Question: How can we forget our past? – you have to know something about peace, light and power…
Filed under Questions and Answers (Q&A) | Role of meditation at UN - Practical GuidanceSri Chinmoy: How can you forget the past?
Before you can answer that question, first you have to know something about peace, light and power.
“What is peace ?” A child is peaceful when you give him a toy. He plays with the toy for about ten or fifteen minutes and while he is playing he is making noise. The very noise that he is making is giving him a sense of peace. He is making noise and disturbing us, but that noise is his perfect
peace. That is the understanding which a child has. But your sense of peace is different. You are a sincere seeker, so your peace does not come from playing games. No, your peace does not come from outside; it comes from inside you. It is already there, only you have to bring it to the fore through aspiration.
Then think of light. For a blind man, the real light is the sun . When you sta nd in front of a blind man and say ” light, ” immediately the man will cry for the sun. It is the conception of a blind man that the sun is the only light because he is always in outer darkness. But when you say “light” to a
spiritual seeker, immediately the seeker will go deep within and there see the real light. You have two eyes and they are functioning well. But
according to great spiritual Masters, you are no better than a blind man. Your eyes are not seeing the real light which can change your consciousness. Every human being, irrespective of his age and profession, whether he is a moral person or an immoral person, is getting sunlight. But the inner light is only for those who are crying for God and who want to serve God.
Now comes power. Physical power, vital power and mental power you see all the time . With physical power you can beat someone. With vital power you can torture someone. With mental power you can gain supremacy over someone. But there are two other kinds of power: psychic power and soul power. With psych ic power you do not show your supremacy; you only make others feel your oneness with them. Soul power you use only to illumine yourself. While you are being illumined, you feel the existence of others in your heart. When you pray and meditate, when you aspire, your
psychic power and soul power is released and you feel your illumining oneness with the entire world. This oneness with the world comes from your conscious oneness with God. Unless and until you have become one with God, you can never become one with humanity. If someone says, “Let me become one with humanity first, and then I will become one with God, ” I will say, .No , it is not possible. If you really want to establish your oneness with the tree of humanity, then establish your oneness first with God, who is the root.
“Human power is very often used aggressively, for destruction. Very rarely do individuals use this human power to create a dynamic awareness or a dynamic movement in their lives. But soul power is all peace and, at the same time, all dynamism. When you want to see power in its perfect form of peace and equanimity, you have to look within to the soul. When you want to see the dynamic power which awakens and illumines the slumbering consciousness, again you have to look within.
It is the soul power that you use to illumine your consciousness. It is the soul power that you use to realise the Highest. It is the soul power that you use to bring the Infinite in to the finite and to lift the finite into the Infinite.
Do you have the qualities that I have mentioned? Do you have peace, light and power? The immediate answer is in the negative. Are you satisfied with what you have and what you are? Again, the immediate answer is no. So , the past has played its role. The things that you really want, the past has not given you, so in one sense you are a failure. But you have to know that failure is one of the pillars of success. Yesterday you failed; but that does not mean that you will fail again.
Yesterday you did not aspire, whereas today you are trying consciously to achieve the highest; today you are crying for the things that you really need and want. If you really want real divine peace, di vine light and divine power, if these things are the things that you are crying for, then you will get them.
When will you get them? Right this moment or in the moment that is fast dawning in your life. Only the present or the future can give you what you want. When you use the term ‘future’ or ‘Eternity’, you don’t have to feel that you must wait forever. This is a wrong conception. For the sincere seeker, Eternity is here in the immediacy of today. If Eternity meant that you had to wait for billions and trillions of years before you could achieve the Infinite , then life would be hopeless; you would always be waiting.
Eternity is where you came from; Eternity is the reality in which you grow and develop. So, the future you will find here on earth , at this very moment, through your own growing aspiration and dawning illumination. The future and the present are the obverse and reverse of the same coin. It is the present, along with the future , that forms reality. A coin has two sides. If you see a coin with only one side, whereas on the other side there is nothing, then the coin will be rejected. When you see the present and the future, only then are you seeing both sides of reality. Otherwise , if you see only one side, reality is incomplete and imperfect. Your present and your future must go together. Then you will see that you are transforming your life into a golden coin made by God Himself.
At that time, you will live in God‘s treasure-house, where there is only divine peace, light and power. Here there is no frustration , no fear, no anxiety, no doubt, no sense of abnegation, no self- torture, but only self- awareness, illumination and fulfilment.
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