meditation Group 1976 Nov 16

Filed under Music for meditation | Questions and Answers (Q&A)

as part of the Meditation Programme on 16 Nov 1976 Sri Chinmoy Led the meditation, played the Esraj Musical Instrument and answered some questions.

In November, Sri Chinmoy asked members of the Meditation Group to submit spiritual questions for him to answer during the Group’s regular meetings. These are questions answered on 16 and 26 November 1976.

One often refer to by UN staff and Delegates is the answer to: “What is the most Important thing to remember while working at he United Nations

Question: What is the most important thing to remember while working at the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: The most important thing to remember while working at the United Nations is the vision of the United Nations. The vision of the United Nations is world peace and world harmony: one nation, one soul and one goal. While working at the United Nations, we have to sing all the time in the inmost recesses of our heart the oneness-song.   -16 November 1976

Question: How can we best fulfil our roles at the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: We can best fulfil our roles at the United Nations by consciously feeling at every moment that we are divine instruments chosen by God to play a significant role at the United Nations. Inside this feeling of ours, divine fulfilment will loom large in a special way.-16 November 1976

Question: What qualities can we offer to the United Nations to best fulfil it?

Sri Chinmoy: The two most important qualities are concern and self-giving. When we look at the body of the United Nations, we will look with our concern; we will see that humanity is depending on the vision of the United Nations to lead it to greater progress. And when we think of the soul or the inner reality of the United Nations, we have to feel that its fulfilment can take place only on the strength of our own self-giving. We have to give ourselves to the vision and the goal that the United Nations has placed before us: world peace, world harmony and oneness-light.  -16 November 1976

Question: When and how will the leaders and representatives of the nations of the world, especially of the developing nations, begin to seek spiritual solutions to their problems?

Sri Chinmoy: There is no fixed date. Only when the hour has struck for a particular individual will that individual cry for world-oneness, world-progress and world-perfection. An individual or a nation has to become consciously aware of what it is necessary to do. It is only through conscious awareness that the right things can take place at the right moment in the right way. At that time, all the negative forces can be conquered and all the world’s problems can be solved. -16 November 1976

Question: Will the Supreme send more real leaders to help support the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: Already there have been quite a few extremely good leaders. Some of these leaders got the opportunity to lead, while others did not. If there is a need for more leaders, then the Supreme will definitely grant the United Nations more leaders. But if the present leaders already have the capacity and if others are praying for the capacity in their own way, then the goal of the United Nations will not always remain a far cry and there is no need for the Supreme to grant the United Nations more leaders. -16 November 1976

Question: As the United Nations evolves, will it become less of a political centre and more of a spiritual centre?

Sri Chinmoy: A divinely political centre and a truly spiritual centre are not two different things. We have to know that the United Nations has to be both divinely political and truly spiritual. When it is truly spiritual, it will embrace humanity’s entire inner existence. And then it will need an opening to express itself. This opening is politics. The divine politics, which is inside the devoted hearts of the individual nations, can at that time be of great assistance.

The United Nations has already obtained considerable spiritual power. Unlike political power, spiritual power works in silence. Therefore, it is not noticeable to our human eyes. But it is constantly being felt in the hearts of those who are crying for a better, more illumining and more fulfilling life on earth.  -16 November 1976

Question: How can both staff members and delegates of Member States understand that spirituality is a true base to build their goals upon?

Sri Chinmoy: Staff members and delegates of Member States will understand that spirituality is a true base to build their goals upon only by your own personal example. If you can grow into a flower, then naturally you will emanate a fragrance-reality. If you can become a torch-bearer of truth and light, then automatically the world around you will see light. So it is not by talking but by becoming. By bringing to the fore the flowers of oneness, peace and divinity that you have in your inner heart, automatically the essence of these flowers will emanate from you and enter into those who are around you. -16 November 1976

Question: How can I feel that my small job at the United Nations is really important to the total spirit of the United Nations?

Sri Chinmoy: Each drop in the ocean is essential. You may be holding a very insignificant job, but without you and all the other drops, there will be no ocean. It is the unification, the combination, of countless drops that makes the ocean. Like you, there are many who make up the United Nations. If all are excluded precisely because they are not Secretaries-General or because they are not holding high posts, then there would be no United Nations.

When a house is built, there are many bricks and many nails. If one or two bricks are missing, there will be a hole. The walls will not be strong and the foundation will not be secure. So each worker, no matter how insignificant his task, is necessary in order to keep the body and the soul of the United Nations together.

The whole United Nations — right from the Secretary-General to the lowest worker — is only one body, one soul and one reality, which is composed of glowing thoughts and glowing ideals. Some individuals have perhaps a little more light than others, but it is the combination of everybody’s light that transforms the whole into glowing reality.  -16 November 1976



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