Inauguration of Peace Meditation at USA Congress 01 Mar 1984

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Some members of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations were able to travel to Washington for the

Inauguration of the Peace Meditation at USA Congress on  01 March 1984.

The Washington Post covered the event in an article the next day on the front page of one its sections.

  •  Sponsored by Rep. Joseph P. Addabbo (D·N.Y.), said about Sri Chinmoy:

“he presents a moment of peace in a life of turmoil.”

  • Deputy chief of the Indian Embassy, Peter Sinai offered this wisdom from the Bhagavad·Gita

The trick to keeping peace of mind is to remain unattached to the reoults. Try to do right action, but keep your detachment from the fruit thereof.”

Also present were

  • Sen. Clairborne Pell (D.·R.I.),
  • Rep. George M. O’Brien (R.·III.) and
  • Ambassadors and representatives from:

Italy, Burma, Cyprus, Venezuela, La0s, Mauritania. Tunisia and Bangladesh.

Sri Chinmoy said:

“The goodness of America is perhaps forgotten to some extent,”

His message to the American people:

“Your goodness is peace. Amer ica’s greatness the world knows!.

 But this goodness America can bring to the fore in infinite measure … and offer it to the world.”

The best way to tap inner peace, he said, is

“prayer and meditation . . . not just by Senators and Congressman, but by all Americans . . .

The peace is within, we have to dig and dig.”

Society’s major problem, he said, is

“to increase the heart power, not the power of the arms. We must not compete with any other country . ..

When America sings the song of self· transcendence, the rest of the world will definitely, cheerfully plus faith· fully follow.”

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