After UN Peace Meditation Group Meeting in 1980s undated Photos 1989-dec-31

Filed under photo - alone

After a meeting of the Peace Meditation at the United Nations there were images spontaneously taken from an inexpensive camera of a meditation group member.

The location was  outside of  the main UN Building in N.Y  inside the gates by the lawn, Traffic Circle and reflecting pool in front of the Main Secretariat entrance during the 1980’s.


Possibly waiting for the vehicle which would take Sri Chinmoy back to his Queens residence.


Posted here as for 31 Dec 1989 until a more accurate date can be confirmed:


Download PDF:  1989-12-dec-31-outside-un-ckg-N0-date-ak-camera

Click on images below for larger or different resolution photo – Images:


This picture seems to be taken with a different camera possibly on the same or different day in the similar area  in front of the UN building