1988 Peace Walk for UN Day & 7 Minutes Silence of Peace Oct 20, 21, 24
Filed under Lift World - Oneness - Heart | Peace walk/run for UN | Prayer or silence day - event | UN Anniversaries
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- 1988-10-oct-24-un-day
- 1988-10-oct-24-un-day-intro-script
- 1988-10-oct-24-un-day-intro-script
- 1988-10-oct-24-un-day-program-script-includes-for-lfts (very early draft)
- 1988-10-oct-24-un-day-extra-invite-note-to-ambassadors
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Introductions to Related events:
Sample from `1988: Peace Walk for UN Day, Seven Minutes of Silence, Lifting up the World with a Oneness – Heart.
End of Country Walks segments:
We have are just finishing the last lap of the individual country portion of the Peace Walk.
At 1:00 p.m. we will have Seven Minute of Silence for Peace, which :s being observed globally at this time. You are welcome to either observe these seven minutes of silence here in the garden or join us in conference room C which has been reserved for this purpose (Since it is a non-public area a pass is required to enter).
Immediately afterwards at 1 :15 pm, the International Lap of the Peace Walks, will begin in the Garden. The final Ceremony on Visitors Plaza, near the 47th St.
entrance will take place immediately after the international Lap.
Seven Minutes of Peace
Seven Minutes of Peace seeks to focus the world ‘ s attention on the need for peace in the Interfaith, non-denominational, spirit of U Thant, Dag Hammarskjold and Martin Luther King, and the principles of the United Nations itself.
The observance offers people in every country the opportunity to join all together in peace as members of the one human family.
Seven minutes of Peace was inaugurated in 1984 with the participation of groups in over 40 countries on the on the initiative of Sri Chinmoy : The Peace Meditation at the Un it ed Nations, in cooperation with local United Nations Associations and a wide range o f educational, religious, spiritual and peace organizations around the world.
As we begin our seven m1nutes of peace here at UN headquarters at 1:00 pm, we are mindful of all those around the world who are silently dedicating themselves to peace at this very moment. We join with them i n our common aspiration f or peace.
Thank you for joining us the International app of the Peace Walker will take place in a few moments, beginning in the garden at 1:15 p.m. The final ceremony will be at 1:30 p.m. On the visitors Plaza near the 40th Street entrance .
International lap
The final moment of the peace walk today is our international lap. Since last Thursday, individuals from many countries have joined in silence procession symbolically renewing their commitment to peace .
Now, for this final outcome as people from many countries joined together, we are reminded of our United dedication to peace. We will be walking together once around the garden, concluding on the visitors Plaza above, where the final ceremony will take place.
Final ceremony
On behalf of Sri Chinmoy the peace meditation at the United Nations and the heads of delegations who have graciously co-sponsored this event, I welcome you to the concluding ceremony of the 1988 United Nations day Peace Walker observance.
Since mid day Thursday representatives from various countries have carried the preamble to the UN Charter watch then we walking through the beautiful garden and then pass it on to the colleagues from other nations.
We have just concluded the international lap. We believe this group dedication is symbolic of all the best work of the U.N.
First, as we reread once again the preamble to the charter and appreciate the lofty vision of the United Nations, we know that, while walking for the future we are building on the inspired work of our predecessors.
Second, no individual among us alone accomplish all that needs to be done. We require the unique contributions of individuals of all cultures and nations.
Third, by coming here to the garden -to this spacious Plaza we are reminded in a practical way of the wider world that we are all trying to serve.
and finally, but spending a few contemplative moments by the river today, we receive new inspiration to sustain us in our work. If we do not experience indeed seek out peace and beauty and a personal level, who among us will be able to strive continually to create the peaceful and fruitful world we all long for.
Meditation and or songs
We are very happy that Sri Chinmoy I could be with us today. He first addressed the U.N. community 20 years ago next month and has been leading the peace meditation group at the UN since 1970. ..
Today Today at 1 p.m. Before the international app, some of us participated in 7 minutes of peace, a simultaneous global observance. That event, inaugurated in 1984 with the participation of groups in over 40 countries, offers people in every country the opportunity to join together in peace as part of the one Human family.
As we begin the final ceremony it seems appropriate to remember all those around the world to assign a dedicated themselves to peace.
Would like to open the program by having the peace meditation singers perform a short song about the ideals of the UN and also special song about piece of composed by Sri Chinmoy.
Reading of the preamble to the charter
Today we are thankful for the hope and aspirations of those who can see the United Nations over 43 years ago. Let’s keep in mind the vision of our founders, the vision that we share for the United Nations, the vision that is set out in the charter of the United Nations.
Each year we request representatives to join in reading out a part of the preamble to charter.
today _________representatives of __________will read the preamble. Introduction to speakers
we believe that peace is not just the absence of war, but is a positive and active commitment by individuals to creative and fruitful world.
Additional Speakers
The Peace Walk and the lifts are symbolic of the effort required for the establishment of peace. We believe it is important to approach all the work of our organization from spiritual and idealistic foundation as well as a political one. For this reason you’re extremely pleased that distinguish representative to the diplomatic immunity have joined us in today’s events.
first speaker today is ______________
please welcome .
Lifting up the world with a oneness heart.
As you may know, Sri Chinmoy, the leader of the peace meditations at the United Nations since 1970, has been practicing weight lifting for the past 3 years, with remarkable results.
He believes and convincingly illustrates that inner strength makes it possible for individuals to live in outer peace. This spring, Sri Chinmoy, lifted many groups and individuals at a public gathering before one of his peace concerts. Inspired by his achievements, we requested him to consider lifting our colleagues from the international community who are working for peace. He graciously agreed and the lifts have become a very special part of some of our programs.
He also believes that the determination and concentration developed through weightlifting, as through other sports, can be applied to all aspects of life–such as our efforts for peace at the United Nations.
His lifts in other countries, like his peace concerts are serving to inspire many people to the attainment of our common goals. Today some of our guests will be physically lifted by Sri Chinmoy, a symbol of all our efforts to lift the world consciousness to the highest ideal set forth in the Charter.
while Sri Chinmoy lifts our guests in honor of their inspiration inspiration the choir will sing a few songs.