Concert for U.N. Day, 2013 Oct 24: Songs by Sri Chinmoy + Words of Secretary-Generals -Part 1

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2013-10-oct-24-un-day-concert-prog-quotes-ocr_Page_01You are cordially invited to a


In celebration of United Nations Day

Featuring songs composed by Sri Chinmoy,

Founder of The Peace Meditation at the United Nations,

performed by vocal and instrumental ensembles

Thursday, 24 October 2013, 1-2 p.m.

Dag Hammarskjold Auditorium, United Nations, New York

RSVP: 718-739-4761

Sponsored by the United Nations SRC Music Appreciation Society


See also: 2013-oct-24-songs-by-sri-chinmoy-words-of-secretary-generals-part-2/

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For more See also: 2013-oct-24-songs-by-sri-chinmoy-words-of-secretary-generals-part-2/