Uner Kirdar: Oneness-Pathfinder on: Human Dimension of Development, 1989 Feb 07

Filed under europe | Tributes and Expressions of appreciation

A Programe was held where

  • Mr. Uner Kirdar of UNDP addressed the members of the Peace Meditation Group on the Human Dimensions of Development.
  • The Group Honoured Mr Kidarwith song that Sri Chinmoy had composed in his honour.

Below in addition to excerpt from the introduction to the Programe there is :

  • The music score for the song
  • pages from a brochure from the day, and
  • Correspondence between Uner Kirdar and Sri Chinmoy.

From Introduction:

Today we are delighted to welcome a special guest and friend, Mr. Uner Kirdar. Mr. Kirdar, who is Director of UNDP’s Division of External Relations and Governing Council Secretariat, has been a kind and enthusiastic friend of the Peace Meditation Group at the UN for a number of years. He was with UNDP ‘ s former Administrator, Mr. Bradford Morse, when Mr. Morse and Sri Chinmoy met in this (Dag Hammarskjold) auditorium in in 1983, and since that time he has been extremely gracious toward us.


In 1985, when the Meditation Group presented the U Thant Peace Award to UNDP, Mr. Kirdar was designated by Mr. Morse to accept the award in a beautiful ceremony on U Thant Island; in the East River..

Mr. Klrdar, who is a Turkish national, graduated from the Facu1ty of Law,at the University of Istanbul, then undertook graduate studies at the London School of Economic, and later received the Doctorate of Philosophy in international law and economics from Jesus College at Cambridge.

Mr. Kirdar held senior Positions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of his country,which he represented at several UN General Assemblies, at ECOSOC, the UNDP Governing Council. In ‘1972, he was seconded by the Turkish Government to the United Nations Secretariat,and in 1978 he was promoted to the highest grade in the Turkish civil service, the rank of ambassadorial assignments.

Following several important posts at the United Nations, Mr. Kirdar ~ transferred to UNDP,~here he has served for ,more than ten years in his present capacity. iJ/. He represents UNDP,1n most intergovernmental UN meetings! and is also responsible for the ~ Development Study Programme, which seeks to promote greater understanding of development issues and to stimulate the search for new solutions to problems of development. He has organized several seminars joining together high-level policy makers, international officials, academics and leaders of public and private enterprise.

Mr. Kirdar has written extensively for both Turkish and English-language publications; and has authored a book on the Structure of UN Economic Aid to Underdeveloped Countries.


Mr Udar Made a Presentation on the Human Dimension of Development 9link to text to be added as available





After the event the following correspondence was exchanged between Mr .Kirdar and Sri Chinmoy.



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