22 Country Representatives at the U.N. support Peace efforts 1987 Oct 12

Filed under 2 or more | administrative history | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

A letter to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, dated 12 October 1987 was co-signed by representatives of Twenty Two countries .:

12 October 1987

Dear Mr. Secretary-General,

We have the honour to extend to you our appreciation for your tireless efforts toward peace and to commend you on the success of the International Year of Peace. Your report on the Year of Peace to the current session of the General Assembly (A/42/487) is most interesting, and we are particularly gratified to see that over 300 worthy organizations merited “Peace Messenger” awards. We are equally gratified to know that this award is to be part of a continuing initiative to stimulate and reward positive work toward world peace.

It is in this context that we would wish to recommend for your kind consideration a non-governmental organization, the Sri Chinmoy Centre, for the Peace Messenger award. The Sri Chinmoy Centre meets the established criteria for this award by virtue of its many programmes that provide continuing opportunities for participation in the promotion of peace. We have been inspired by the dedication and sincerity with which this organization has worked towards peace with the goals of the United Nations as a major impetus.

As you may know, this worldwide non-governmental organization has co-operated closely with Sri Chinmoy: The Peace Meditation at the United Nations (formerly called the United Nations Meditation Group), an association of United Nations delegates, staff, non-governmental representatives and accredited press correspondents, founded in 1970. Many of the members of the Peace Meditation group are Secretariat staff, a fact of which we are sure you are well aware and proud.

The activities that Sri Chinmoy has supported and sponsored over the past 17 years, both within and outside the United Nations environment, have purposes and goals parallel to those of the United Nations. Indeed, Sir, we could enumerate many instances of active support and inspiration he has initiated over the years but feel that the sheer magnitude of his work is best conveyed for your ease of reference in the attached annexes.

Most worthy of special mention is the “Oneness-Home Peace Run”, a giant co-operative venture — organized with strong support from the Sri Chinmoy Centre — that passed flaming peace torches from hand to hand among runners in 49 countries. Continuous relays spanned the United States (11,000 miles through all 50 states), Canada (5,000 miles), Europe (7,000 miles), Australia (2,500 miles)


His Excellency

Mr. Javier Perez de Cuellar

Secretary-General of the United Nations …


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and Japan (1,300 miles), and local runs were held in Africa, South America, the Caribbean, Mexico, Bhutan and China. It was the longest relay run in history, covering a total of over 27,000 miles, more than the circumference of the earth. The Prime Ministers of Australia, Canada and Iceland participated, along with United Nations Ambassadors and hundreds of other national and local government officials, celebrities and internationally known athletes. AFS exchange students around the world joined thousands of runners and supporters in passing on the message of the Peace Run: “Peace begins in the heart of each individual — one person at a time.” In recognition of this and similar efforts, we urge you to include the Sri Chinmoy Centre among the recipients of the Peace Messenger award.

While we have been moved by these various activities for peace, it has become obvious that the major inspiration for these efforts stems from an individual who has consistently upheld the ideals of the United Nations Charter in his work for world peace. This man is, of course, Sri Chinmoy, who has lent his name and support to so many peace-related activities.

In this connection we would also like to bring another proposal to your attention. We appreciate that the Peace Messenger award is not intended for individuals, but in keeping with the spirit of this excellent system of recognition that you have generated, we are prompted further to suggest that you may also wish to award some form of recognition to Sri Chinmoy directly. In 1986, Puerto Rico bestowed upon him the title of “Peace Ambassador in Puerto Rico”. Perhaps in a similar fashion you may wish to award a comparable title such as “Honourary Peace Ambassador” or “Honourary Peace Messenger” to Sri Chinmoy.

We are grateful for your kind attention to this matter and sincerely hope that in the coming year your esteemed efforts towards peace will become increasingly fruitful and that the heavy burdens of your office will continue to be met with your characteristic strength of purpose and will.

Accept, Sir, the assurances of our highest consideration.

Dr. Kwam Kouassi, Permant Representative of Togo to the United Nations

Zenon Rossides Ambassador of Cyprus (Ret.)

Dr. Lamuel A. Stan1slaus; Permanent Representative of Grenada to the United Nations

Paul Bamela Engo, Permanent Representative of the Republic of Cameroon to the United Nations

Amara Essy, Permanent Representative of the Cote d’ Ivoire to the United Nations

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