Sri Chinmoy: Centre; Peace Meditation at UN; Marathon Team – Affiliates Explanation 1988

Filed under administrative history

Sri Chinmoy has allowed his name to be used in several contexts to denote the high standards that have come to be associated with his work and to show his support for the efforts being undertaken.

The most visible organisations are:

  • Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations, the

  • Sri Chinmoy Centre and the

  • Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team.

Sri Chinmoy’s students and friends support or attend the various activities undertaken under the auspices of these organisations in accordance with their personal interests and abilities.

Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations Sri Chinmoy:

The Peace Meditation at the United Nations is an association of United Nations staff, delegates and non-governmental organisation representative. The group has sponsored twice-weekly meditation sessions and other programmes for world peace at United Nations headquarters since 1970, when Sri Chinmoy was invited by Secretary-General U Thant, t0 serve as leader.

Because of space limitations and the fact that programmes are held in restricted areas, the general public is usually not admitted, although invitations are extended to selected guests for special events.

The Sri Chinmoy Centre

Students of the non-profit Sri Chinmoy Centres, located in some one hundred cities around the world, offer free programmes for the public, including meditation classes, musical performances, athletic events and programmes in support of human development, world peace and other goals of the United Nations.

The Sri Chinmoy Centre is a non-governmental organisation (NGO) recognised by the United Nations Department of Public Information.

Many members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations also participate in the activities of the Sri Chinmoy Centre in New York, although the two are separate entities.

Each year, usually at the year’s end, some 150 members of the Sri Chinmoy Centres from various countries, a number of whom are also members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations, travel together to a different part of the world. This provides an opportunity to become acquainted with different cultures and to offer service in the form of free concerts for peace and athletic events.

Many see these year-end travels as a chance to deepen their own inner peace among like-minded friends and to renew their inspiration for service to the broader community throughout the year.

 The Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team:

Inspired by their teacher’s philosophy and personal example, many of Sri Chinmoy’s students have become enthusiastic athletes, and as an outgrowth, the international Sri Chinmoy Marathon Team annually sponsors over 500 running races, from weekly short running races to ultra-marathons and triathlons.

Team members also participate in and assist at other sports events. In order to demonstrate Sri Chinmoy’s philosophy of personal transcendence and the importance of a healthy body for inner growth and well being, Marathon Team members have completed ultra-distance running, cycling and swimming events.

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Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations
