1986 Peace Walk for U.N. Charter Day; International Year of Peace: 25 – 26 Jun

Filed under 2 or more | Peace walk/run for UN | Sport & Athletics | UN Anniversaries

Some will talk — others will run and walk to commemorate the anniversary of the signing of the U.N. Charter.

The U.N. community is invited to join together

  • in the semi-annual PEACE WALK in the U.N. gardens on June 25-26 and
  • in the PEACE RUN on June 29 — a commemorative relay run from Lake Success in Long Island (former site of UN offices) to the Secretariat.

The Peace Walk is a silent nation by nations relay walk around an area of the North Garden.

  • The preamble to the UN Charter is carried by a national in each group and is passed on to the next group.
  • Ambassadors of some countries will lead their national groups and each participant will sign a copy of the Preamble to the Charter to commemorate the signing of the original Charter in San Francisco in 1945.
  • All UN members are invited to join the Final International Walk on Thursday, 26 June at 1:15 p.m.
  • Each country has a scheduled time over the two day period in which its nationals will meet and walk

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