1985 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Filed under Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category
Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available


25 February     -Tribute to the “Mohicans:’ a group of U.N. staff members, both currently employed and retired, who joined the U.N. at its inception
5 March              -Programme honouring Ambassador Zenon Rossides of Cyprus for his 25 years of tireless efforts for world peace
19 March              -Presentation of the U Thant Peace Award to the United Nations Development Programme, in a ceremony on U Thant Island
18 April                  -Concert of new age music for the United Nations 40th anniversary held in co-operation with WNYC radio
9 May                      -Meeting with Zubin Mehta, the musical director of the New York Philharmonic Orchestra
24 May                    – UNDP honours the Peace Meditation Group
31 May and 2 June    -One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community
4 June                         -Tribute to Mr. Kiyoshi Nakamura, Japanese philosopher and athletic coach
II June                      -.!’Songs for a Peaceful World’!..-vocal and instrumental performance
18 June                    -Peace meditation at U.S. Congress 10 pray for the release of American hostages
23 June                     -18-mile relay run for the United Nations 40th anniversary
25 and 26 June      -Peace Walk for U.N. Charter Day
26 June                    -Ceremony for U.N. Charter Day
28 June-                       Meeting with Dr. Jorge IIlueca of Panama
17 July                       -Performance of scenes from the play, The Sacred Fire. written by Sri Chinmoy
18 July                       -Reception for Deputy Ambassador of India, Vinay Verma, at Annam Brahma Restaurant in Queens, New York
3 August                      -Tennis tournament for delegates’ wives
29 August                    -Performance of the Hiroshima/Nagasaki Cantata by the Song-Waves Choir to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the atomic bombing
13 September                 -Reception at the Jharna-Kala Gallery, hosted by Ambassador of India, Natarajan Krishnan, to welcome diplomats of the 40th session of thc Gcneral Assembly
17 September              -Meeting with Dr. Jorge Illueca of Panama
21 September                  -Members of the Meditation Group invited to participate in World Gratitude Day Ceremony
24 September               -Programme to honour Meditation Group member Adhiratha Keefe of UNICEF for his English Channel swim in tribute to the United Nations 40th anniversary
3 and 5 October                -One-mile fun runs tor the U.N. community
24 October                       -Seven Minutes of World Peace observed at U.N. Headquarters and around the world
28 October                       -Peace Concert fur the 40th anniversary of the U.N., held in Avery Fisher Hall of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York
29 and 30 October         -Peace Walk for the United Nations 40th anniversary
21 November                    -Tenth anniversary of the observance of the International Day of Thanksgiving, held in Washington, D.C. in cooperation with the Peace Meditation at Congress
26 November                    -Programme to honour Ambassador Davidson Hepburn of the Bahamas
26 November                    -Presentation of the U.N. 40th Anniversary Medal to Sri Chinmoy by Dr. Robert Muller, Assistant Secretary-General for the Commemoration of the Fortieth Anniversary of the United Nations
29 November                      -Meeting with Frank Zane, award winning exponent of health and physical fitness
8 December                         -Peace Concert fur the International Year of Peace, held in the General Assembly Hall Lobby
20 December                          -Meeting with Tokuma Utsunomiya, member of the House of Councillors, National Diet of Japan, and prominent spokesman for peace.

Shows the scope of the activities – at United Nations headquarters and around the world – of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations