Interfaith Tennis Classic for Religious and Spiritual Teachers 1987 – 1992?
Filed under Other Awards, Citations, Presentations | Spiritual figure and plays | Sport & AthleticsMembers of the Peace Meditation Group at the United Nations were pleased to be involved with organizing and inviting their friends to be part of a number of Sri Chinmoy Interfaith “Tennis Classic for Religious and Spiritual Teachers”
This delightfully innovative tournament for those 55 years old and over; brought priests, pastors and rabbis to Aspiration Ground in queens , NY for five successive years (1987 – 92?).
It was first held on August 10, 1987.
1988 April 20 and 27 at Aspiration-Ground for priests, rabbis and ministers
(above can be separate entries for Posts with info from Anahata Nada on related dates 91987 – 1992) and photos from Photographers: possibly Pulak and Bashwar?).
See also:
- Sri Chinmoy Tennis Tournament for Priests on October 28, 1986
God’s Tennis Court
Is meant only for those
Who like to play all the time
I go to God twice a day.
In the morning, I go to my Beloved Supreme
With the surrender of a tennis ball.
He tells me I am on my way to perfection.
In the evening, I go to my Beloved Supreme
With a basket of gratitude-flowers.
He tells me I am all perfection.
I play tennis every day
To join my Lord’s Vision-Play.
I am the surrender-ball:
All joy in a body small.
Tennis, tennis, tennis game,
My heart’s perfection-flame.
– Sri Chinmoy
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