2018 Day of Yoga at UN – MORE Quotes Yoga and Peace, Music Scores

Filed under UN Anniversaries

Members of The Peace Meditation at UN choir and Sri Chinmoy Non Governmental Organization singers and musicians  performed on Wednesday 20 June 2018 at the UN Headquarters in NY.


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International Day of Yoga 2018 Musical Performance at UN 20 Jun


Recognizing yoga’s universal appeal, on 11 December 2014, the United Nations proclaimed 21 June as the International Day of Yoga by General Assembly resolution 69/131.  The International Day of Yoga aims to raise awareness worldwide of the many benefits of practicing yoga. The 2018 main events for the 4th International Day of Yoga at UN Headquarters in New York, held on 20 and 21 June, were organized by the Permanent Mission of India in association with the UN Department of Public Information, with the theme “Yoga for Peace.”

Singers from Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations were kindly invited by the Permanent Representative of India to the UN, Ambassador Syed Akbaruddin. to perform at the 20 June event, “Yoga Session with Yoga Masters,” held on the North Lawn of UN Headquarters. The Choir, conducted by Paree Atkin, performed an arrangement of three of Sri Chinmoy’s songs, featuring the ancient Sanksrit universal message from the Upanishads, “Satyam eva jayate,” which translates as “Truth alone triumphs.” A composite of some of Sri Chinmoy’s comments about yoga was shared before the musical presentation. The event was webcast on UN TV, with the musical performance starting at 46 minutes into the programme. Please click here for the full webcast.


A composite of some of Sri Chinmoy’s comments about yoga shared before the musical presentation:


Spirituality and yoga are for the betterment and enlightenment of humanity.

Almost anyone can derive some benefit from some aspect of Yoga.

When we enter into the field of Yoga, we feel that the love and service which we offer to mankind, is for not only those whom we serve directly, but for our entire world-family…There is no such thing as ‘others’; we are all members of the ‘One’.

If a greater number of people accepted Yoga, then the face of society would be completely changed, the world would undergo a positive transformation. …

Yoga is union. It cultivates our growing into the Greater Self, Self with a capital S.

The practice of Yoga helps us to harmonize our being and come into balance within our self…to become One with the Greater Self.

Click here for more of Sri Chinmoy’s comments on yoga, from a commemorative booklet offered by the Peace Meditation Group to participants in the 2017 International Day of Yoga events at the UN.
India-Nepal Souvenir Publication for Yoga Day, 21 June 2018

Under the direction of Ambassador M.S. Puri, the Indian Embassy in Kathmandu, Nepal, brought out a souvenir publication on the occasion of the 4th UN International Day of Yoga on 21 June 2018, in collaboration with the Madan Mohan Malviya Mission, an educational and service organization. Issued in English, Hindi and Nepalese, with messages from the President of Nepal and the Prime Ministers of Nepal and India, the book is a compilation of articles from various yoga experts, renowned scholars and intellectuals from both India and NepalThe publication begins with a composite of Sri Chinmoy’s comments on “Yoga and the Spiritual Life.” Click here for more information about the Souvenir Publication.

Festival of Yoga San Diego 2018
Many events celebrated Yoga Day around the world, including the Festival of Yoga San Diego 2018 on 24 June, organized by Sujantra McKeever of the Pilgrimage of the Heart Yoga, a yoga studio dedicated to the teachings of Sri Chinmoy. This is the second year this event in San Diego has been held, offering free yoga classes and other activities, drawing over 2,500 yoga enthusiasts, with over 100 related booths set up at the Waterfront Park venue. Click here for TV coverage from two different broadcasts (12 minutes long).

2018 Theme : Yoga and Peace

Below are

  • Short excerpts from the writings on the UN, Yoga and Peace by Sri Chinmoy who lead the peace Meditiatons at the UN form 1970 till his passing in 2007
  • 3 songs Musical Score that was the basis of the 20 June 2018 musical performance at UN headquarters.   “Satyam eva jayate!” is  from the Vedic Chant which means “Truth alone Triumphs”


Yoga and Peace

Philosophy is brave. It likes to understand the higher world.
Religion is wise. It likes to acknowledge the outer world.
Yoga is positive. It likes to accept the higher, the outer and the inner world….

The United Nations’ philosophy is to please all the countries.
The United Nations’ religion is to help all the countries that are abiding by the Truth.

The United Nations’ Yoga is to turn the entire world into a peaceful and soulful oneness-home.

from ” Philosophy, religion and yoga” “Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium United Nations, 10 June 1980

The whole world is captured by restlessness and nervousness.

The very aim of practising Yoga is to have peace, peace of mind. When one acquires peace of mind, automatically one possesses indomitable inner strength.

How can nervousness enter into a person when he is surcharged with inner strength?

from  Sri Chinmoy, Realisation-Soul and Manifestation-Goal, Agni Press, 1974

 In Yoga you will get Silence; you will also get Peace, Light and Power.
You will get everything. The voice of Yoga is for all seekers and especially for those who have seriously entered into the spiritual life.
from Sri Chinmoy, Yoga and the spiritual life. The journey of India’s Soul., Agni Press, 1971


Music scores from 3 Songs

  • Satya Eva Jayate -Truth alone Triumphs
  • Satya senani amara sabai  Satyer hok joy

    (May the victory of truth be proclaimed.)

  • Satyam shivam sundaram Asimer ananda fuara
    (Truth, benevolence, beauty —The fountain-delight of the Infinite.)






Composed on Nov. 22nd, 1975

Satya senani amara sabai
Satyer hok joy
Prashanta mora langhiya chali
Badha bipatti bhoy
Prati manaber bhranta parane
Achire karibo khoy
Sathi narayan jagat janani
Mora chira chinmoy


Sri Chinmoy’s Translation:

We are the soldiers of truth.
May the victory of truth be proclaimed.
All obstructions along the way
We have passed through.
Boundless peace we now embody.
The eluding and deluding mind
We shall illumine.
Our companions are World-Mother
And World-Father,
And we are nothing but consciousness-light.


see more at Srichinmoysongs.com?

