1984 Activities Listings – Meditation Group

Filed under Listings - Register - Index by Date or Subject Category
Partial List of programmes, events, countries, individuals participating in activities of Sri Chinmoy: the Peace Meditation at the United Nations.

This list is indicative of the types of activities but not exhaustive of all participation or events. Some times a consolidated or partial list sorted by subject-category, date, person or country. To be reviewed and updated. Eventually to have embedded links to actual programmes or photos where they are available


10 February             -Programme to celebrate the anniversary of Japan’s founding
1 March                    -Inauguration of the Peace Meditation at the United States Congress, in Washington, D.e.
2 March               -Tribute to Simon Bolivar: The Liberator
12 April                  -Special peace meditation for the 14th anniversary of the Group
16 May                    -Programme to honour India’s Ambassador to Argentina, Mr. L. L. Mehrotra
8 and 10 June      -One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community
21 June                    -Performance of the play, The Sacred Fire. Sri Chinmoy’s dramatic tribute to the history and spirit of America
25 and 26 June       -Peace Walk for U.N. Charter Day
28 June                -Meeting with the President of the 38th General Assembly Dr. Jorge Illueca
29 June                -Programme to honour Security Officer Bernard Factor on his retirement after 32 years of service to the U.N.
5 July                   -Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, an Indian cultural organisation, honoured Sri Chinmoy
8 July                   -Sri Chinmoy invited to open the final day of the tenth World Hindu Conference, held in Madison Square Garden’s Felt Forum, with a silent meditation
3 August                -Concert by flutist Mr. Ronald Snijders of Suriname
21 September       -Meditation Group members invited to perform at 20th anniversary celebration of World Gratitude Day
5 and 7 October     -One-mile fun runs for the U.N. community
8 October                -Mceting with Bcrnard Weatherill, Speaker of the British House of Commons, at a reception in Westminister Abbey hosted in Sri Chinmoy’s honour by the Dean of Westminster, Edward Carpenter
23 and 24 October    -Peace Walk in honour of U.N. Day
24 October                    -Seven Minutes of World Peace observed at U.N. Headquarters and around the world

24 October               -Balloon release to mark the 39th anniversary of the U.N.
30 October              -Special meditation with staff members of the Internal Audit Division who participated in a daily meditation group in their office
2 November               -Memorial tribute to Indira Gandhi
3 December                -Concert for peace for the U.N. community
7 December             -Programme to honour the founder of the Temple of Understanding, Mrs. Judith Hollister

Shows the scope of the activities – at United Nations headquarters and around the world – of Sri Chinmoy and members of the Peace Meditation group, in addition to twice-weekly meditations for peace at the United Nations